View Full Version : Коя е вашата песен?

06-15-2005, 18:09
Коя ви е любимата песен? :D Ако искате може да я "запеете" тук! :)
Аз лично харесвам страшно много песни и то от различен стил..слушам всякаква музика(почти с малки изключения) :) Сега ще ви поздравя с:No Doubt - Don't Speak

You and me
We used to be together
Every day together always
I really feel
I'm losing my best friend
I can't believe
This could be the end
It looks as though you're letting go
And if it's real
Well I don't want to know

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts

Our memories
They can be inviting
But some are altogether
Mighty frightning

As we die, both you and I
With my head in my hands
I sit and cry
It's all ending
I gotta stop pretending who we are
You and me
I can see us dying...are we?

06-15-2005, 18:13
Don`t speak naistina e mn qka rastapqm se na neq
moqta pesen e na Cradle of Filth-Nymphetamine
lybimiqt mi citat ot neq e(nadqvam se da go napi6a pravilno)
Cold was my soul
Untold was the pain
I faced when you left me
a rose in the rain
So I swore to the razor
That never enchained
Would your dark nails of faith
Be pushed through my veins again?

06-15-2005, 18:18
Шибана патрулка минава
часът на срещата наближава
качеството екстра
и цената е такава
Ухери на пост
главите веднага крия
и въпрос
на време е с пари да се сдобия
Живееш наблизо и си ми просто съсед
а времената са такива, че ми е през кура за теб
но понеже си полицай
пари ти давам - ДАЙ !
пари ти давам но докрай със мен сега играй
Ченгето беше в играта бих казал от доста време
и всичко вървеше без усложнения и без проблеми
пари големи
направихме тогава
изсушена трева пасеше и сухо даваше
нашата зелена крава
Природата на човек е такава
че и ти за пари ще продадеш и душата си дори
За материални неща къщи, бързи лъскави каручки
за скъп живот със светлини, лукс и много разгонени
Не харесваш ли някой не обичаш да го криеш
а когато те обиди със кръвта му се миеш
G, не съм глупак да оставя ченгето капо
и както казва my nigga 2PAC
FUCK the PoPo !!!
Пропаганда Хип Хоп
не нарушава закони
Пропаганда Хип Хоп
ще я пушат, слушат милиони
и дори и параноя да ме гони
тъпите пагони ще го ДУХАТ!
Със цигани се сдърпахме бяхме само аз и той
а от ромския слой бяха седем-осем на брой
наскачаха към нас но се спряха
щом на Spike газьола каза:
Още една крачка и двама от вас умряха
Циганката гепи 1-6-6
ченгетата не закъсняха
дойдоха веднага спряха и единият тръгна белезници
ми слага
Един момент г-сине,
пусни банкнотата да мине
Да се возя до насита на сините таксита обичам
а накрая не трая и щом срещна полицая
не спичам, без адвокат всичко отричам
и да ме возят предпочитам вместо пред тях да тичам
"Във джоба ти надничам"-единият ми каза
зарад тъпото ченге сега ще се набутам за да сляза
защото за да ни пуснат искаха нещо да глътнат
нещо да глътнат казвам си
"Не е ли по-добре нещо да врътнат?"
и им викам:
Ей момчета, имам екстра качество една ще стигне за
а тези двете са за после да ги дръпнете самички
щот любимото ми нещо на този шибан свят е:
Корупция, обичам тази дума и всичко е наред
приготвиш ли точната сума
Курс "Гренадерска-Централ"
цигарата свърши да се возим още няма смисъл
от крайслера бял излязох ни лук ял
ни лук мирисъл
Платих на водача на таксито с големея син буркан
Той бил разбран, кълве на 10 DM и вече не си
подадох му парите като го гледах във очите
измивам своите ръце, щом ги давам от сърце
Защо всички пушат и защо всеки се крие
нима не разбираш, че това което виждаш това не сме
G, не съм глупак и никога няма да бъда
духайте го куки, защото ще си пуша буда
Колкото си искам!
Лесна крими гатанка сега ще ви задам
бягаме от тях както бяга дявол от тамян
Кои са те? Веднага отгатнете
познахте точно така това са тъпите пердета
А те опитат ли се да ме арестуват
веднага парите вадя и ги питам колко струват
колкото-толкова без проблем език намирам
защото, mr. Ness, дори и ти си корумпиран
:D :D :D

06-15-2005, 18:25
mi az imam tri pesni4ki.vseki den gi slusham zadaljitelno po 5 pati ako ne i pove4e.
1-ne znaesh na mailna i azis :arrow: ne znaeeesh,ti ne znaesh kak sam plakal az,ti ne znaesh kak sam 4akal az,ne znaeeesh.padah sama,jivota buren padah sama,a ti ne razbraaa...
2-3v1 na upsurd,galq,milen cvetkov :arrow: ti gledash men,gledai kak go pravqq,nejno stava,nedei...
3-ti li na preslava i dj jeri :arrow: ti li mi govoreshe za 4uvstvaaa...obi4am te,obi4am te...ti li me obi4ash i koga reshi tova.ti li deto smaza mi dushata za cql jivot.ti,ne znaesh kakvo e liubov...
:D super sa,naliii?

06-15-2005, 18:36
[b]Има изключитено много песни,които ми харесват,но тези,които са по-специални са:

:arrow: Nana - Dreams(най-страхотната песен)


06-15-2005, 19:09
Moiata lubima pesen e na Bon Jovi-I`ts my life,naistina mnogo i se kefia,za6toto i az spodeliam teksta na pesenta i vinagi si otstoiavam jelaniata :?

06-15-2005, 19:13
Eto tova e Mandy Moore-Only Hope

There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But you sing to me over and over and over again

So I lay my head back down
and I lift my hands and pray
to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope

Sing to me the song of the stars
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again

So I lay my head back down
and I lift my hands and pray
to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope

I give you my destiny
I'm giving you all of me
I want your symphony
singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs
I'm giving it back

So I lay my head back down
and I lift my hands and pray
to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope

06-15-2005, 19:26
mi az imam tri pesni4ki.vseki den gi slusham zadaljitelno po 5 pati ako ne i pove4e.
1-ne znaesh na mailna i azis :arrow: ne znaeeesh,ti ne znaesh kak sam plakal az,ti ne znaesh kak sam 4akal az,ne znaeeesh.padah sama,jivota buren padah sama,a ti ne razbraaa...
2-3v1 na upsurd,galq,milen cvetkov :arrow: ti gledash men,gledai kak go pravqq,nejno stava,nedei...
3-ti li na preslava i dj jeri :arrow: ti li mi govoreshe za 4uvstvaaa...obi4am te,obi4am te...ti li me obi4ash i koga reshi tova.ti li deto smaza mi dushata za cql jivot.ti,ne znaesh kakvo e liubov...
:D super sa,naliii?

По дяволите и аз съм така! :shock: Азис и Малина я слушам защото ми изразява чуствата...а понякой път слушам на Азис - Как Боли защото имам хубави спомени на нея.. :P

06-15-2005, 19:30
Проспуснах да испея 1-2 песни
:arrow: Азис и Малина - Не знаеш
Искам да ти кажа нещо,много отдавна...
нещо, което искам да го изкрещя на целия свят,
искам да ти кажа, че те обичам до болка.

И аз те обичам, обичам те до болка,
обичам те безкрайно много, не знаеш колко много...

Защо си сама,
какво ти сторих, нямам вина...
с греха се борих, нямам вина,
а ти не разбра... (х2)

Не знаеш, колко много съм те чакал аз,
колко в нощите съм плакал аз, ти не знаеш... (х2)

Падах сама...
В живота бурен падах сама,
в живота труден падах сама
и бях на ръба... (х2)
Не знаеш, ти не знаеш как съм чакала,
колко в нощите съм плакала, ти не знаеш... (х2)

Азис и Малина:
Не знаеш, ти не знаеш как те чаках аз,
ти не знаеш колко плаках аз, ти не знаеш... (х4)

06-15-2005, 19:37
[b]ооо то да не е една
едната е Hit My Heart на Benassi br0s. , a другата е:

by Baby Ranks
Baby Ranks...(Yeah...)
Para ti...

Amor, dile que no...
Te maltrate tu corazon...
Quiero, baby, tu amor...
Que me ames sin temor...

Yo quiero ver tu emocion
Tu pasion, y sentirte bailando sexy
Quiero yo, en esta ocasion
Decirte hoy que si no estas me muero yo

Baila, que tu cuerpo representa
Chula, te me has subido a la cabeza
Es hora de olvidar lo que te afecta
Sueltate, motivate, y perrea
Activala sola que mi flow esta sonando
Belleza, es mi trono y aqui voy a ser que entiendas
Porque en la vida hay muchas sorpresas
Como el conocernos, mi reina, mi bella mujer
Y tu man, yo se que nunca te trata bien
Que es malo, y nunca te logra satisfacer
Pero voy a brindarte mi querer
Y voy a complacerte a ti otra vez
Solo sigueme, y hare que te olvides de el
Para que ya no llores hoy mas por el
Vamos, entregate a este baile, y ven
Voy a brindarte lo que tu te mereces

Y que aun siento en tu calor
Esa ilusion de estar juntos al fin tu y yo
Y ya no puedo fingir que yo
No siento nada por ti, amor
No puedo...



"Que haces?"

("Aqui, triste y aburrida.")


("Porque mi novio me sigue haciendo da

06-15-2005, 19:46
моите любими песни са:
роби уилиамс-angels
mariah carey-my all
evanescence-bring me to live
mariah carey-without you
има и още и още.... но тези са ми най-любими

06-15-2005, 20:57
обожавам няколко песнички
1.Sergio del Rio - Parazaar(не мога да я запея щот няма текст)
2.Tarkan - Dudu(тази пък е на турски :P :wink: )
3.No Doubt - Don`t speak
и още сууупер много ама тези повече....

06-15-2005, 21:10
Много са, но ще се постарая да дам топ 5 за сега:
1. Sergio Del Rio - Parazaar
2. Kati Garbi - Esena mono
3. Tomaz - Sunshine
4. Yves Larock - Zookey
5. Dale Don Dale & Remember...
и адски много други, за тези се сетих сега :wink:

06-15-2005, 21:12
ъпсурт галя и милен-3 в 1

06-16-2005, 09:22
Linkin Park

i'm tired of being what you want me to be
feeling so faithless
lost under the surface
i don't know what you're expecting of me
put under the pressure
of walking in your shoes
[caught in the undertow / just caught in the undertow]
every step that i take is another mistake to you

become so numb
i can't feel you there
become so tired
so much more aware
i'm becoming this
all i want to do
is be more like me
and be less like you

can't you see that you're smothering me
holding too tightly
afraid to lose control
cause everything that you thought i would be
has fallen apart right in front of you

[caught in the undertow / just caught in the undertow]
every step that i take is another mistake to you
[caught in the undertow / just caught in the undertow]
and every second i waste is more than i can take

but i know
i may end up failing too
but i know
you were just like me
with someone disappointed in you

Това е най-доброто на света... луда съм за тая песен :)

06-16-2005, 12:20
Hmmm ami te sa dosta obache sega za tezi se seshtam :arrow:
Sonata Arctica - The Misery, kakto i Replica
System of A Down - Toxicity
Godsmack - I stand alone, serenity, Moon baby
Aerosmith - I don't want to miss a thing
Marilyn Manson - Sweet dreams
i oshte mnogo i mnogo metyl i rok pesni

06-16-2005, 12:38
Тя е "една" и ми напомня за "едно" място,на "един"континент наречен Европа,само там я пускаха...в Една държава,която мноого ми липсва,не я знам певицата която я пее ама песента се казваше-We make love for nothing

06-16-2005, 14:04
Като сме почнали с баладите и аз да кяжа коя е моята те са 2 надявам се че става:
Spice Girls - Viva Forever

Do you still remember
How we used to be
Feeling together, believe in whatever
My love has said to me
Both of us were dreamers
Young love in the sun
Felt like my saviour, my spirit I gave ya
We'd only just begun

Hasta Manana,
Always be mine

Viva forever, I'll be waiting
Everlasting, like the sun
Live forever,
For the moment
Ever searching for the one

Yes I still remember,
Every whispered word
The touch of your skin, giving life from within
Like a love song that I'd heard
Slipping through our fingers,
Like the sands of time
Promises made, every memory saved
Has reflections in my mind

Hasta Manana,
Always be mine


Back where I belong now,
Was it just a dream
Feelings unfold, they will never be sold
And the secret's safe with me

Hasta Manana,
Always be mine

Beverley Craven - Promise me

You light up another cigarete
and I pour the wine
It's four o'clock in the morning
and it's starting to get light
now I'm right where I want to be
losing track of time
but I wish that it was still last night

You look like you're in another world
but I can read your mind
how can you be so far away
lying by my side
4when I go away I'll miss you
and I will be thinking of you
every night and day just ...

Promise me you'll wait for me
'cause I'll be saving all my love for you
and I will be home soon
Promise me you you'll wait for me
I need to know you feel the same way too
and I'll be home, I'll be home soon

When I go away I'll miss you
and I will be thinking of you
every night and day just ...

Promise me you'll wait for me
'cause I'll be saving all my love for you
and I will be home soon
Promise me you you'll wait for me
I need to know you feel the same way too
and I'll be home, I'll be home
Promise me you'll wait for me
'cause I'll be saving all my love for you
and I will be home soon
Promise me you you'll wait for me
I need to know you feel the same way too
and I'll be home, I'll be home soon.

06-16-2005, 14:06
Emi moite liubimi sa In The End na LP, Faint na LP, Numb na LP.....awe po4ti vs im pesni....a sq ne6tu me kefi na malina i azis ne znae6....aaa i 1 pesen aja mahi.....nz dali se pi6e taka :oops: :lol:

06-16-2005, 14:13
:arrow: Savage Garden-The Moon and Back
:arrow: Malina&Azis-Neznae6
:arrow: upsurt feat galq,milen-3 in 1 neo4qkvano dobra kombinaciq

i o6te mnogo

06-16-2005, 14:53
грам не разбирам тоя език, ма ме кефи песента: Рамщайн - Енгел.

[color=green][b]Wer zu Lebzeit gut auf Erden
wird nach dem Tod ein Engel werden
den Blick gen Himmel fragst du dann
warum man sie nicht sehen kann

Erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehen
kann man uns am Himmel sehen
wir haben Angst und sind allein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

Sie leben hinterm Sonnenschein
getrennt von uns unendlich weit
sie m

06-17-2005, 12:47
Daddy Yankee - Gasolina

DA-DDY-YAN-KEE! Sumale mambo pa que mi gata prenda lo motore
Sumale mambo pa que mi gata prenda lo motore
Sumale mambo pa que mi gata prenda lo motore
Que se prepararen que lo que viene es pa' que le den ( duro!)
Mamita yo se que tu no temes masticarr(duro!)
Lo que me gusta es que tu te dejas llevarr(duro!)
To los weekenes ella sale a vasilarr(duro!)
Mi gata no para de jangiar porque
Ella le gusta la gasolina(dame mas gasolina!)
Como le encanta la gasolina(dame mas gasolina!) 2x
Ella prende la turvina
No dicrimina
No se pierde ni un party de marquesina
Se asicala va pa la esquina
Luce tambien que asta la sombra le combina
Asesina, me domina
Janguea en carro,motora, y limosina
Llena su tanque de adrenalina
Cuando escucha el reggaeton en la cocina
Ella le gusta la gasolina(dame mas gasolina!)
Como le encanta la gasolina(dame mas gasolina!) 2x
Maky y yo somos los mejores
No te me ajores
En la pista nos llaman lo matadores
Tu haces que cualquiera se enamore
Cuando bailas al ritmo de los tambores,
Eto va pa la gata de to colore
Pa la mayores, pa la menores
Para la que son mas zorras que los casadores
Pa la mujeres que no apagan su motores
(Suvelo que esto es barrio fino!)
Tenemo tu y yo algo pendienteee
Tu me debe algo y lo sabess
Con mi ella se pierdee
No le rindes cuentas a nadieee2x
Sumale mambo pa que mi gata prenda lo motore
Sumale mambo pa que mi gata prenda lo motore
Sumale mambo pa que mi gata prenda lo motore
Que se prepararen que lo que viene es pa' que le den ( duro!)
Mamita yo se que tu no temes masticarr(duro!)
Lo que me gusta es que tu te dejas llevarr(duro!)
To los weekenes ella sale a vasilarr(duro!)
Mi gata no para de jangiar porque
Ella le gusta la gasolina(dame mas gasolina!)
Como le encanta la gasolina(dame mas gasolina!) 2x
Esto es barrio fino!
Desde el 13 de julio(u know how we do man!!)
A lo loco mucha gasolina
A lo loco mucha gasolina
A lo loco mucha gasolina
Eй супер песничка много си я обичкам :wink:

06-17-2005, 18:05
lubimata mi pesen e:
My Chemical Romance "HELENA"
Avril Lavigne "nobody`s HOME"
i mn dr. :roll:

06-17-2005, 19:46
Christina Aguilera-Walk away

What do you do,when you know something`s bad for you?And you still can`t let it go?

I was naive
your love was like candy
artificially sweet
I was deceived by the wrapping.
Got caught in your web
and I learned how to bleed,
I was pray in your bed
and devoured completely.

And it hurts my soul
cause I can`t let go
all these walls are cavin` in
I can`t stop my suffering
I hate to show that I`ve lost control
cause I ,keep going right back to the one thing that I need to walk away from.

I need to get away from ya,I need to walk away from ya..get away,walk away..walk away!

I should have known
that i was used for amusement
couldn`t see through the smoke
it was all an illusion.
Now I`ve been lickin my wounds
but the vemon seeps deeper(deeper)
we both can seduce
but darling you`re holdin me prisoner

I`m about to break
and I can`t stop this ache
I`m addicted to your love
and I`m iendin for a cure.
every step I take
leads to one mistake
I keep going right back
to teh one thing that I need....
I can`t mend
this torn state i`m in
gettin` nothing in return
what did I do to deserve
the pain of this slow burn
and everywhere I turn
I keep going right back to the one thing that I need
to walk away from.

Everytime I try to grasp for air
I get smothered in dispair
it`s never over,over..
Seems I`ll never wake from this nightmare
i let out a silent prayer
that it would be over over...
Inside i`m screamin
begging,pleading no more

I don`t know what to do
My heart has been bruised
so sad but it`s true
each beat reminds me of you
it hurts my soul
cause I cant let go
all these walls are cavin` in
I can`t stop my suffering
i hate to show that i`ve lost control cause I
keep going right back to teh one thing i need,oh
I`m about to break
and I cant stop this ache
I`m addicted your love
and I`m fiendin for a cure
every step I take
leads to one mistake
I keep going right back to the one thing that i need
I can`t men
this torn state a`m in
gettin nothing in return
what did I do to deserve
the pain of this slow burn
and everywhere I turn
I keep going right back to the one thing that i need to walk away from.......

06-17-2005, 19:54
Tq e edna koqto me sdyhva dosta.. na Evergrey-I'm sorry
I painted a picture of you
Your soul was red and your mind was blue
And destiny laid a lie on my creation
This dream I've made a slave of my passion
Reallity was always too far away
And we were out there
Until it came too close one day
suddenly I faced the truth of my dream
My love had only been a picture, a scene

And I'M SORRY this illusion
has caused you a lot of pain
And i have no solution
I'll try to never be back again
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry

I painted a pisture of you
My dream was a lie and the lie became true
I'm sorry :cry:

06-17-2005, 21:03
Коя ви е любимата песен? :D Ако искате може да я "запеете" тук! :)
Аз лично харесвам страшно много песни и то от различен стил..слушам всякаква музика(почти с малки изключения) :) Сега ще ви поздравя с:No Doubt - Don't Speak

You and me
We used to be together
Every day together always
I really feel
I'm losing my best friend
I can't believe
This could be the end
It looks as though you're letting go
And if it's real
Well I don't want to know

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts

Our memories
They can be inviting
But some are altogether
Mighty frightning

As we die, both you and I
With my head in my hands
I sit and cry
It's all ending
I gotta stop pretending who we are
You and me
I can see us dying...are we?
удари точно в десетката :lol:

06-17-2005, 21:58
Не минава ден без да чуя нещо на Brand New Heavies или Erykah Badu. А иначе като песен съм пристрастена направо към Nelly Furtado - "I'll make you cry". Адски изродска песен!

06-18-2005, 14:54
В момента много се кефя на една песничка(Activ-"Doar Cu Tine"),ако някой знае текста й,може да го напише,мерси! :D
Ето и още една песен от многото които ми харесват,поздрав за вас :wink:
Haddaway-"What is love"

What is love
Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
no more

Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
no more
What is love

Oh I don't know
why you're not fair
I give you my love
but you don't care
So what is right
and what is wrong
gimme a sign

(chorus x2)

uoh oh...
Oh I don't know
what can I do
what else can I say
it's up to you
I know we're one
just me and you
I can't go on

(chorus x2)

uoh oh..
What is love
What is love
What is love
Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
no more
Don't hurt me
Don't hurt me

I want no other
No other love
This is your life
our time
When we are together
I need you forever
Is it love

(chorus x2)

uoh oh..

(chorus x2)

Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
no more
Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
no more
Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
no more
Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
no more
what is love?!...

06-18-2005, 15:40
Всичко що е трайбъл ме отъждествява.

06-18-2005, 15:42
Crematoty - Revolution :

They'll never stop our will to live
free from pain and fear
they cannot bring us down
all your gird
go out and justify the revolution

The beginning of the age - to start revolution
now break and leave their cage - time for revolution
take those traitors away from us - and start revolution
giving back belief and trust - so live the revolution

This reign of fear built of not ending empty promises
strange liars old betrayers because they've failed the aim
there is just one world we live in - justify the revolution

Teaching mankind to fight each other (never again)
but would you like to kill your brother?
never - never again

The beginning of the age - to start revolution
now break and leave their cage - time for revolution
take those traitors away from us - and start revolution
giving back belief and trust - so live the revolution

It's time for - so start a - and live the - revolution
it's time for - so start a - and live the - revolution

ina4e ima o6te mnouuuu pesni koito nemoga bez da
gi slu6am pone vednuj dnevno:)) :roll:

amy lee
06-18-2005, 16:22
божеее, те са около 67378673270 :lol: ай малка част от тях
motley crue- If i die tomorow
I wake up to find myself
After all these years
And where all the time has gone
Still seems so unclear
'Cause there's no one else
Since I found you
I know it's been so hard
You should know

If I die tomorrow
As the minutes fade away
I can't remember
Have I said all I can say?
You're my everything
You make me feel so alive
If I die tomorrow

It brings out the worst in me
When you're not around
I miss the sound of your voice
The silence seems so loud
'Cause there's no one else
Since I found you
I know it's been so hard
You should know

If I die tomorrow
As the minutes fade away
I can't remember
Have I said all I can say?
You're my everything
You make me feel so alive
If I die tomorrow

I spent all my life
Looking for our innocence
I've got nothing to lose
One thing to prove
I won't make the same mistakes
Now I know
That everything will be ok
When I die tomorrow

If I die tomorrow
As the minutes fade away
I can't remember
Have I said all I can say?
You're my everything
You make me feel so alive
If I die tomorrow
You make me feel so alive
If I die tomorrow
If I die tomorrow

si4kite tam na linkin park, nikfi tekstove nqma da pi6a, 4e nqa da mu izleze kraq :lol:

guano apes- break the line
you can get it
come and climb under my skin
overtake it
pushing me on a fast lane
come lets get away
noone knows you like i do
we will pass it if
you let the tires kiss the ground
you should go ahead
so fast
you should go ahead
so fast
break the line
we have to go
cause theres no way back
where we are comming from
i`m your engine
got you strapped into my seat
here is our tactic
we get faster
the more i scream
come lets get away
noone drives you like i do
i`m collapsing
when the tires kiss the ground

you should go ahead
so fast
you should go ahead
so fast

break the line
we have to go
cause theres no way back
where we are comming from

and all i try is to break the thin line
nothings gonna stop the way of life
be sure that you are safe
i`ll show you a place
where we can be and everyone is dreaming of

you should go ahead
so fast
you should go ahead
so fast

break the line
we have to go
cause theres no way back
where we are comming from

bloodflowerz-dorian, hammerfall-blood bound i MNOOOGO dr 8)

06-18-2005, 20:34
Ухаааа,аз колко любими песни имам не е истина.... :P Но ще кажа най-любимите ми :wink:
:arrow: 2 Pac - Baby Don`t Cry
:arrow: Akon - Locked up
:arrow: Dj Halou - Sentello
:arrow: C-Block - Ghetto Generation
:arrow: Nana - Remember The Time
:arrow: 3 Doors Down - Here without you
:arrow: Backstreet Boys - Invomplete
:arrow: CoolCut - Please let me know
:arrow: C-block - Strung out
:arrow: Linkin Park - From The Inside
:arrow: Linkin Park - Numb
:arrow: Evanescence - Imaginary
:arrow: Evanescence - You
:arrow: Eminem - Mockingbird
:arrow: Bryan Adams - Please Forgive Me
:arrow: Richard Max - Right Here waiting for You
Мисля,че тези са достатъчни.Сега ще приложа някоилко текста :P

Locked Up

Im steady tryna find a motive,
Why do what i do?,
Freedom aint gettin no closer,
No matter how far i go,
My car is stolen, no registration,
Cops patrolin, and now they done stop me,
And i get locked up,

They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (im locked up)
They won't let me out no, they wont let me out, (im locked up)
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (im locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out

Headin up town to re-up,
Back with a couple keys,
Corner blocks on fire,
Under covers dressed as fiends,
Makin so much money,
Products movin' fast,
Put away the stash,
And as i sold the last bag fucked around and got locked up

They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (my nigga im locked up)
They won't let me out no, they wont let me out, (i got locked up)
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (baby girl im locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out

Cuz visitation no longer comes by,
Seems like they forgot about me,
Commissary is getting empty,
My cell mates getting food without me,
Can't wait to get out and move forward with my life,
Got a family that loves me and wants me to do right
But instead Im here locked up

They won't let me out, they won't let me out,
(ohhh im locked up)
They won't let me out no, they wont let me out,
(my nigga im locked up)
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (im locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out

Maybe a visit (they won't let me out)
Send me some magazines (they won't let me out)
Send me some money orders (they won't let me out, no)
Maybe a visit baby (they won't let me out)
Cuz im locked up, they won't let me out.
Wheres my lawyer? (they won't let me out)
Im locked up, they won't let me out, no.
Get me outta here (they won't let me out)
Im locked up, they won't let me out, they won't let me out.
Baby Im locked up they won't let me out, no
Where's my niggaz?
On the lock-down.
Damn, im locked up, they won't let me out.
Im locked up, they won't let me out.
Ohhh... they won't let me out.
Can you please accept my phone calls?
Cuz Im locked up, locked up, locked up.

Artist: 3 Doors Down Lyrics
Song: Here Without You Lyrics

A hundred days had made me older
since the last time that I've saw your pretty face

A thousand lights had made me colder and I don’t think I can look at this the same

But all the miles had separate
They disappear now when I’m dreaming of your face

I’m here without you baby
but your still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
and I dream about you all the time
I’m here without you baby
but your still with me in my dreams
And tonight it’s only you and me

The miles just keep rollin
as the people either way to say hello
I've heard this life is overrated
but I hope that it gets better as we go

I’m here without you baby
but your still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
and I dream about you all the time
I’m here without you baby
but your still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl it’s only you and me

Everything I know,
and anywhere I go
it gets hard but it won’t take away my love
And when the last one falls,
when it’s all said and done
it get hard but it won’t take away my love

I’m here without you baby
but your still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
and I dream about you all the time
I’m here without you baby
but your still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl it’s only you and me
__________________________________________________ ___

"Baby Don't Cry (Keep Ya Head Up II)"

I feel you {uhh} .. (baby don't)
but you can't, you can't give up
{Hey.. 2Pac what?}

[2Pac + H.E.A.T.]
Baby don't cry, I hope you got your head up {Outlawz}
Even when the road is hard, never give up
Baby don't cry, I hope you got your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up {Keep ya head up}

Now here's a story bout a woman with dreams
So picture perfect at thirteen, an ebony queen
Beneath the surface it was more than just a crooked smile
Nobody knew about her secret so it took a while
I could see a tear fall slow down her black cheek
Sheddin quiet tears in the back seat; so when she asked me,
"What would you do if it was you?"

Couldn't answer such a horrible pain to live through
I tried to trade places in the tragedy
I couldn't picture three crazed ni**az grabbin me
For just a moment I was trapped in the pain, Lord come and take me
Four ni**az violated, they chased and they raped me
Even though it wasn't me, I could feel the grief
Thinkin with your brains blown that would make the pain go
No! You got to find a way to survive
cause they win when your soul dies

[2Pac + H.E.A.T.]
Baby please don't cry, you got to keep your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up
Baby don't cry, you got to keep your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up
Baby don't cry, I hope you got your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up {never give up}
Baby don't cry, I hope you got your head up {never give up}
Even when the road is hard, never give up
Baby don't cry

[Edi Amin]
Forget him girl (forget him girl) he ain't gon' never change
ain't no hater but that ni**a lost in the game
After the bright lights and big thangs
he probably could loev you, but he in love with the struggle
Everyday, his mind on gettin mo' (gettin mo')
and never your feelings, he's chasin millions fo' sho'
Uh oh (uh oh), now you bout to have his baby? (dayamn)
Another wild-a*s ni**a that's gon' drive you crazy
You got too much, mo', livin to do - I'm spittin this to you,
cause you deserve more than what he givin to you (that's right)
Beautiful, black, precious, and complicated
A new millennium dime piece, so fine she
got em all stuck standin still when she come through
Baby take a little mo' time, love'll find you
And show us the sky's blue somebody other than me
gon' give you everything you need, feel me?
{Don't cry-ahhhhh..}

[2Pac + H.E.A.T.]
Baby don't cry, you got to keep your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up {you'll be alright}
Baby don't cry, you got to keep your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up {you'll be alright}
Baby don't cry, I hope you got your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up {keep your head up}
Baby don't cry, I hope you got your head up {never give up}
Even when the road is hard, never give up {no no.. ohhhh}
Baby don't cry

[Young Noble]
I'm tryin to do all that I can, from jump
Now you losin, you was choosin the wrong man
Dealt the wrong hand, you was young and beautiful
Lost and turned out, what you let that ni**a do to you? (Damn)
I knew her since elementary, she blew a kiss to me
Wrote me a note in crayon, wantin to get with me
We was kids, now she got three kids
They see their father e'ryday, and they don't know who he is
Seen him last night, homey roll a E-cla*s
Mad cheese in the stash, still a deadbeat dad
I bring her, Pampers and food, just to stop through
but those, ain't my seeds, nuttin really I could do (nah)
I feel pity for you, you ain't even his wife
Seventeen with three kids, locked down for life
Shoulda chose me, she bout to O.D. from the pressure
Hell nah I won't let her {BABY DON'T CRY}

[2Pac + H.E.A.T.]
Baby don't cry, you got to keep your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up {you'll be alright}
Baby don't cry, you got to keep your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up {baby don't cry}
Baby don't cry, I hope you got your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up {baby baby baby}
Baby don't cry, I hope you got your head up {no..}
Even when the road is hard, never give up {no-ohhhh}
Baby don't cry, I gotta keep your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up
Baby don't cry, you got to keep your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up {ooooh baby}
Baby don't cry, I hope you got your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up
Baby don't cry, I hope you got your head up {keep your head up}
{keep your head up, never give up}
Even when the road is hard, never give up, baby don't cry

[Young Noble]
Uhh, uhh, yeah, don't give up {you'll be alright}
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry

[2Pac + H.E.A.T.]
Baby don't cry, I hope you got your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up
Baby don't cry, I hope you got your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up, baby don't cry

[Edi Amin]
For all the ladies {Soulshock, Karlin}
Baby don't cry
Got to keep your head up {keep your head up}
Makaveli the Don {head up} aight

06-20-2005, 10:57
Ейй тази песен е велика :!: Поздрав :!: :wink:

Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my life and realise there's nuthin' left
'Cuz I've been blasting and laughing so long, that
Even my mama thinks that my mind is gone
But I ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it
Me be treated like a punk you know that's unheard of
You better watch how you're talking, and where you're walking
Or you and your homies might be lined in chalk
I really hate to trip but i gotta loc
As I Grow I see myself in the pistol smoke, fool
I'm the kinda G the little homies wanna be like
on my knees in the night, saying prayers in the streetlight.
Been spending most their lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Been spending most their lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Keep spending most our lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Keep spending most our lives, living in the gangsta's paradise

The getto situation, they got me facin'
I can't live a normal life, I was raised by the stripes
So I gotta be down with the hood team
Too much television watching got me chasing dreams
I'm an educated fool with money on my mind
Got my tin in my hand and a gleam in my eye
I'm a loc'd out gangsta set trippin' banger
And my homies is down so don't arouse my anger, fool

Death ain't nothing but a heartbeat away,
I'm living life, do or die, what can I say
The way things are going I don't know

Tell me why are we, so blind to see
That the one's we hurt, are you and me
Been spending most their lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Been spending most their lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Keep spending most our lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Keep spending most our lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Power and the money, money and the power
Minute after minute, hour after hour
Everybody's running, but half of them ain't looking
What's going on in the kitchen, but I don't know what's cookin'
They say I gotta learn, but nobody's here to teach me
If they can't undersstand it, how can they reach me
I guess they can't, I guess they won't
I guess they front, that's why I know my life is out of luck, fool
Been spending most their lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Been spending most their lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Keep spending most our lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Keep spending most our lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Tell me why are we, so blind to see
That the one's we hurt, are you and me
Tell me why are we, so blind to see
That the one's we hurt, are you and me

06-20-2005, 15:41
Delerium - Silence Lyrics

Give me release
Witness me
I am outside
Give me peace

Heaven holds a sense of wonder
And I wanted to believe
That I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides

Passion chokes the flower
Until she cries no more
Possessing all the beauty
Hungry still for more

Heaven holds a sense of wonder
And I wanted to believe
That I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides

In this white wave I am sinking in this silence

In this white wave
In this silence
I believe

I can't help longing
Comfort me
I can't hold it all in
If you won't let me

Heaven holds a sense of wonder
And I wanted to believe
That I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides

In this white wave I am sinking in this silence
In this white wave
In this silence
I believe
I have seen you
In this white wave you are silent
You are breathing in this white wave

Направо ме смазва-а-а-а-а-а-а-а... :D

06-20-2005, 18:13
Аз слушам всяква музика и имам много любими песни :) , но за да посоча само една ще кажа така: ако живота ми можеше да има саундтрак бих искал това да е Crystal Method - Keep Hope Alive 8)

06-20-2005, 18:24
Fisoliny-За нея
Песента,която май най-точно описва моето отношение към...главно любовта

Не зная как, къде, защо
любовта е страх за мен
за мен е страх, но защо
как искам да съм в нейн плен.
Къде е тя зашо я няма,
а дупката е вече яма.
Искра загасна, болка бясна,
погълна сянката прекрасна.

1.Незнам как, незнам защо
Незнам защо ме питаш уооу
Но знам че искам да съм с нея
и не ме ебе защо.
Слуам ги, слушам тях,
слушам хора всеки ден,
те говорят за любов,
а любовта не среща мен
всеки ден в търсене на нея.
И даже външно да се смея,
дупката във мен ме кара
често да копнея за нея.
Къде е тя, защо я няма.
Щом клепачите ме предадът,
я виждам в красота обляна.
И после "бум", изтрел точен
пак куршум.
Събуждам се от бич в ноща,
а тя я няма, изчезнала без шум.
Надежда вече няма.
Последната искра загасна,
тъмнината грозна пак погълна
сянката прекрасна.
Целувка истинска и страстна,
но само в блян, а аз съм сам
във самота облян.
За много грешки ме е срам,
но знам, че сам съм се родил
и във кофчега пак ще бъда сам


Не зная как, къде, защо
любовта е страх за мен
за мен е страх, но защо
как искам да съм в нейн плен.
Къде е тя зашо я няма,
а дупката е вече яма.
Искра загасна, болка бясна,
погълна сянката прекрасна.

2.Не очаквам да ме разбереш,
да знаеш през какво съм минал,
колко сълзи съм излял, за да
стана т`ва което слушаш днес.
И без да забравя тоя скапан стрес,
не загубих даже какпа чест.
Живеем в два, два съвсем различни свята.
Грозното го знам добре,
но в теб намирам красотата.
Ако търсиш в мен парата,
другото на заден план,
ще ти кажа да го духаш,
по добре да бъда сам.
Ето там, там навън,
с мойте хора, т`ва съм аз.
Силен блясък във очите,
във ушите силен бас.
За да бъдем, на нас
не ни трябва просто късмет.
Трябва ти да вярваш в мен
и аз ще вярвам във теб.
Искам теб, не ми пука
кой какво мисли за т`ва.
За мнението на някои друг
не давам пукната пара.
Лягам сам и знам,
че сам пак ще бъда сутринта.
Кажи ми щом незнам какво е,
как да вяврвам в любовта.
Незнам.. Ако си до мен,
сърцето ще си дам,
но все по малко търся в него
трябва .... да си голям.
Да го духа парата,
на думи всеки е богат.
Аз съм сам и сам оставам,
да го духа скапания свят.


Не зная как, къде, защо
любовта е страх за мен
за мен е страх, но защо
как искам да съм в нейн плен.
Къде е тя зашо я няма,
а дупката е вече яма.
Искра загасна, болка бясна,
погълна сянката прекрасна.

06-25-2005, 00:53
Тази също е една от любимите ми песни :!:
Поздрав :!: :D :wink:

Unbreak My Heart

Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Come back and bring back my smile
Come and take these tears away
I need your arms to hold me now
The nights are so unkind
Bring back those nights
When I held you beside me

Unbreak my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked outta my life
Uncry these tears
I cried so many nights
Unbreak my heart, my heart

Take back that sad word goodbye
Bring back the joy to my life
Don't leave me here with these tears
Come and kiss this pain away
I can't forget the day you left
Time is so unkind
And life is so cruel
Without you here beside me


Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Bring back the nights
When I held you beside me


Unbreak my, unbreak my heart,
Come back and say you love me
Unbreak my heart sweet darlin'
Without you I just can't go on
Can't go on

06-25-2005, 05:56
аз мн се кефа на азис и малина,ама май же4е я има написана :lol:

06-25-2005, 08:38
moite pesni sa White snake-Here i go again :!:
Scorpions- I still loving you :!:
Scorpions-Wind of change :!:
neveroqtni pesni sa!

06-25-2005, 10:33
Whitesnake - Is This Love

I should have known better
Than to let you go alone
It's times like these
I can't make it on my own
Wasted days, and sleepless nights
An' I can't wait to see you again

I find I spend my rime
Waiting on your call
How can I tell you, babe
My back's against the wall
I need you by my side
To tell me it's alright
Cos I don't think I can take anymore

Is this love that I'm feeling
Is this the love that I've been searching for
Is this love or am I dreaming
This must be love
Cos it's really go a hold on me
A hold on me

I can't stop the feeling
I've been this way before
But, with you I've found the key
To open any door
I can feel my love for you
Growing stronger day by day
An' I can't wait too see you again
So I can hold you in my arms

Is this love that I'm feeling
Is this the love that I've been searching for
Is this love or am I dreaming
This must be love
Cos it's really got a hold on me
A hold on me

Is this love that I'm feeling
Is this the love that I've been searching for

Is this love or am I dreaming

Guano Apes - Break The Line
Guano Apes - You Can`t Stop Me
Guano Apes - Open Your Eyes
Dj Halou Sentello - Sentello (nikoga neomrazvashta)
Activ - Doar Cu Tine
Sonique - Another World
Alannah Myles - Black Velvet
Manu Chao - Me Gustas Tu
2 Pac - Ghetto Gospel
Shapeshifters - Back To Basics
i mn mn drugi...

06-25-2005, 13:55
Toni Braxton - Unbreak my heart
Whitney Houstin - I will always love you
Blue - Guilty
Guns'n'roses - Don't cry
Brayan Adams - Have you ever really love a woman
Brayan Adams - Please forgive me
Lenny Kravitz - Believe in me
Maraya Carey - My all
Maraya Carey - Without you
Sade - No ordinary love
Ace of bace - Every time it rains
Enrike Iglesias - Hero
Gloria Estefan - You can't walk away from love
Roxette - Listen to your heart
Roxette - Starving on the ground
No Doubt - Don't speak
Evanescence - Bring me to live

06-25-2005, 16:27
ми аз харесвам техно и неометал.харесват ми HIM,Evanescense,LP и тн.А за песен може би ATB-let u go или Ian Van Dahl- Castles in the sky.e има и мн други де.

06-25-2005, 20:32
ми и м0йте са мн ама ще кажа сам0 5
:arrow: CrAzY fRoG-axel_f
:arrow: Ak0n-L0nelY
:arrow: UpSuRt-3 in 1
:arrow: МаЛиНа и АзИс-НеЗнАеШ
:arrow: АзИс и УсТаТа-ТоЧн0 сЕгА
ся са сетих и 0ще ама айде :lol: :lol: :lol:

06-27-2005, 12:30
Bryan Adams-"Please Forgive Me"

Still feels like our first night together
Feels like the first kiss
It's gettin' better baby
No one can better this
Still holdin' on, you're still the one
First time our eyes met - same feelin' I get
Only feels much stronger - wanna love ya longer
You still turn the fire on...
So if you're feelin' lonely don't - you're the only one I ever want
I only wanna make it good - so if I love ya a little more than I should
Please forgive me - I know not what I do
Please forgive me - I can't stop lovin' you
Don't deny me - this pain I'm going through
Please forgive me - if I need ya like I do
Please believe me - every word I say is true
Please forgive me - I can't stop lovin' you
Still feels like our best times are together
Feels like the first touch - still gettin' closer baby
Can't get close enough
Still holdin' on - still number one
I remember the smell of your skin - I remember everything
I remember all your moves - I remember you yeah
I remember the nights - ya know I still do
So if you're feelin' lonely don't - you're the only one I ever want
I only wanna make it good - so if I love ya a little more than I should
Please forgive me - I know not what I do
Please forgive me - I can't stop lovin' you
Don't deny me this pain I'm going through
Please forgive me - if I need ya like I do
Oh believe me - every word I say is true
Please forgive me - I can't stop lovin' you
One thing I'm sure of - is the way we make love
And one thing I depend on - is for us to stay strong
With every word and every breath I'm prayin'
That's why I'm sayin'
Please forgive me - I know not what I do
Please forgive me - I can't stop lovin' you
Don't deny me this pain I'm going through
Please forgive me - if I need ya like I do
Babe believe me - every word I say is true
Please forgive me - if I can't stop lovin' you
Never leave me - I don't know what I'd do
Please forgive me - I can't stop lovin' you
Can't stop lovin' you

06-27-2005, 16:05
Imam hilqdi lubimi pesni...Sega 6te napi6a edna pesen,koqto e mnogo stara,no mnogo hubava na Ruslan Muinov

Още миг моя

Ще бъде нощ и ще вали,
забравен блус едва ще звучи
и спомени неканени
ще идват в сън, в сън жесток
да ме горят.
Ще бъде ден и ще боли
в очите ти сълза ще заблести.
Ще бъда сам, отиваш си,
почакаи миг, още миг,
само миг.

Аз моля да си още миг моя.
В нощта с вик моля
да си още миг моя.
Със съдбата се боря
да си още миг моя,
но си тръгваш.
Няма да забравя никога
сладко как боли от любовта.

Ще бъдеш с друг в друга нощ,
дори дъждът по-друг ще вали.
Но аз съм там на твойта длан,
така вчертан,
вечен знак на любовта.


06-28-2005, 11:26
HIM - Gone with the sin

I love your skin oh so white
I love your touch cold as ice
And I love every single tear you cry
I just love the way you're losing your life
My Baby, how beautiful you are
My Darling, completely torn apart

You're gone with the sin my Baby and beautiful you are
So gone with the sin my Darling

I adore the dispair in your eyes
I worship your lips once red as wine
I crave for your scent sending shivers down my spine
I just love the way you're running out of life

My Baby, how beautiful you are
My Darling, completely torn apart

You're gone with the sin my Baby and beautiful you are
So gone with the sin my Darling

06-28-2005, 12:28
Ами аз слушам всякаква музика но най-вече балади,ама на скооро се налага и детски песнички,и най-често на ден се слушат 1.Зайченцето бяло цял ден си играло... 2. Мила моя мамо... 3.и една моя дето си я съчених-Моето бебче е голямо сладурче,ама мамии яж яж,голям да порастеш.Ако не ядеш дято дебелан ще те изяде..мойта Маячка се изплаши и за секунди попарата си изяде..:) тапичка ама като я затананикам нежно Мая много бързо заспива.. и идва ред да си върша мойте неще:)

06-28-2005, 19:10
Коя ви е любимата песен? :D Ако искате може да я "запеете" тук! :)
Аз лично харесвам страшно много песни и то от различен стил..слушам всякаква музика(почти с малки изключения) :) Сега ще ви поздравя с:No Doubt - Don't Speak

You and me
We used to be together
Every day together always
I really feel
I'm losing my best friend
I can't believe
This could be the end
It looks as though you're letting go
And if it's real
Well I don't want to know

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts

Our memories
They can be inviting
But some are altogether
Mighty frightning

As we die, both you and I
With my head in my hands
I sit and cry
It's all ending
I gotta stop pretending who we are
You and me
I can see us dying...are we?
тва ми е любимата песен и на мен

07-04-2005, 12:30
Още една от мойте харесвани песни :)


Fuck It (I Don't Want You Back)

Whoa oh oh
Ooh hooh
No No No

[Verse 1:]
See, I dont know why I liked you so much
I gave you all, of my trust
I told you, I loved you, now thats all down the drain
Ya put me through pain, I wanna let u know how I feel

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

[Verse 2:]
You thought, you could
Keep this shit from me, yeah
Ya burnt bitch, I heard the story
Ya played me, ya even gave him head
Now ya askin for me back
Ya just another act, look elsewhere
Cuz ya done with me

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah

Ya questioned, did I care
You could ask anyone, I even said
Ya were my great one
Now its, over, but I do admit I'm sad.
It hurts real bad, I cant sweat that, cuz I loved a hoe

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
[Until the end]

07-04-2005, 12:50
C-Block - So Strong Out

I'm so strong out And now I don't know what to do
Should I take my life away Dear God or will you pull me through
I'm so strong out Some how my life has gone astray
So I lay me down to sleep
Please Lord now take my soul away

[Rap 1]
Now I'm all alone
Sittin' in my room in a corner
Starrin' at the wall and I'm wishing I was on a
Mission but I'm fishin' in an empty bowl
Cocain got my brain And I'm sweatin' 'cause I'm ice cold
Hold - on for a minute what's that sound
Raise up to my feet
Paranoid lookin' all around
Up down on the ground Is it reality?
Damn, I always feel like
Somebody's watchin' me
Now let me find another plan Lookin' for a plot
Lookin' for the man with the sack To get got
Shot Lay him down
'cause it don't be makin' me none
Cocain on my brain and I gotta get me some


[Rap 2]
Another mystery
sittin' in another room At twelve noon
I hope something happen soon
I'm crawlin'
still burning my knee
at 45 degrees Saying please let it be
In a form of a rock I can't stop
Because the spot getting hot tick tock
I see the devil clearer in my past It can't last
Because I'm running out of cash
A stash I remember
from December My mind gone blank And it could have been November
as I feel myself blink
I look at the world one time and then I think

[Chorus (2x)]

I'm so strung out, I don't know what to do
Should I take away my life, dear God
Or will you pull me through, will you pull me through
I'm so strung out, I'm so strung out

I know that you know that I'm living real trife
So lay down that pipe And pick back up your life
Just take it away, please God just take it away
Won't you just give another day to me

[Chorus (2x)]

07-04-2005, 13:23
Ooooo mnogo sa,no eto malko ot tiah:
:arrow: Anelia-iskam te
:arrow: Ivana-Kav si ti be
:arrow: Kamelia-Za6to poviarvah
:arrow: Preslava-Diavolsko jelanie
:arrow: Emilia-Zabrravi za men :D

07-04-2005, 13:58
Ooooo mnogo sa,no eto malko ot tiah:
:arrow: Anelia-iskam te
:arrow: Ivana-Kav si ti be
:arrow: Kamelia-Za6to poviarvah
:arrow: Preslava-Diavolsko jelanie
:arrow: Emilia-Zabrravi za men :D Уааааааааааа :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: чалгарка!

07-07-2005, 13:50
San4o,тази песен "C-Block - So Strong Out" е наистина страхотна :!: :wink:
Ето още една от любимите ми песни:Ace Of BaSe - "All That She Wants"

She leads a lonely life
She leads a lonely life

When she woke up late in the morning
Light and the day had just begun
She opened up her eyes and thought
O’ what a morning
It’s not a day for work
It’s a day for catching tan
Just laying on the beach and having fun
She’s going to get you

All that she wants is another baby
She’s gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby
All that she wants is another baby
She’s gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby

All that she wants - all that she wants

So if you are in sight and the day is right
She’s a hunter you’re the fox
The gentle voice that talks to you
Won’t talk forever
It’s a night for passion
But the morning means goodbye
Beware of what is flashing in her eyes
She’s going to get you

All that she wants...

07-07-2005, 14:45
e taq pesen za men e VELIKA:

darren hayes - insatiable

When the moonlight crawls along the street
Chasing away the summer heat
Footsteps outside somewhere below
The world revolves I've let it go
We build our church above the street
We practiced love between these sheets
The candy sweetness scent of you
It bathes my skin I'm stained of you
And all I have to do is hold you
There's a racing within my heart
And I am barely touching you


Turn the lights down low
Take it off
Let me show
My love for you
Turn me on
Never stop
Wanna taste every drop
My love for you

The moonlight plays upon your skin
A kiss that lingers takes me in
I fall asleep inside of you
There are no words
There's only truth
Breathe in breathe out
There is no sound
We move together up and down
We levitate, our bodies soar
Our feet don't even touch the floor
But nobody knows you like I do
'Cause the world may not understand
That I grow stronger in your hands


Turn the lights down low
Take it off
Let me show
My love for you
Turn me on
Never stop
Wanna taste every drop
My love for you

Turn the lights down low
Take it off
Let me show
My love for you
Turn me on
Never stop
Wanna taste every drop
My love for you

We never sleep we're always holdin' hands
Kissin' for hours talkin' makin' plans
I feel like a better man
Just being in the same room
We never sleep there's just so much to do
So much to say
Can't close my eyes when I'm with you
Insatiable the way I'm loving you


Turn the lights down low
Take it off
Let me show
My love for you
Turn me on
Never stop
Wanna taste every drop
My love for you

Turn the lights down low
Take it off
Let me show
My love for you
Turn me on
Never stop
Wanna taste every drop
My love for you

07-07-2005, 14:58
darren hayes - insatiable O..da tazi pesen naistina e neveroqtna no sy6to taka mnogo mi haresva na Youm Wara Yuom na Samira nqkoq si :)

07-10-2005, 20:39
Ta zna4i koq mi e lubimata pesen?ot kude da zapo4na?Ednata e na BSB-Shape of my heart
Hmm, yeah, yeah
Baby, please try to forgive me
Stay here don't put out the glow
Hold me now don't bother if every minute it makes me weaker
You can save me from the man that I've become, oh yeah

Lookin' back on the things I've done
I was tryin' to be someone
I played my part, kept you in the dark
Now let me show you the shape of my heart

Sadness is beautiful loneliness that's tragical
So heal me I can't win this war, oh no
Touch me now don't bother if every second it makes me weaker
You can save me from the man I've become

Lookin' back on the things I've done
I was tryin' to be someone
I played my part, kept you in the dark
Now let me show you the shape of my heart

I'm here with my confession
Got nothing to hide no more
I don't know where to start
But to show you the shape of my heart

I'm lookin' back on things I've done
I never wanna play the same old part
I'll keep you in the dark
Now let me show you the shape of my heart

Lookin' back on the things I've done
I was tryin' to be someone
I played my part, kept you in the dark
Now let me show you the shape of my heart

Lookin' back on the things I've done
I was tryin' to be someone
I played my part, kept you in the dark
Now let me show you the shape of my heart

Show you the shape of my heart

Druga lubima mi e na Rob Thomas-lonely no more
Now it seems to me,
That you know just what to say
But words are only words,
Can you show me something else?
Can you swear to me,
That you'll always be this way
Show me how you feel,
More than ever baby

I don't wanna be lonely no more,
I don't wanna have to pay for this,
I don't wanna know the lover at my door,
Is just another heartache on my lips
I don't wanna be angry no more,
But you know I could never stand for this,
So when you tell me that you love me know for sure,
I don't wanna be lonely any more

Now It's hard for me,
When my heart still on the mend,
Open up to me,
Like you do your girlfriends
You sing to me,
And it's harmony,
Girl what you do to me is everything,
Make me say anything,
Just to get you back again,
Why can't we just try?

I don't wanna be lonely no more,
I don't wanna have to pay for this,
I don't wanna know the lover at my door,
Is just another heartache on my lips
I don't wanna be angry no more,
But you know I could never stand for this,
So when you tell me that you love me know for sure,
I don't wanna be lonely any more

What if I was good to you?
What if you were good to me?
What if I could hold you till I feel you move inside of me?

What if it was paradise?
And what if we were symphonies?
What if I gave all my life,
to find some way to stand beside you?

Velika pesen e i Insatiable na Darren Hayes

When moonlight crawls along the street
Chasing away the summer heat
Footsteps outside somewhere below
The world revolves I let it go
We build our church above this street
We practice love between these sheets
The candy sweetness scent of you
It bathes my skin I'm stained by you
And all I have to do is hold you
There's a racing in my heart
I am barely touching you


Turn the lights down low
Take it off
Let me show
My love for you
Turn me on
Never stop
Wanna taste every drop
My love for you

The moonlight plays upon your skin
A kiss that lingers takes me in
I fall asleep inside of you
There are no words
There's only truth
Breathe in Breathe out
There is no sound
We move together up and down
We levitate our bodies soar
Our feet don't even touch the floor
And nobody knows you like I do
The world doesn't understand
But I grow stronger in your hands


Turn the lights down low
Take it off
Let me show
My love for you
Turn me on
Never stop
Wanna taste every drop
My love for you

Turn the lights down low
Take it off
Let me show
My love for you
Turn me on
Never stop
Wanna taste every drop
My love for you

We never sleep we're always holdin' hands
Kissin' for hours talkin' makin' plans
I feel like a better man
Just being in the same room
We never sleep there's just so much to do
Too much to say
Can't close my eyes when I'm with you
Insatiable the way I'm loving you


Turn the lights down low
Take it off
Let me show
My love for you
Turn me on
Never stop
Wanna taste every drop
My love for you

Turn the lights down low
Take it off
Let me show
My love for you
Turn me on
Never stop
Wanna taste every drop
My love for you

Ine na posledno mqsto pesenta koqto mi pomaga v trudni momenti Killing me softly na The Fugees

Strumming dub plates with our fingers,
Eliminate sounds with our song,
Killing a sound boy with this sound,
Killing a sound boy with this sound,
Taking sound boys' lives with this dub,
Killing him softly with this sound.
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song,
killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song.

I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style,
And so I came to see him and listen for a while.
And there he was this young bwoy, stranger to my eyes,
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song,
killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song.
I felt all flushed with fever,
Embarrassed by the crowd,
I felt he found my letters and read each one out loud.
I prayed that he would finish,
But he just kept right on strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song

Yo L-Boogie, take it to the bridge
(Bust it)
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my life with his words,
killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song.
Strumming my pain with his finger, yeah he was . . .
[shoutouts and fade]

Az mai malko se otnesoh :oops:
Emi tva e ot men :)

07-11-2005, 08:22
Linkin Park - A Place For My Head

I watch how the
Moon sits in the sky / in the dark night
Shining with the light from the sun
The sun doesn't give / light to the moon assuming
The moon’s going to owe it one
It makes me think of how you act to me / You do
Favors and then rapidly / You just
Turn around and start asking me / about
Things you want back from me
I’m sick of the tension / sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place / to feed your greed
While I find a place to rest
I want to be in another place
I hate when you say you don’t understand
(You’ll see it's not meant to be)
I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head
Maybe someday I’ll be just like you / and
Step on people like you do and / Run
Away the people I thought I knew
I remember back then who you were
You used to be calm / used to be strong
Used to be generous / but you should’ve known / That you’d
Wear out your welcome / now you see
How quiet it is / all alone / I’m so
Sick of the tension / sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place / to feed your greed
While / I find a place to rest / I’m so
Sick of the tension / sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place / to feed your greed
While / I find a place to rest
I want to be in another place
I hate when you say you don’t understand
(You’ll see it's not meant to be)
I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head

You try to take the best of me
Go away
You try to take the best of me
Go away
You try to take the best of me
Go away
You try to take the best of me
Go away
You try to take the best of me
Go away
You try to take the best of me
Go away
You try to take the best of me
Go away
You try to take the best of me
Go away

I want to be in another place
I hate when you say you don’t understand
(You’ll see it's not meant to be)
I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head


I’m so sick of the tension / sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place / to feed your greed
While I find a place to rest

I’m so sick of the tension / sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place / to feed your greed
While I find a place to rest

07-11-2005, 15:45
Песента,която ме ,,зарежда" е Boulevard of Broken Dreams на Green Day,също Don't Cry на Guns'N'Roses,а тази,която ужасно много ме натъжава е на Avril Lavigne-My happy Ending...,,Let's talk this over...It's not like we're dead.Was It Something I Did?.Was it something You said?Don't leave me handing..." и така нататък...A Green Day...хммм...,,I walk a lonely road,the only one that I have ever known...Don't know where it goast..." :roll:

07-13-2005, 22:07
Eto tova e Mandy Moore-Only Hope

There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But you sing to me over and over and over again

So I lay my head back down
and I lift my hands and pray
to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope

Sing to me the song of the stars
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again

So I lay my head back down
and I lift my hands and pray
to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope

I give you my destiny
I'm giving you all of me
I want your symphony
singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs
I'm giving it back

So I lay my head back down
and I lift my hands and pray
to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope

Useshtam che si gledala "A walk to remember" 8)
mnogo qk film...moje bi lubimiq mi

07-13-2005, 22:37
Az imam nqkolko lubimi

1.Aaliyah - Miss you
Its been too long, and I'm lost without you
what am I gonna do, said I been needing you, wantin' you
wonderin if your the same, and who's been with you
is your heart still mine, I wanna cry sometimes(I miss you)

(verse 1)
Off to college, yes you went away
straight from highschool, you up and left me.
We were close friends, awesome lovers.
Did everything, for one another.
Now your gone and I'm lost without you here now.
But I know I gotta live and make it some how.

Come back to me
can you feel me(callin)
hear me, callin
for you(cause its)

2.Lauryn Hill - Ex Factor

It could all be so simple
But you'd rather make it hard
Loving you is like a battle
And we both end up with scars
Tell me, who I have to be
To get some reciprocity
No one loves you more than me
And no one ever will

Is this just a silly game
That forces you to act this way
Forces you to scream my name
Then pretend that you can't stay
Tell me, who I have to be
To get some reciprocity
No one loves you more than me
And no one ever will

No matter how I think we grow
You always seem to let me know
It ain't workin'
It ain't workin'
And when I try to walk away
You'd hurt yourself to make me stay
This is crazy
This is crazy

3.Des`ree - Kissing you
4.Nana - Dreams
5.Tricky - Black steel
ima oshte mnogo

07-15-2005, 18:49
50 Cent & The Game - Hate it or Love it

[50 Cent]
Ya, let's take em back
Uh huh

Comin up I was confused my momma kissin a girl
Confusion occurs comin up in the cold world
Daddy ain't around probably out commitin felonies
My favorite rapper used to sing ch-check out my melody
I wanna live good, so shit I sell dope for a fo-finger ring
Money and them gold ropes
Nanna told me if I pass could get a sheep skin coat
If I can move a few packs and get the hat, now that'd be dope
Tossed and turned in my sleep at night
Woke up the next morning niggas done stole my bike
Different day same shit, ain't nothing good in the hood
I'd run away from this bitch and never come back if I could

[Chorus (50 then Game):]
Hate it or love it the underdog's o n top
And I'm gonna shine homie until my heart stop

Go head' envy me
I'm raps MVP
And I ain't goin nowhere so you can get to know me

Hate it or love it the underdog's o n top
And I'm gonna shine homie until my heart stop

Go head' envy me
I'm raps MVP
And I ain't goin nowhere so you can get to know me

On the grill of my lowrider
Guns o n both sides right above the gold wires
I'll fo-five em
Kill a nigga o n my song but really do it
Thats the true meaning of a ~ghostwriter~
10 g'z will take ya daughter out of Air Forces
Believe you me homie i know all bout losses
I'm from Compton where the wrong colors be cautious
One phone call will have ya body dumped in Marcy
I stay strapped like car seats
Been bangin since my lil nigga Rob got killed for his Barkley's
That's 10 years I told Pooh in 95' I'd kill you if you try me for my Air Max 95s
Told Banks when i met him imma ride
And if I gotta die rather homicide
I ain't have 50 Cent when my Grandmomma died
Now i'm goin back to Cali with my Jacob o n
See how time fly?

[Chorus - 50 Cent]

From the beginnin to the end
Losers lose, winners win
This is real we ain't got to pretend
The cold world that we in
It's full of pressure and pain
Enough of me nigga now listen to Game

Used to see 5-0 throw the crack by the bench
Now i'm frickin with ~5-0~ it's all startin to make ~sense~
My moms happy she ain't gotta pay the rent
And she got a red bow o n that brand new Benz
Waitin o n Sha Money to land sittin in the Range
Thinkin how they spend 30 million dollars o n airplanes
When there's kids starvin
Pac is gone and Brendas still throwin babies in the garbage
I wanna know what's goin o n like i hear Marvin
No school books they use that wood to build coffins
Whenever I'm in the booth and i get exhausted
I think what if Marie Banker got that abortion
I love ya Ma'

[Chorus X2]
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

07-15-2005, 18:53
ami imam stra6no mnogo liubimi pesni

07-16-2005, 13:03
1ва точка от правилника!!!
Modareted by aBeP4eTo

07-16-2005, 17:48
1.Slipknot - People=Shit
2.Marilyn Manson - Comma Black
3.Six Feet Under - Sick & Twisted
4.Cannibal Corpse - The Undead Will Feast

07-17-2005, 15:11
ei t`fa mi e lubimoto parche zashtoto imam mn qki spomeni na neq ta q na Twista Anthony - Sunshine :

When I wake up in the mornin’ love,
And the sunlight hurts my eyes,
Then somethin’ with out warnin’ love,
Bears heavy on my mind

Let’s get them dollars, Let’s get this money

[Verse 1 (Twista)]
I keep my mind on my money, money on my mind,
I got my finger on tha trigga, stayin' on tha grind,
And when I wake up in the mornin', I got's to hit a lick,
Saw the 2000 and 3 Navi, on Sprees wit' a kit,
Soon as my eyes see tha sunshine,
My thoughts is jukin' the block, and dodgin' the one time,
Peep how we movin' the rocks and wit' pounds of dro before I double my shit,
I can serve sixteen ounces for six and get back ninety-six,
A killa for tha skrilla, Nigga, Best not be stalkin',
I got's to get them bigga, figga's, fuck what you talkin',
I represent them nigga's ballin' wit' jewelry full of zickels,
Down to the nigga's chasin' million, their dreams' servin' nickels,
And I know, one day, I'm gon' come up,
And when you see me, don't hate, that I rolled up,
Get paid whether you legit when you slang, or tippin' off 'cane,
Until I take a dip in the Range, I'm flippin' them thangs,
Gotta get that money man
[Chorus (Anthony Hamilton)]
It's a lovely day, just got paid,
Stack it up, be on my way,
It’s Lovely day, lovely day,
Lovely day, lovely day,
It's a lovely day, just got paid,
Stack it up, be on my way,
Lovely day, lovely day,
Lovely day

[Verse 2 (Twista)]
A hustler's definition, is a hustler for scratch,
You serve a motherfucker, you serve him for that,
I'm makin' money off of verses when I spit 'em on tracks,
And if I ain't sellin' no records, I'm servin' them packs,
I got a, clip full of hollows, money makin's my motto,
Semi-auto and Marlboros in the bottle, 'til I hit the lotto,
Wit' dreams of ownin' a records label, flippin' words,
My nigga flippin' buildin's better than he was flippin' birds,
I got tha, mentality and tha motive I'm on a mission,
For tha money, you can get it too, it's all about yo ambition,
Play yo position, provide the plans, and follow procedures,
In tha six-hundred, blunted, wit' a pocket full of hundred's and Visa's,
Love, when I get that dust, hit 'em up, re-cock then I get back up,
Love, when I get that gig, get a crib, get a car when tha grip stack up,
It's still in the evenin' if I'm sleepin' paper problems,
Soon as I get up it's just another day, another dollar
Gotta get that money man

[Chorus (Anthony Hamilton)]
It's a lovely day, just got paid,
Stack it up, be on my way,
Lovely day, lovely day,
Lovely day, lovely day,
It's a lovely day, just got paid,
Stack it up, be on my way,
Lovely day, lovely day,
Lovely day

[Verse 3 (Twista)]
Got love for the corporate playas that's ballin' rollin' jags,
Got love for the thug nigga's who get' it on tha ave.,
Love for those, who can make a mil and sit back and laugh,
And love for the fine stripper's who get it poppin' ass,
Love for the single parent's that's workin' through the struggle,
Love for those who gotta make a livin' movin' muscle,
Love for those who gotta watch tha hater's rollin' bubbles,
Causin' trouble every time a young brotha try to hustle,
And if I can't, legally make or not
Then I gotta get, right back on the block
And if it no work we do a stick-up and whip-up a concoction,
Might leave yo face down in the dirt because hurtin's not an option
Gotta get that money man

[Chorus (Anthony Hamilton) x2]
It's a lovely day, just got paid,
Stack it up, be on my way,
Lovely day, lovely day,
Lovely day, lovely day,
It's a lovely day, just got paid,
Stack it up, be on my way,
Lovely day, lovely day,
Lovely day

[Outro (Anthony Hamilton)]
When I wake up in the mornin' love,
And the sunlight hurts my eyes,
Somethin' without warnin' love,
Bears heavy on my mind

t`va e,, koito q ima da se chuvstva pozdraven s neq :D

07-19-2005, 18:21
Miii, sega zaciklih na Whisper na Evanescence... Ina4e sa stra6no mn! No mn se nervq, 4e nqma ot kude da razbera kakvo 6te re4e:
"Servatis a pereculum,
Servatis a maleficum" :roll:
E, nqmam poznati, koito da govorqt latinski (mislq, 4e e na latinski)...

07-20-2005, 16:01
Avenu - Bqgstvo
Posledna no6t
a utre em o4akva pyt
poglejdam prez prozorecat
vali navun vali...
ne me e strah ot teb
ne iskam da ostana tuk
tova koeto ostava da napravq pak
e da bqgam
Za koi li pat az
priznavam pred teb 4e ne moga da bada sam
bezbroi godini
godini nared az ne moga da spra svoq bqg
zashto povqrvah
na dumi v koito ne vqrva i malko dete
zashto izbqgah, zashto povrvah....
dali duljdat navun ili studat v men
e tova koeto spira moqt bqg ostavam tuk
ne znam dali strahut 4e vrushtam se otnovo tuk
kato strannik bez podslon
izgubil svoq dom
me spira sega
Za koi li pat az
priznavam pred teb 4e ne moga da bada sam
bezbroi godini
godini nared az ne moga da spra svoq bqg
zashto povqrvah
na dumi v koito ne vqrva i malko dete
zashto izbqgah, zashto povrvah....

Nadqvam se da vi e haresala moqta pesni4ka

07-20-2005, 16:37
The Game ft. 50 cent-Hate it or love it

[50 Cent]
Yeah,lets takeem back
Uh huh
Coming up I was confused
My mama kissing a girl
Confusion occurs
Coming up in a cold world
Daddy aint around
Probably out committing felonies
My favorite rapper used to sing
Check, check out my melody
I wanna live good so shit I sell dope
For a four-finger ring
One of them gold ropes
Nana told me if I passed I get a sheep skin coat
If I could move a few packs
I get the hat
Now thatll be dope
Tossed and turn in my sleep that night
Woke up the next morning
Niggaz done stole my bike
Different day, same shit
Aint nothing good in the hood
I run away from this bitch
And never come back if I could


[50 Cent]
Hate it or love it the under dogs on top
And Im gon shine homie until my heart stop

[The Game]
Goheadn envy me
Im raps MVP
And I aint going no where
So you can get to know me

[50 Cent]
Hate it or love it the under dogs on top
And Im gon shine homie until my heart stop

[The Game]
Goheadn envy me
Im raps MVP
And I aint going no where
So you can get to know me

On the grill of ma low rider
Guns on both sides
Right above the gold wires I four-fiveem
Kill a nigga on ma song
And really do it
Thats the true meaning of a ghostwriter
Ten gz will take your daughter outta air forces
Believe you me homie, I know all about losses
Im from Compton, where the wrong colors, be cautious
One phone call, have your body dumped in Marcy
I stay strapped like car seats
Been banging since ma lil nigga, rob, got killed for his Barkleys
Thats ten years
I told Pooh in 95
Ill kill you if you try me for my air-max 95s
Told Banks when I metem Im a ride
And if I gotta die, rather homicide
I aint had 50 cent when ma grand-mama died
Now Im going back to Cali with ma jacob on
See how time fly?


[50 Cent]
Hate it or love it the under dogs on top
And Im gon shine homie until my heart stop

[The Game]
Goheadn envy me
Im raps MVP
And I aint going no where
So you can get to know me

[50 Cent]
Hate it or love it the under dogs on top
And Im gon shine homie until my heart stop

[The Game]
Goheadn envy me
Im raps MVP
And I aint going no where
So you can get to know me

[50 Cent]
From the beginning to the end
Losers lose, winners win
This is real we aint gotta pretend
The cold world that we in
Its full of pressure and pain
Enough of me nigga now listen to Game

Used to see 5-0 throw the crack by the bench
Now Im fucking with 5-0, its all starting to make sense
My Mas happy, she aint gotta pay the rent
And she got a red bow on that brand new Benz
Waiting on Sha Money to land sitting in the range
Thinking how they spend 30 million dollars on airplanes
When theres kids starving
Pac is gone, and Brenda still throwing babies in the garbage
I wanna know whats going on like I hear Marvin
No school books
They use their wood to build coffins
Whenever Im in a booth
And I get exhausted
I think what if Marie Bank had got that abortion
I love you Ma


[50 Cent]
Hate it or love it the under dogs on top
And Im gon shine homie until my heart stop
[The Game]
Goheadn envy me
Im raps MVP
And I ain't going no where
So you can get to know me

07-20-2005, 19:50
off zna4i
gledam nqkoi slu6at baladi ta se setih:
Rainbow - The temple of the king
Metallica - Nothing else matters
i po su6testvo
Metallica - Sad but true
Metallica - The Unforgiven
Metallica - Of wolf and man
i da si po4inem ot Metallica
Nirvana - About a girl
Nirvana - Rape me
Nirvana - Smells like teen spirit
Nigthwish - Nemo
Nightwish - Wish I had an angel
Nightwish - End of all hope
Cannible corpse - Covered with sores
Cannible corpse - Buchered at birth
System of a down - Psyho
off ko drygo be aa da
Iron Maiden - fear of the dark
Iron Maiden - be quick or be dead
Iron MAiden - Brave new world
Iron MAiden - BLood Brothers
Iron MAiden - The number of the beast
a 6to se otnasq do teskta na Nigthwish - Nemo eto go i nego :
This is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Without an honest heart as compass

This is me for forever
One without a name
These lines the last endeavor
To find the missing lifeline

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I`d give my everything
Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name forevermore

My flower, withered between
The pages 2 and 3
The once and forever bloom gone with my sins

Walk the dark path
Sleep with angels
Call the past for help
Touch me with your love
And reveal to me my true name

Oh, how I wish...

Nemo sailing home
Nemo letting go

Oh, how i wish...

07-21-2005, 19:57
В момента моята песен е на Mariah Carey- We belong together! :D

07-29-2005, 10:39
opredeleno na robbie williams-angels
i sit and wait
does an anagel conteplate my fateand do they know the places where we go
when we;re grey and old
'cos i've been told
that salvation lets their wings unfold
so when i'm lying in my bed
thoughts running through my head
and i feel love is dead
i'm loving angels instead

and through it all she offers me protection
alot of love and affection
whether i'm right or wrong
and down the waterfall
wherever it may take me
i know that life won't break me
when i come to call she won't forsake me
i'm loving angels instead

when i'm feeling weak
and my pain qalks doqn a one way street
i look above
and i know i'll always be blesed with love
and as the feeling grows
she breaths flesh to my loves
and when love is dead
i'm loving angels istead

and trough it all she offers me protection
a lor of love and affection
whether i'm right or wrong
and down the waterfall
wherever it may take me
i know that life won't break me
when i come to call she won't forsake me
i'm loving angels instead :cry:

07-29-2005, 11:31
ето и част от мойте любими песнички :
Desi Slava - Ne viarvam
Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston - Believe
Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me
Elton John-Can You Feel The Love Tonight
Savage Garden - To The Moon And Back
S classa - Niama nachin

имам и още но тези са ми любимите за момента :wink:

07-29-2005, 17:03
Така, сега много ми харесват:
:arrow: Ъпсурт и Галя - 3 в 1
:arrow: Daddy Yankee - Gasolina
:arrow: Jenifer Lopez - Ain't it funny (помните ли я - много старичка, но страхотна, а и точно описваща сегашната ми любов...)

07-29-2005, 17:37
харесвам много песни,но чак любима нямам

07-29-2005, 18:43
1.Red Hot Cilli Peppers-Othersite,Californication,Under the bridge
2.Pink Floyd-Hey You
3.Preslava-100 pri4ini,Diavolsko zelanie,Bezrazli4na
Kaiti Garbi-Esena mono
4.Emilia-Celuvai me
5.Azis-To4no sega,Mila moia angel moi,Ne znae6
6.Ceca Veli4kovi4-Zabraneni grad,Kukavica
7.Enigma-Boum boum,Sadness,Silence must be heard,Gravity of Love

07-30-2005, 10:54
[b][color=indigo]Mnogo sa,ama sega se seshtam za 2pac - This ain

07-31-2005, 13:15
Сантра - Без Теб
1. Къде си ти в този миг?
Аз съм сама, с мисълта за теб в нощта...
Можеш ли да бъдеш с мен
в своя сън и своя ден?
Моето сърце те зове
и търся те с ръце...
Ала ти си далеч сега
звезда във безкрая син
Сред безброй звезди блестиш
в мен огън гори...

Без теб я няма любовта
Няма слънце и луна
Щом не си до мен - няма нощ и ден
Без теб, без теб я няма радостта
Няма глас и песента
Птица съм аз сега без крила

2. Очаквам аз в съня ми да спреш дори
само за миг, остани в плен на моите мечти
Ала ти си далеч сега
звезда във безкрая син
сред безброй звезди блестиш
в мен огън гори...


Знам любовта е съдба
за теб и мен промени света
Времето спря във мига щом те видях
Моето сърце без глас крещи: остани!


08-12-2005, 13:33
8) Backstreet Boys - Incomplete 8)

08-12-2005, 19:58
Empty spaces fill me up with holes
Distant faces with no place left to go
Without you within me I can't find no rest
Where I'm going is anybody's guess

I've tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete

Voices tell me I should carry on
But I am swimming in an ocean all alone
Baby, my baby
It's written on your face
You still wonder if we made a big mistake

I've tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete

I don't mean to drag it on, but I can't seem to let you go
I don't wanna make you face this world alone
I wanna let you go (alone)

I've tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete


:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x 8) :x

08-12-2005, 20:00
Aerosmith - I don't want to miss a thing :)
Sashto i Savage Garden - To the moon and back
Preslava - Zavinagi tvoq...
Mngoo sa;]
No glavno parvata:P

08-12-2005, 20:31
преслава-Дяволско желание

незнам какзо става...когато ме погледнеш... :D :wink:

08-12-2005, 20:55
Моите любими песни са много, но ще кажа само три от тях:
1. Mariah Carey- I'll be there
2. Aaliyah- I care 4 you
3. Ace Of Base- All that she wants:
She leads a lonely life
She leads a lonely life

When she woke up late in the morning light
And the day had just begun
She opened up her eyes and thought
Oh what a morning
It's not a day for work
It's a day for catching tan
Just laying on the beach and having fun
She's goning to get you

All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby
All that she wants is another baby

She's gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby
All that she wants - all that she wants

So if you are in sight and the day is right
She's the hunter you're the fox
The gentle voice that talks to you won't talk forever
It is a night for passion
But the morning means goodbye
Beware of what is flashing in her eyes
She's going to get you

All that she wants...

08-29-2005, 15:41
guano apes
pretty in scarled- tova e edna ot nai-velikite pesni na vsi4ki vremena

We slept a while
to turn it off
and get it out of our minds
I slept a while
to get it all
it seems alright
to find a place without a single lie
where is the night
we ran into

Nothing is good
I can’t explain
falling down and caught up the rain
I turn myself into changes
the night I kissed you goodbye
(your death is over)

You want to live a lie
and I’m pretty in scarlet
come on
you want to wash it down
and I’m pretty in scarlet
I turn myself to say goodbye

It’s o.k.
it doesn’t count
found my place
a deeper sound
let me dive alone

You gave me wine
to poison me
and take away my time
I can hear you cry
I wonder why

And if you throw a stone on me
I’m pretty in scarlet
and if you need some pain to see
I’m pretty in scarlet
and if you live your lies
I will run

08-29-2005, 16:40
KoRn-Here To Stay
KoRn-Make Me Bad
KoRn-Got The Life
Metallica-Mama Said
Metallica-The Unforgiven
Sepultura-Inner Self
Slipknot-Before I Forget

тва е малка част....

но любимата ми песен е на KoRn-Here To Stay

"Here To Stay"

This time I'm taking it away, I've got a problem
With me getting in the way, not by my side
So I take my face and bash it into a mirror
I won't have to see the pain

This state is elevating, as the hurt turns into hating
Anticipating all the fucked up feelings again

My hurt inside is fading
This shit's gone way too fara
All this time I've been waiting
Oh I cannot breath anymore
I'm not, I'm not a whore
You've taken everything and
Oh I cannot give anymore

My mind's done with this
So hey, I've got a question
Can I throw it all away?
Take back what's mine
So I take my time
Driving humbly down the line
This state is elevating, as the hurt turns into hating-
Each cut, closer to the vein

This state is elevating, as the hurt turns into hating
Anticipating all the fucked up feelings again

The hurt inside is fading
This shit's gone way too fara
All this time I've been waiting
Oh, I cannot grieve anymore

For what's inside awaking
I'm not, I'm not a whore
You've taken everything and
Oh I cannot give anymore

I'm here to stay (bring it down)
Bring it down!
Gonna bring it down
Gonna break it down
Gonna break it

This state is elevating, as the hurt turns into hating
Anticipating all the fucked up feelings again

My hurt inside is fading
This shit's gone way too far
All this time I've been waiting
Oh I cannot breath anymore

For what's inside awaking
I'm not, I'm not a whore
You've taken everything and
Oh I cannot give anymore

Give anymore !!!

08-29-2005, 17:04
Чудно ми е как някой хора могат да кажат че имат само една любима песен и да се средоточат само над нея :shock: Имам адски много любими песни! Дори не мога да кажа за песни ами за групи....и съответната група всичките и песни...това са Children of Bodom в момента най ме кефи You're Better Off Dead i Hate Crew Deathroll но пак ми е ного трудно да кажа че са ми единствени любими..

You're Better Off Dead!

Hey what's the matter with you?
Whatcha trying to do?
We're wrecking the place...I'll never get it
Did I ever hurt you in any way?
If I did then hear my apology--fuck you!
If I did anything to batter you down
...all the way to six feet under!
And why in earth should I stop
Until I see your fucking ass drop
Mind your own business and leave mine alone
To take a look at the real world for a sec
It's a hell for heroes and heaven for fools,
What makes you the luckiest bastard on the earth

In the prejudiced mind you narrow yourself in,
I'm the servant while you're the king

Til' tomorrow is the better day to be
You're better off dead than fucking with me!
What if there ain't no tomorrow?
Let me tell ya, there wasn't one today!

Hey, if you like me so dare
so, I know why I stop
and the only one step right
and it's raining flesh of death.

In the prejudiced mind you narrow yourself in,
I'm the servant while you're the king

Til' tomorrow is the better day to be
You're better off dead than fucking with me!
What if there ain't no tomorrow?
Let me tell ya, there wasn't one today!

08-29-2005, 17:06
Children Of Bodom западнаха. Останаха само VILLAGE PEOPLE - Y. M. C. A!

08-29-2005, 17:09
Children Of Bodom западнаха. Останаха само VILLAGE PEOPLE - Y. M. C. A!Западнала ти е оная ти работа с извинение :P

08-29-2005, 17:13
Алекси Лайхо за пореден път доказа, че е талантлив пияница. Първо СВИНЯТА му чупи ребрата, ся си чупи ръката. Песните им стават все по-зле и по-зле. Преди 2-3 години ми бяха най-любимата група. Просто всичко след Follow The Reaper лапа патки, с извинение.

VILLAGE PEOPLE над всичко!

08-29-2005, 17:28
Алекси Лайхо за пореден път доказа, че е талантлив пияница. Първо СВИНЯТА му чупи ребрата, ся си чупи ръката. Песните им стават все по-зле и по-зле. Преди 2-3 години ми бяха най-любимата група. Просто всичко след Follow The Reaper лапа патки, с извинение.

VILLAGE PEOPLE над всичко!

глупости! е, вярно е, че таланта (в пеенето и свиренето) му е повече от акъла, ама айде са ... :lol: а какво те интересува дали пиянства? тва си е негова работа.
а аз имам толкова любими песни и текстове, че просто не ми дава сърце да напиша някоя, пренебрегвайки друга.

08-29-2005, 17:31
Мисълта ми е че след Follow The Reaper песните станаха прости, с много тъпи текстове. По-голямо еднообразие в Hate Crew Deathroll не бях виждал. Сега имат и кавър на Бритни...малее супер са. Т.Е. Лапат патки.

08-29-2005, 17:57
Мисълта ми е че след Follow The Reaper песните станаха прости, с много тъпи текстове. По-голямо еднообразие в Hate Crew Deathroll не бях виждал. Сега имат и кавър на Бритни...малее супер са. Т.Е. Лапат патки.

както си решиш.
според мен нямат нито една посредствена песен. от всеки тон лъха гениалност. всъщност има една, която ме дразни адски много (she's beutiful), ама е само една ... хехе.
а страничните проекти на момчетата са си направо перфектни. като Sinergy примерно или на Janne - Warmen. същата работа. шедьоври :wink: а кавъра на Спиърс ... леко банално е вече да се ебаваш с нея, ама в тоя вариант песента определено ми харесва повече. и Кимбърли пее по-добро от Бритни. при всички положения.

08-29-2005, 17:58
she's beautiful е кавър на Andrew W.K. и е супер. Само тази песен е добра от последните им. Както и да е. Лапат патки.

08-29-2005, 18:02
да де, ама имат много по-добри кавъри. като aces high, rebel yell, powerslave и т.н., които ми харесват много повече от оригинала. she's beautiful не ме радва. и толкоз.

08-29-2005, 18:04
Са като се замисля, ми те бодом не лапат патки бе! Кояп лапат патки!

08-29-2005, 22:46
Мисълта ми е че след Follow The Reaper песните станаха прости, с много тъпи текстове. По-голямо еднообразие в Hate Crew Deathroll не бях виждал. Сега имат и кавър на Бритни...малее супер са. Т.Е. Лапат патки.Ох как ме дразнат такива хора като тебе дето се правят на разбирачи, а всъщтност нищо не разбират! Братле прайш се на интересен! Принципно съм много спокоен и уравновсен човек но ти просто ми лазиш по нервите! Моля те млъкни и стига говори глупости, запази си мението за себе си! Не искам да се караме но говориш за Bodom!

08-29-2005, 22:52
Ах-ъм. Бодом ги слушам от мнооого време. Като казвам от мнооого значи от 98 осма, когато излиза първия им албум. От тогава следя творчеството ми с интерес и знам как са се развили нещата при тях. В момента те са зле. Тъй не ми се обяснявай бе Momchence, ебаси инфантилния ник. Я земи порасни.