View Full Version : Интересни и полезни скриптове

08-30-2006, 22:10
Нека в тази тема всеки предложи по някои интересен код или скрипт за нещо полезно....
И така....ето няколко от мен :)

<embed src="" width="400" height="300" autostart="1" showcontrol="1" showdisplay="0" showstatusbar="1"></embed>

Това е код за нещо като онлайн Windows Media Player..
P.S.Може да смените горния линк с ваш плейлист као имате радио или с линк на качено някъде клипче...ето нагледно да видите какво се получава:
Подходящ е за онлайн радио или телевизия!

Ето това е едно нещо като хоризонтално Джава меню подходящо за сайт или пътеводител...

<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- hiding
var isDOM = (document.getElementById ? true : false);
var isIE4 = ((document.all && !isDOM) ? true : false);
var isNS4 = (document.layers ? true : false);
function getRef(id) {
if (isDOM) return document.getElementById(id);
if (isIE4) return document.all[id];
if (isNS4) return document.layers[id];
function getSty(id) {
return (isNS4 ? getRef(id) : getRef(id).style);
// Hide timeout.
var popTimer = 0;
// Array showing highlighted menu items.
var litNow = new Array();
function popOver(menuNum, itemNum) {
litNow = getTree(menuNum, itemNum);
changeCol(litNow, true);
targetNum = menu[menuNum][itemNum].target;
if (targetNum > 0) {
thisX = parseInt(menu[menuNum][0].ref.left) + parseInt(menu[menuNum][itemNum].ref.left);
thisY = parseInt(menu[menuNum][0].ref.top) + parseInt(menu[menuNum][itemNum].ref.top);
with (menu[targetNum][0].ref) {
left = parseInt(thisX + menu[targetNum][0].x);
top = parseInt(thisY + menu[targetNum][0].y);
visibility = 'visible';
function popOut(menuNum, itemNum) {
if ((menuNum == 0) && !menu[menuNum][itemNum].target)
popTimer = setTimeout('hideAllBut(0)', 500);
function getTree(menuNum, itemNum) {

// Array index is the menu number. The contents are null (if that menu is not a parent)
// or the item number in that menu that is an ancestor (to light it up).
itemArray = new Array(menu.length);

while(1) {
itemArray[menuNum] = itemNum;
// If we've reached the top of the hierarchy, return.
if (menuNum == 0) return itemArray;
itemNum = menu[menuNum][0].parentItem;
menuNum = menu[menuNum][0].parentMenu;

// Pass an array and a boolean to specify colour change, true = over colour.
function changeCol(changeArray, isOver) {
for (menuCount = 0; menuCount < changeArray.length; menuCount++) {
if (changeArray[menuCount]) {
newCol = isOver ? menu[menuCount][0].overCol : menu[menuCount][0].backCol;
// Change the colours of the div/layer background.
with (menu[menuCount][changeArray[menuCount]].ref) {
if (isNS4) bgColor = newCol;
else backgroundColor = newCol;
function hideAllBut(menuNum) {
var keepMenus = getTree(menuNum, 1);
for (count = 0; count < menu.length; count++)
if (!keepMenus[count])
menu[count][0].ref.visibility = 'hidden';
changeCol(litNow, false);


function Menu(isVert, popInd, x, y, width, overCol, backCol, borderClass, textClass) {
// True or false - a vertical menu?
this.isVert = isVert;
// The popout indicator used (if any) for this menu.
this.popInd = popInd
// Position and size settings.
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = width;
// Colours of menu and items.
this.overCol = overCol;
this.backCol = backCol;
// The stylesheet class used for item borders and the text within items.
this.borderClass = borderClass;
this.textClass = textClass;
// Parent menu and item numbers, indexed later.
this.parentMenu = null;
this.parentItem = null;
// Reference to the object's style properties (set later).
this.ref = null;

function Item(text, href, frame, length, spacing, target) {
this.text = text;
this.href = href;
this.frame = frame;
this.length = length;
this.spacing = spacing;
this.target = target;
// Reference to the object's style properties (set later).
this.ref = null;

function writeMenus() {
if (!isDOM && !isIE4 && !isNS4) return;

for (currMenu = 0; currMenu < menu.length; currMenu++) with (menu[currMenu][0]) {
// Variable for holding HTML for items and positions of next item.
var str = '', itemX = 0, itemY = 0;

// Remember, items start from 1 in the array (0 is menu object itself, above).
// Also use properties of each item nested in the other with() for construction.
for (currItem = 1; currItem < menu[currMenu].length; currItem++) with (menu[currMenu][currItem]) {
var itemID = 'menu' + currMenu + 'item' + currItem;

// The width and height of the menu item - dependent on orientation!
var w = (isVert ? width : length);
var h = (isVert ? length : width);

// Create a div or layer text string with appropriate styles/properties.
// Thanks to Paul Maden (www.paulmaden.com) for helping debug this in IE4, apparently
// the width must be a miniumum of 3 for it to work in that browser.
if (isDOM || isIE4) {
str += '<div id="' + itemID + '" style="position: absolute; left: ' + itemX + '; top: ' + itemY + '; width: ' + w + '; height: ' + h + '; visibility: inherit; ';
if (backCol) str += 'background: ' + backCol + '; ';
str += '" ';
if (isNS4) {
str += '<layer id="' + itemID + '" left="' + itemX + '" top="' + itemY + '" width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" visibility="inherit" ';
if (backCol) str += 'bgcolor="' + backCol + '" ';
if (borderClass) str += 'class="' + borderClass + '" ';

// Add mouseover handlers and finish div/layer.
str += 'onMouseOver="popOver(' + currMenu + ',' + currItem + ')" onMouseOut="popOut(' + currMenu + ',' + currItem + ')">';

// Add contents of item (default: table with link inside).
// In IE/NS6+, add padding if there's a border to emulate NS4's layer padding.
// If a target frame is specified, also add that to the <a> tag.

str += '<table width="' + (w - 8) + '" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="' + (!isNS4 && borderClass ? 3 : 0) + '"><tr><td align="left" height="' + (h - 7) + '">' + '' : '>') + text + ' (' + href + ')</td>';
if (target > 0) {

// Set target's parents to this menu item.
menu[target][0].parentMenu = currMenu;
menu[target][0].parentItem = currItem;

// Add a popout indicator.
if (popInd) str += '<td class="' + textClass + '" align="right">' + popInd + '</td>';
str += '</tr></table>' + (isNS4 ? '</layer>' : '</div>');
if (isVert) itemY += length + spacing;
else itemX += length + spacing;
if (isDOM) {
var newDiv = document.createElement('div');
document.getElementsByTagName('body').item(0).appe ndChild(newDiv);
newDiv.innerHTML = str;
ref = newDiv.style;
ref.position = 'absolute';
ref.visibility = 'hidden';

// Insert a div tag to the end of the BODY with menu HTML in place for IE4.
if (isIE4) {
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', '<div id="menu' + currMenu + 'div" ' + 'style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden">' + str + '</div>');
ref = getSty('menu' + currMenu + 'div');

// In NS4, create a reference to a new layer and write the items to it.
if (isNS4) {
ref = new Layer(0);

for (currItem = 1; currItem < menu[currMenu].length; currItem++) {
itemName = 'menu' + currMenu + 'item' + currItem;
if (isDOM || isIE4) menu[currMenu][currItem].ref = getSty(itemName);
if (isNS4) menu[currMenu][currItem].ref = ref.document[itemName];
with(menu[0][0]) {
ref.left = x;
ref.top = y;
ref.visibility = 'visible';

// menu[menuNumber][0] = new Menu(Vertical menu? (true/false), 'popout indicator', left, top,
// width, 'mouseover colour', 'background colour', 'border stylesheet', 'text stylesheet');
// Left and Top are measured on-the-fly relative to the top-left corner of its trigger, or
// for the root menu, the top-left corner of the page.
// menu[menuNumber][itemNumber] = new Item('Text', 'URL', 'target frame', length of menu item,
// additional spacing to next menu item, number of target menu to popout);
// If no target menu (popout) is desired, set it to 0. Likewise, if your site does not use
// frames, pass an empty string as a frame target.

// The 'length' and 'width' of an item depends on its orientation -- length is how long the item runs for

var menu = new Array();

// Default colours passed to most menu constructors
var defOver = '#1A5C9F', defBack = '#004891';

// Default 'length' of menu items - item height if menu is vertical, width if horizontal.
var defLength = 22;

// MAIN MENU:: Menu 0 is the special, 'root' menu from which everything else arises.
menu[0] = new Array();

// A non-vertical menu with a few different colours and no popout indicator, as an example.
// *** MOVE ROOT MENU AROUND HERE *** it's positioned at (50, 0) and is 17px high now.
menu[0][0] = new Menu(false, '', 50, 0, 17, '#1A5C9F', '#004891', '', 'itemText');

// The 'length' of each of these items is 40, and there is spacing of 20 to the next item.
// Most of the links are set to '#' hashes, make sure you change them to actual files.
menu[0][1] = new Item(' File', '#', '', 40, 20, 1);
menu[0][2] = new Item(' Edit', '#', '', 40, 20, 2);
menu[0][3] = new Item(' Help', '#', '', 40, 20, 3);
// An example of a link with a target frame/window as well...
menu[0][4] = new Item(' Site', 'http://gusnz.cjb.net', '_new', 40, 10, 0);
//SUB MENUS::////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// File menu.
menu[1] = new Array();
// The File menu is positioned -5px across and 16 down from its trigger, and is 80 wide.
// All text in this menu has the stylesheet class 'item' -- see the <style> section above.
// We've passed a 'greater-than' sign '>' as a popout indicator. Try an image...?
menu[1][0] = new Menu(true, '>', -5, 16, 80, defOver, defBack, 'itemBorder', 'itemText');
menu[1][1] = new Item('Open', '#', '', defLength, 0, 0);
menu[1][2] = new Item('Save', '#', '', defLength, 0, 0);
// Non-zero target means this will trigger a popout -- menu[4] which is the 'Reopen' menu.
menu[1][3] = new Item('Reopen', '#', '', defLength, 0, 4);
menu[1][4] = new Item('Exit', '#', '', defLength, 0, 0);

// Edit menu.
menu[2] = new Array();
menu[2][0] = new Menu(true, '>', -10, 16, 80, defOver, defBack, 'itemBorder', 'itemText');
menu[2][1] = new Item('Cut', '#', '', defLength, 0, 0);
menu[2][2] = new Item('Copy', '#', '', defLength, 0, 0);
menu[2][3] = new Item('Paste', '#', '', defLength, 0, 0);

// Help menu
menu[3] = new Array();
menu[3][0] = new Menu(true, '<', -10, 16, 80, defOver, defBack, 'itemBorder', 'itemText');
menu[3][1] = new Item('Contents', '#', '', defLength, 0, 0);
menu[3][2] = new Item('Index', '#', '', defLength, 0, 0);
menu[3][3] = new Item('About', '#', '', defLength, 0, 5);

// SUB-SUB MENU:: Reopen menu
menu[4] = new Array();
// This is across but not down...
menu[4][0] = new Menu(true, '>', 79, 0, 100, '#1A5C9F', '#004891', 'crazyBorder', 'crazyText');
menu[4][1] = new Item('Recent Doc 1:', '#', '', 22, 0, 0);
menu[4][2] = new Item('Recent Doc 2:', '#', '', 22, 0, 0);
menu[4][3] = new Item('Etc. etc...', '#', '', defLength, 0, 0);

// SUB-SUB MENU:: Help About popout
menu[5] = new Array();
// Leftwards popout with a negative x and y relative to its trigger.
menu[5][0] = new Menu(true, '>', -79, -22, 80, defOver, defBack, 'itemBorder', 'itemText');
menu[5][1] = new Item('and up!', '#', '', 22, 0, 0);
menu[5][2] = new Item('Leftwards!', '#', '', 20, 0, 0);

// These two lines handle the window resize bug in NS4. See <body onResize="...">.
// I recommend you leave this here as otherwise when you resize NS4's width menus are hidden.
var popOldWidth = window.innerWidth;
nsResizeHandler = new Function('if (popOldWidth != window.innerWidth) location.reload()');

// This is a quick snippet that captures all clicks on the document and hides the menus
// every time you click. Use if you want.
if (isNS4) document.captureEvents(Event.CLICK);
document.onclick = clickHandle;

function clickHandle(evt)
if (isNS4) document.routeEvent(evt);

// This is just the moving command for the example.
function moveRoot()
with(menu[0][0].ref) left = ((parseInt(left) < 100) ? 100 : 5);
// End -->


.itemBorder { border: 1px solid black }
.itemText { text-decoration: none; color: #FFFFFF; font: 12px Arial, Helvetica }

.crazyBorder { border: 1px outset #000000 }
.crazyText { text-decoration: none; color: #FFffff; font: 12px Arial, Helvetica }


<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" style="margin: 0" onLoad="writeMenus()" onResize="if (isNS4) nsResizeHandler()">

<table bgcolor="#004891" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td height="17"><font size="1"> </font></td></tr></table>

Линковете се променят от кода...
Ето какво се получава на гледно:
Линк>>> (

Ето едно подобно меню само че то е вертикално и е преправено от мен..

<title>Cascading Menu</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function goToURL() { history.go(-1); }
border:1px solid darkblue;
position: absolute;
color: #ffffff;
cursor: hand;
border-left:1px solid darkblue;
border-right:1px solid darkblue;
.item_panel a
background-color: #E9F0F8;
width: 148px;
font-size: 10px;
font-family: verdana;

<script language="JavaScript">
var height = 20; // height of the menu headers
var iheight = 15; // height of the menu_items
var bgc = "#E9F0F8" // background color of the item
var tc = "black" // text color of the item
var over_bgc = "white";
var over_tc = "#004891";
var speed = 0;
var timerID = "";
var N = (document.all) ? 0 : 1;
var width = 152;
var self_menu = new Array();
function write_menu()
smc = 0; // count the position of the self_menu
document.write("<div style='position:absolute'>");
mn = 0;
mni = 1;
start = -1;
la = Link[i].split("|");
if (la[0] == "0")
if(start == 0)
h = csmc * iheight;
tmn = mn; //-h
self_menu[smc] = new Array(tmn,h,0,-2);
csmc = 0;
document.write("<div class='menu' style='top:"+mn+";height:"+height+"' id='down"+smc+"' onclick='pull_down("+smc+","+mni+")'> "+ la[1] + "</div>");
self_menu[smc] = new Array(mn,height,0,mni);
start = 1;
if(start == 1)
document.write("<div class='item_panel' id='down"+smc+"' style='top:"+mn+"'>");
start = 0;

document.write("<a href='"+la[2]+"'");
if (la[3] != "") document.write(" target='" + la[3] + "' ");
document.write("><div class='item' id='d"+i+"' style='height:"+iheight);
if (N) document.write(";width:150");
document.write("' onmouseover='color(this.id)' onmouseout='uncolor(this.id)'> "+ la[1] + "</div></a>");
if (start == 0)
h = csmc * iheight;
tmn = mn + 5; //-h
self_menu[smc] = new Array(tmn,h,0);
name = "down" + (self_menu.length-1);
obj = document.getElementById(name);
obj.style.borderBottomColor = "darkblue";
obj.style.borderBottomWidth = 1;
obj.style.borderBottomStyle = "solid";
function color(obj)
document.getElementById(obj).style.backgroundColor = over_bgc;
document.getElementById(obj).style.color = over_tc

function uncolor(obj)
document.getElementById(obj).style.backgroundColor = bgc;
document.getElementById(obj).style.color = tc

function pull_down(nr,c)
if (timerID == "")
to = self_menu[nr+1][1]
begin = nr + 2;
if (timerID != "") clearTimeout(timerID);
if (self_menu[nr+1][2] == 0)
self_menu[nr+1][2] = 1;
if(nr == self_menu.length-2) {to++;}
to = 0;
self_menu[nr+1][2] = 0;
name = "down"+(nr+2);
open_item = 0;
if(self_menu[i][2] == 1)
{open_item += self_menu[i][1];
if (N == false) {open_item-= (c*1)};
if (nr== self_menu.length-2) {val = self_menu[self_menu.length-1][1];to=-1;}
else val = parseInt(document.getElementById(name).style.top) -(open_item)-(c*height);

function epull_down(nr,to,nowv)
name = "down" + (nr-1);
obj = document.getElementById(name).style.clip = "rect(0,"+width+","+(nowv+1)+",0)";
for (i=nr;i<self_menu.length;i++)
name = "down" + i;
obj = document.getElementById(name);
obj.style.top = parseInt(obj.style.top)+1;
if(nowv < to) timerID = setTimeout("epull_down("+nr+","+to+","+nowv+")",speed);
else timerID = "";

function epull_up(nr,to,nowv)
name = "down" + (nr-1);
obj = document.getElementById(name).style.clip = "rect(0,"+width+","+nowv+",0)";
for (i=nr;i<self_menu.length;i++)
name = "down" + i;
obj = document.getElementById(name);
obj.style.top = parseInt(obj.style.top)-1;
if(nowv > to) timerID = setTimeout("epull_up("+nr+","+to+","+nowv+")",speed);
else timerID = "";

function startup(nr)
if (nr != 0)
if(self_menu[i][3] == nr) pull_down(i,nr)
<table width=150><tr><td>
<script language="JavaScript">
//Link[nr] = "position [0 is menu/1 is item],Link name,url,target (blank|top|frame_name)"
var Link = new Array();
Link[0] = "0|Сайт";
Link[1] = "1|Форум||";
Link[2] = "1|Tърсачка|http://|";
Link[3] = "1|Качване на файл|http://|";
Link[4] = "1|Услуги||";
Link[5] = "1|Субтитри|http://|";
Link[6] = "1|Забава|http://|";
Link[7] = "1|Онлайн радио|http://|";
Link[8] = "1|Сървъри|http://|";
Link[9] = "1|Въпросник|http://|";
Link[10] = "1|Image хостинг|http://|";
Link[11] = "1|Каталог|http://|";
Link[12] = "1|Торенти|http://|";
Link[13] = "1|Чат стая|http://|";
Link[14] = "1|Екип|http://|";
Link[15] = "0|Портал";
Link[16] = "1|Портал>>>|http://|";
Link[17] = "0|Приятели";
Link[18] = "1|PoweR ForuM|http://283.freebb.com/power/|";
Link[19] = "1|MastersTB.com|http://masterstb.com|";
Link[20] = "1|Sladur|http://sladur.com|";
Link[21] = "1|За мен||";
Link[22] = "0|Контакти";
Link[23] = "1|ziky@abv.bg|mailto:ziky@abv.bg|";


Няма смисал да казвам че е подходящо за сайт...и то за главно меню :) ЛИнковете може да си ги преправите от кода..
Ето линк да видите за какво става дума на гледно:
Линк>>> (

Ето това е хитър скрипт за смяна на цветове на уеб страница...само да се вгради в кода на страницата:)

function changeColor(whatColor) {
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Жълто" ONCLICK="changeColor('Yellow')">

<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Червено" ONCLICK="changeColor('Red')">

<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Зелено" ONCLICK="changeColor('Green')">

<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Небесно" ONCLICK="changeColor('Teal')">

<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Бяло" ONCLICK="changeColor('White')">

<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Кафяво" ONCLICK="changeColor('Brown')">

Много е добро ако нямате идеи за стилове или други теми на сайт и ако го сложите върши работа.. :)
Ето линк да го видите на гледно:
Линк>>> (

Ами това е от мен за сега...имам доста но темата стана доста дълга....ако някой се интересува да пише ЛС или на мейла...Същото се отнася за този който иска сайт..изработвам ги безплатно....ако има интерес-пишете...
И още веднъж трите връзки за горните полезни кодове:

Код за онлайн радио или телевизионен код:Линк>>> (
Код за падащо хотизонтално меню:Линк>>> (
Код за падащо вертикално меню:Линк>>> (
Код за промяна на цветовете на страница:Линк>>> (

Скоро очаквайте статия как да си направим сайт и торент тракер защото особенно за торент тракера се скъсаха а ме питат....

Чакам вашите предложения :)