View Full Version : Помощ за есето ми по английски, което е почнато

10-30-2006, 10:09
Приятели, протягам ръка за помощ. Това, което ще видите по-долу, е есе по англисйки език на тема: "Are the things you love now different from what you used to love when you were a child?"

Моля ви, редактирайте го и го допълнете за се получи по-пълно. Не се притеснявайте, че може да не се отнася за мен, и без това госпожата не м епознава. Отскоро ни е, пък и искам да блесна малко.

"Are the things you love now different from what you used to love when you were a child?

Уводна част:
My life and personality has constantly been changing through my live. The things I love now are indeed different from what I used to love when I were a child. That's a process that every one goes through. In my case that happened lately. May be because I didn't want to grow up.

Аргументи първа част:
First, the fact that as a child I hated going to school and do it only to see with my friends, play and have fun together. Now I go to school with great willingness, which I didn't have before. If as a child I loved to play football or basketball now I love to read books, play computer games or surf the Internet.

Аргументи втора част:
Second, now I've grown up and have a different look at things. I can aprriciate things that I've never thought of before. For example as a child I have never appreciated the help of my parents. Now, when I'm 18 I realize the value of the help and the trust they've been giving me. If as a child I never payed attention to girlfriends now it's a little bit different. I love going out with them when I have free time.

Аргументи трета част:
Furthermore, when I was a little boy the education didn't have place in my childhood. Now it's quite different. I apply to(for) SWU in Blagoevgrad. Because of the preparation I don't have time for friends and fun as before. Now I also like to study. I have never had that feeling of satisfaction of studying when I was a kid.

The childhood will stay in my mind as a period of games, friends, fun and carefreeness. Now when I begin to get grown-up I start to feel how different I was before and now.

Моля ви, нека пишат тези, който са на Ти с материала.

Забележка: Всички абзаци трябва да са горе-долу приблизителни по големина и пет, както съм ги почнал. Редакирайте, когато има смисъл, допълвайте на воля, когато става по-добре.

10-30-2006, 14:01
Ето го леко допълнено.

My life and personality has constantly been changing through my live. The things I love now are indeed different from what I used to love when I were a child. That's a process that every one goes through. In my case that happened lately. May be because I didn't want to grow up.

First, the fact that as a child I loved to go to school and see with my friends, play and have fun together. Now all that pressure comes a little bit more to me and I don't seem to go to school with that willingness as I used to. If as a child I loved to play football or basketball now I love to read books, play computer games or surf the Internet. I used to watch cartoons all day, now I can hardly find a time to watch the news.

Second, now I've grown up and have a different look at things. I can aprriciate things that I've never thought of before. For example as a child I have never appreciated the help of my parents. Now, when I'm 18 I realize the value of the help and the trust they've been giving me. If as a child I never payed attention to girlfriends now it's a little bit different.

Furthermore, when I was a little boy the education didn't have place in my childhood. Now it's quite different. I apply to(for) SWU in Blagoevgrad. Because of the preparation I don't have time for friends and fun as before. Now I also like to study. I have never had that feeling of satisfaction of studying when I was a kid. If I shoud be honest, I didn't open textbook more then two times at week.

The things I love best are completely different from theese in my past. This normal when I'm grown up. However, the childhood will stay in my mind as a period of games, friends, fun and carefreeness. I'm feeling little sad somethimes when I remember my early life. But most of the thing I used to love best are already irreparably gone out of my life.

10-30-2006, 15:37
Ето последния ми вариант. Не се стеснявайте, а казвайте:

"Are the thing you love best now different from what you used to love when tou were a child?

Уводна чат:
My life and personality has constantly been changing through my live. The things I love now are indeed different from what I used to love when I were a child. That's a process that every one goes through. In my case that happened lately. May be because I didn't want to grow up.

Аргументи първа част:
First, the fact that as a child I hated going to school and do it only to see with my friends, play and have fun together. Now I go to school with great willingness, which I didn't have before. If as a child I loved to play football or basketball, now I love reading books, playing computer games or surfing the Internet(?) .

Аргументи втора част:
Second, If as a child I never payed attention to girls, now it's a little bit different. I start looking for a girlfriend and i found one. I love going out with her when I have free time. When I use to be a child I had a dream to be a dustman or taxi-driver. But when a boy grow a little, the reality comes.

Аргументи трета част:
Furthermore, when I was a little boy the education didn't have place in my childhood. Now it's quite different. I like to study. I have never had that feeling of satisfaction of studying when I was a kid. I also will apply for SWU in Blagoevgrad. Because of the preparation I don't have time for friends and fun as before.

The childhood will stay in my mind as a period of games, friends, fun and carefreeness. Now, when I start to get grown-up, I begin to feel how different I was before and now. It won't be extreme if I say that I'm new person.