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01-17-2007, 06:40
по английски имаме да пишем рецензия на книга или филм (нали за кво се разказва), айде някой ако може да помогне ще съм мн благодарнааа :lol:

01-17-2007, 08:04
hah min godina kato imah da pi6a takova hvanah edna kniga i otzad nali na vsqka edna pi6e malka recenziq i si q prevedoh i be6e idealno, moje da vidi6 za recenziq na nqkoi film v neta i da napravi6 sa6toto ma po dobre si go zemi ot bg i si go prevedi pone da ne si li4i 4e ne si go pisala ti

01-17-2007, 08:50
е как искаш да ти помогнем?ти дори заглавие не си казала!...бе най-добре е избери си заглавие на книгата, която "четеш" :D (или филма)и се порови за резюме!

01-17-2007, 11:55
а ще може ли да ми преведете това : Отгледана в африканския пущинак от родители зоолози, Кейди (Линдзи Лоън) мисли, че знае всичко за “оцеляването на най-силните”. Но законът на джунглата се проявява в най-неочакваната за нея форма, когато 15-годишното момиче, досега обучавано единствено в къщи, е записано в нормална американска гимназия.

Тя трябва да намери мястото си сред разнообразните гимназиални касти на спортисти, зубрачи, клакьорки и какви ли още не, но най-вече трябва да се справи с най-опасния вид – Пчелата Майка, т.е. красивата и пресметлива Реджина (Рейчъл МакАдамс), лидер на най-модерната и популярна клика на “Пластичните”.

Адаптацията сякаш не би могла да бъде по-трудна, но когато Кейди се влюбва в бившото гадже на Реджина, единствената и най-важна мисия на “Пластичните” става да унищожат социалния й живот. Налага се и Кейди да покаже ноктите си и скоро тя и Реджина се оказват в центъра на най-гадната и... забавна момичешка война, която сте виждали.

мн съм зле по английски наистина :?

01-17-2007, 15:09
еми мила виж нещо дето е направо на английски! :?

01-17-2007, 15:22
фащам първия филм и копирам от имдб

Julietta (2001) ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0248123/ )

User Comments:

4 out of 5 people found the following comment useful:-
A derivative plot and boringly trendy, 22 November 2001
Author: vinita (vinita14@hotmail.com) from singapore

Christoph Stark's second film comes not so long after that trendy, popular flick 'Run Lola Run' by Tom Twyker. It must still be fresh in Stark's memory, because something in 'Julietta' smells derivatively of the latter film. While Twkyer's film was quirky, and combined music with fast-paced shots without being too "MTV" about it, you have to wonder what Stark really wanted to do.

The plot is all rather banal: young, and in all probability, wealthy German youth party it up at the annual Love Parade in Berlin. The protagonist Julietta heads up with her friends from Stuttgart to see her boyfriend Jiri and promptly loses him in party fervour and drugged out disorientation. In her near-unconscious state she has what should be a disturbing encounter with Max - a DJ/producer with a sensitive heart even though he'd sleep with a woman when she's passed out.

Julietta returns to Berlin with a dilemma on hand and meets up with Max again (who has been befriended by boyfriend Jiri), and of course, what unravels is a predictable case of three-way tension, and so-called matters of the heart.

Stark's camera movements - often times rapid - and the bright hues of primary colours that fill the screen (Julietta in bright reds) are all affected attempts at being stylistic, but come off strained. It is as if he wants to make a film about youth culture and troubled emotions, absent parent figures and city life. But all he does is churn out a conventional tale with a supposedly unconventional twist in the plot. This twist in the plot is set to make us believe that men who take advantage of women may suffer profound guilt afterwards and have a compassionate heart. Itself characterized poorly in the figure of Max.

There's neither alluring style, nor substance to this film. An absolute waste of time. A pity, because lead actress Lavinia Wilson offers a promising performance which is wasted on this film.

01-17-2007, 15:27
още един любим филм (незнам как ще го превеждаш ако не го гледаш обаче)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0338013/

Of all Kaufman's screenplays that delve into the interior landscapes of its characters, Eternal Sunshine is the most fully formed and moving story of the bunch, a rumination on the possibilities and consequences inherent in making the process of removing unwanted memories from your consciousness as easy as going for a checkup. Kaufman here plays on our desire to forget the bad things that happen to us and what happens when we are given the power to forget those things permanently, and the conclusion he arrives at is that it ultimately creates as many - if not more - problems than it solves. At the very least, it can result in making the same mistakes again ("Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it"); at the worst, it eliminates the possibility of our ever reconciling and coming to terms with our life experiences, the way we relate to the people who help to shape our lives and whose lives we shape through ours.

The film explores these ideas in a novel and engaging way: by taking the audience inside the mind of Joel Barish (Jim Carrey), a man who, after breaking up with his girlfriend Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslett), discovers later that she has had her memory of him wiped clean from her mind. He finds out how she had this procedure done and, despondent not only about the breakup but even more so about her having completely erased him from her mind, searches out the doctor who performed the procedure and signs up to have the same procedure done to him, so that he may also have no memory of her. He is rendered unconscious for the procedure but his subconscious is still active. Once the procedure is initiated and he becomes aware that his memories of the woman he loved - and still loves - are vanishing from his brain, he starts having second thoughts and wants the procedure stopped. His challenge then becomes to figure out how to protect as much of his memory of her as he can, and to find a way stop the procedure despite the fact that he is in an unconscious state.

The manner in which he comes to realize and confront his dilemma is played out entirely within his interior landscape, a realm which (as anyone who remembers their dreams upon waking from sleep can attest) is a very surreal extension of our day-to-day experiences. Michel Gondry's visual style and direction works exceptionally well here in conveying the slippery, chaotic unpredictability of the worlds we construct from our memories and experiences; the clever interplay between this interior world and the goings-on of the outside world helps keep the viewer off-balance just enough to illuminate the fuzzy line of demarcation separating the two worlds and the peculiar manner in which they play off one another.

Jim Carrey and Kate Winslett do an exceptional job of bringing this abstract story concept to life with characters that are endearing, poignant, believable and utterly human. The supporting players are equally impressive: Tom Wilkinson as the mind-eraser doctor, Mark Ruffalo and Elijah Wood as the technicians, Kiersten Dunst as the receptionist all have relationships to the main protagonists and to one another that come to light as the story unfolds and help to propel the plot; as friends of Joel and Clementine, David Cross and Jane Adams are hilarious as a couple who seem to be stuck in the same rut that compelled the protagonists to break up and have each other erased from their respective minds. Kaufman juggles all these relationships masterfully and in such a way as to ensure none of them are superfluous to the ideas he is trying to get across in this story.

While there are elements of the plot that seem to place this movie in the realm of science fiction, the focus of the movie stays on the interior states, emotions and relationships between the characters. As such, the film is more of a romantic comedy than anything - albeit unlike any other romantic comedy you're ever likely to see. I saw a late showing of this movie with my girlfriend the day it was released at a local multiplex and there were only 20 or so people in the theater, yet at the film's conclusion everyone broke out in a spontaneous round of applause. This gives an idea of how compelling this movie can be. If you give this film a chance to creep under your skin, you will likely find yourself reflexively thinking about your feelings toward the important people in your life, as well how you relate to those feelings, as well as your memories and how you relate to them. A thought provoking, moving and entertaining film - I can imagine that a working title of this film might have been "Warts And All."

01-17-2007, 15:42
благодаря ти ама са мн дълги ако може някой да преведе това което дадох на бг? тия са идеални ама не трябва да е толкова дълго

01-17-2007, 18:25
от учебника по английски за 6-ти клас...
My favorite film is Disney's The Lion King.It's a cartoon.Six hundred artists,animators and technicians made the film and it took 3 years to make.More than a milion drawinds are used in The Lion King.
I like ke this film because it's realistic.Cartoons usually happen in a cartoon world which doesn't exist,where the background is always the same.The Lion King is a story which happens in a real plase.It happens in Afrika,it uses Afrikan music and Afrikan names,and it has a fantastic backgound.The enviroment is very important in this film.
The main character in this film is Simba,a baby lion who is going to be the next king of the animals.However his father Mufasa is kiled by a stampede of wildebeest and Simba is tricked by his uncle Scar.Scar becomes King and Simba runs away.After some time ,Simba is found by his friend Nala.She tells Simba ,that Scar and the ''bad guys''of the film-the hyenas are ruining Simba's kingdom.Simba returns and fights Scar,and Simba becomes king.It's a simple story but it's told very well.