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02-28-2007, 14:24
6te vi pomolq za prerazkaz na edni angliiski textove i otgovori na vyprosi za tqh.

Facts About Gorillas
1. A big male gorilla can weigh 200 kilograms.
2. Gorillas build a nest to sleep in each night.
3. A big gorillas hands are 2,65m from its shoulders.
4. Gorillas live in groups and only move about one third of a mile a day.
5. Gorillas are afraid of snakes.
6. Gorillas never have fleas.

A long wait
The female emperor penguin lays only one egg each year.She gives it to the male,who puts it on his feet and covers it with a special pouch.The famale then goes to the set perhape many kilometres from the male, and does not return for three months.The male stands in the cold, with no food.When the egg hatches, the famale comes back and her thin,weak mate goes off to freed.

The Robin
The robin is a plunp brown bind 5 1/2 inches (14sm) long. It has a red face breast and a whote belly .Males and females look alike, but the amout of red on the breast varies in individual birds.Robins live all over Freat Britain and Ireland,and are often found in gardens Each male or pain has territory which the male defends.Robins eat fruit,worms and insects.The female lays fout to six eggs in a nest made of mass and hair.The eggs are white with light red spots.

1. How many eggs does an emperor penguin lay?
2. How many kilograms does a big male gorilla weigh?
3. Where do gorillas sleep?
4. Do forillas like snakes?
5. What do robins eat?
6. How many eggs do robins lay?
7. Do robins live in Scotland?

p.p. Trqbva mi nai kusno do dove4era. Bladogarq predvaritelno na vsi4ki koito 6te mi pomognat