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05-10-2007, 13:06
Имам нужда от малко помощ... ще съм Ви благодарна ако помогнете...

From " The Citadel "
By A.J. Cronin
Simplified by N.Wymer

A few days later,Ivory did the operation in a private nursing home.Vidler was very cheerful.Before he was put to sleep,he smiled at Andrew and said: `I shall feel better after this.' The next moment he was asleep.
Ivory took his surgeon`s knife and made a long cut in Vilder`s stomach.Immediately a large flesh bag of poisonous matter sprang out of the wound like a wet bail.This bag was the cause of Vidler`s pain.Ivory tried
to catch hold of the ball and cut it away from the inside of the stomach.He tried twenty times,but on each attempt the ball slipped out of his hand.
Andrew looked at Ivory in annoyance,thinking:`What is the man doing?Why does he find it so difficult?`
Suddenly he realised that this was the first stomach operation that Ivory had done for him.He walked nearer to the table.Nobody else seemed to be worried.Ivory,the doctor who had put Vidler to sleep,and the nurses were all quite calm.But for some reason,Andrew had a feeling of fear.
In the and,Ivory gave up the attempt,and cut a hole in the bag itself.Immediately,the bag burst,spilling the poisonous matter into the stomach.

Благодаря Ви предварително... :!:

05-10-2007, 13:55
Mi az go prevedoh, obache ne mi se pishe. Mnogo e dalgo.
PS: Imash li prodaljenieto na istoriata, che mi stana interesno :?: :roll:

05-10-2007, 14:37
ne.. nqmam prodyljenieto .. tova mi e domashna po angl.

05-10-2007, 14:37
ot"citadelata"na A.Dg.Kronin
oprosteno ot N.Uim1r
sled nqkolko dni, Aiv1ri napravi operaciqta v 4asten(n.h.tva ne go znam kvo e).Vidler be6e mn 6tastliv.predi da zaspi(t.e.ot upoikata), toi se usmihna na Andriu i kaza:
- Bi triabvalo da se 4uvstvam po dobre sled tova.
V sledva6tiq moment spe6e.
Aiv1ri izvadi hirurgi4eskiq si noj i napravi goliam razrez v stomaha na Vidler.Vednaga goliama(flesh bag???), pulna s otrova, se izsipa ot ranata kato(bail=?).tazi(bag)be6e pri4inata za bolkata na Vidler.Aiv1ri se opita da(???)topkata i da q izreje ot vutre6nostta na stomaha.Opita se 20puti, no pri vseki opit topkata se izpluzva6e ot rukata mu.
Andriu gleda6e Aiv1ri razdrazneno, misleiki si:
-Kakvo pravi tozi?Za6to mu e tolkova trudno?
Izvednuj se seti, 4e tva e purvata operaciq na stomah, koqto Aiv1ri e pravil za nego.Toi se pribliji do operacionnata masa.Nikoi drog ne izglejda6e raztrevojen.Aiv1ri, doctorut koito be6e prispal Vidler i sestrite bqha (vsi4kite)spokoini.no po nqkakva pri4ina, Andriu 4uvstva6e strah.
Nakraq, Aiv1ri sprq opitite i razrqza samata(torbi4ka??).Vednaga tq se spuka, razlivaiki otrovnata te4nost v stomaha.
nou me marze6e ama go prevedoh :mrgreen: kolkoto moga :mrgreen:

05-10-2007, 18:29
днес по - рано получих превода... но все пак МНОГО ти благодаря !!! :wink:

05-12-2007, 07:36
днес по - рано получих превода... но все пак МНОГО ти благодаря !!! :wink:

С това считам темата за приключена! :wink: