View Full Version : Английски - СПЕШНООО

06-11-2007, 11:48
Моля ви помагайте. Спешно е - трябва ми за утре. Ето какво трябва да правя:

1. Stress is an increasing problem for students in this college. Have you got any ideas that will help students combat stress, particulary in the lead-up to exams? Your college magazine needs an article on this topic (250 words).
2. You have been asked to write an article (250 words) for an international magazine about the problem of homeless in your country. Describe som of the reasons as to why you think homelessness might occur and any action that you think should and could be taken.
3. Your college magazine is including a special section on the contribution of older people (over 60) to society. You have been asked to contribute a short article profilling an extraordinary older person that you know. Write the article describing the special characteristics and/or achievements of this person (250 words).

Благодаря предварително :wink:

06-11-2007, 13:39
Моля ви някой да ми помогне за това!!! [-o< [-o< [-o<

06-11-2007, 17:14
амиии...какжо искаш от нас,за да знам с какжо да ти помогна не че мога де ,ама има жероятност (за сега прочетох само първата ти задача и ми се стори че ще бъде доста трудничко да я напишем,ако не сме от съ6отото училище ли,колеж ли...)

06-12-2007, 19:42
Ти как си представя6 няоки друг да ти пи6е глупостите, мааааа :smt097