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JuSt A gIrL :P :P :P
08-16-2007, 17:47
\drama tale\

Hi!Some of you will probably ask “What has a sixteen year old girl to tell us about drama ? She even don`t know what`s like to work and earn money …she is just a child “ Maybe I would say the same thing before everything that happened to me.
The main reason to write this essay is my teacher in literature.She is a very passionate woman , full with ideas.I can say that I admire her and because of that I want my tale to be a real story …to be something that she will never forget.And I chose my life in the previous three or four months just after I became sixteen.
I had a boyfriend.It`s normal for my age to have a boyfriend ,isn`t it ?It`s nothing bad. But I didn`t loved him…in fact I didn`t like him either.He was very kind..very gentle but he wasn`t my type.I don`t know what my type is .. I know that I like boys,who are leaders but ready to do everything for me.
I had a secret lover too.He was that kind of a person ,who really liked having any girl they want.And if she refused being with him he started to court her all day and night until she accept a date.I liked both my boyfriend and my lover and I was meeting with either of them.It`s not such a big deal and I wasn`t even ashamed.One day I was with my boyfriend and the other with my paramour.
This is nothing unusual for a sixteen year old ,right? It was a boring life for me too until I found out that I was adopted.My life ruined. I found a document in the secret safe of my father and mother.Even my bigger sister had known it but nobody ever had had the confidence to tell me . I cried for days ,I didn`t eat , the only thing I wanted was to kill myself. When I told my friends,my boyfriend and my secret lover ..they all left me.For them I was nothing but I was nothing for me,too.I didn`t know who I am , where I come from,who my parents are…Ididn`t know anything . So I packed all my stuff and I wanted to run away from Berkley,from my false parents ,from my deceitful friends ,from everything. I took my money about- hundred dollars- and I stayed in a hotel room for a whole night until I decided what to do.The tears were on my face all the time .Some people asked if I had needed help but nobody could help me.Nobody could know who I was actually.Then of course my mother (not the real) found me with the help of the police,who just came in my room while I was sleeping.My unreal mother grabbed my by the hand and hugged me so strong that I stopped breathing.Her eyes were full with tears but I was like steal . I was so mad ,so angry that I couldn`t look her straight in her eyes.She told me that it ain`t no bad that they had adopted me.I knew that but why the hell did nobody have the courage to tell me the truth?Why did everybody think that it`s better hid it? She took me home and my father told me that my real birth parents are dead and they in fact had saved me because they had been the only witnesses of the car accident.And I had survived . I had had nobody except my parents until they had died.
I cried a couple of nights more and everybody came to me to tell how much they loved me.They told me that for them I was their real child and I would always be.
Now after one month I still tnink about my life about the chance that had been given to me. I know that I love my parents.They are not my real parents but they give me everything .They love me.They will do anything for me.
My parents and my bigger sister are the only people on this world I can rely on.They will always support me .They will always be on my side. They are the only people who I will always love and care about because I know that they are not just my only unreal relatives ,they are my best friends.

08-16-2007, 18:27
Is the story true? Because if it's not... the writing style is very beautiful... i mean.. the whole essay is actually like a true story... But if it is true... then... I'm glad you have been overcome your problems and realized how much your parents love you...

08-16-2007, 18:40
Is the story true? Because if it's not... the writing style is very beautiful... i mean.. the whole essay is actually like a true story... But if it is true... then... I'm glad you have overcomed your problems and realized how much your parents love you...+ 1 :-) За тези, които ги мързи да я прочетат, историята на кратко е това:
Тя е 16 годишно момиче, имала си е приятел, но не го е обичала, дори не го е харесвала. Имала си е и любовник. Един ден била с единия, друг ден- с другия. Веднъж открила някакви документи и разбрала, че е осиновена, казала и на двамата- приятеля си и любовника си, но и двамата я оставили. Bзела парите, които имала и отишла в някакъв мотел и мислела да реши какво да прави, постоянно плакала. Майка й я открила с помощта на полицията (открили я докато е била в мотела), прегърнала я и тн, но момичето било много ядосано, защото никой не му е казвал истината. После й казали, че родителите й загинали в автомобилна катастрофа и те били единствените свидетели, осиновили я. А и тя нямала никого другиго освен родителите си, които вече били мъртви.
И после момичето казва, че обича родителите си (тези, които са я осиновили), защото винаги ще са до нея. Та това е накратко. :-D

deem registered
08-16-2007, 19:04
Има граматични грешки.