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12-10-2007, 17:28
Тука имам едно домашно по английски да напиша report на тема Motivating students to participate i more sports activities at school

и така де не знам от къде да започна, в смисъл ясно е че от увода трябва, но някой може ли да ми помогне и да ме насочи как щото нямам идеи :?

12-10-2007, 18:58
аЗ поскалъпих нещо тука само че ми се струва че се получи на моменти мноооо тъпо че и може и грешки да има та и моля ако някой е добър по английски и открие някаква грешка или има по добра идея нека да ми каже много ми е важна тази оценка :cry:
Motivating students to participate in more sports activities at school

This is a report which explains why students have become more and more inactive these days. A number of students were inquired about their inclination to sports activities at school and their suggestions for better changes.
Why students do not prefer to stay for a while after school and play volleyball, for example? They’d rather go to the near cafeteria, talking about their ordinary, daily routine. Nowadays students become lazier and languid, without a will to make something good for them. Of course, it is boring to stay eight hours on one place but after that pupils can go jogging or go to tae-bo where they would use up their bad energy.
How do the teachers and the students think it would get better? First of all, students need to spend more of their time with the rest of the class in the school gym or in the open air, doing some activities. Also it would be great if there are school-organized trips to the mountain or marches by the seaside, where students can relax and at the same time participate in different exercises, and practice skiing or heel-and-toe walking e.g.
It is a serious problem that today’s students do not take part in any sport activities. What would motivate them is to combine useful exercises for the whole body with the rest that everyone feels if they ease the tension. After a few days training they might be more composed.