View Full Version : Помогнете, моля за...

02-06-2008, 12:42
Molq nqkoi koito moje da mi napravi tova uprajnenie po ang. V uprajnenieto se izka da se otgovori na vaprosite s izre4enie i izre4eniqta da se vmaknat v teksta na mqstoto na 4islata, s dve dumi da se ra6eri teksta 4rez vaprosite.6te sam vi blagodarna ako mi pomognete tova e mn vajno za men... :-o
Teksta:Jessica and Adam met five years ago.She was working in london.1One day she saw him.2He was a university student, but was doing a summer job.3He had come to the place where she was working.4As Adam was leaving, he left a little message next to Jessica's computer.5Jessica phonet him 6 and they met the same evening.Adam and Jessica liked each other a lot.7One day a terrible thing happened.Jessica was hit by a car.8She was badly hurt.Six months later Jessica was OK again.Adam had helped her a lot.9
Vaprostite:1What was she working as? 2Where did she see him?
3What was he working as? 4Where exactly was she working?
5what did the message say? 6When did she phone him?
7What did they like about each other? 8What was she doing at that moment? 9How had Adam helped her?

02-06-2008, 14:17
offfffffffffffff nie 6a vi pi6em doma6nite :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x Moite nikoi gi ne pi6e

02-06-2008, 16:53
offfffffffffffff nie 6a vi pi6em doma6nite :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x Moite nikoi gi ne pi6e

Не ти ли писна вече да се заяждаш и да рекламираш онзи тъп сайт??? Този раздел и Тийн Учител са създадени за хора, които не могат да се справят с домашната си работа и търсят помощ. Ако не можеш да помогнеш, по-добре не пиши. Ако искаш само да трупаш коменатри - влизай в Кофата!

Авторката, същото нещо съм писала и аз миналта година. :P Ето един на бързо измислен вариянт от мен. Смятам, че няма грешки. :)
Jessica and Adam met five years ago.She was working in London as a secretary in a office. One day she saw him, while she was going to work. He was a university student, but was doing a summer job as an assistant. He had come to the place where she was working – the biggest office of the firm where Jessica was working. As Adam was leaving, he left a little message next to Jessica's computer with his telephone number. Jessica phoned him after a couple of hours and they met the same evening.Adam and Jessica liked each other a lot.He was funny and handsome man and she was clever and kind woman. One day a terrible thing happened.Jessica was hit by a car, while she was going on an arrange with Adam. She was badly hurt.Six months later Jessica was OK again.Adam had helped her a lot as he had stayed every day with her in the hospital.

02-06-2008, 18:03
Blagodarq ti mnogo sexa_na_kompleksa ocenqvam pomo6ta ti! :-)