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10-08-2008, 13:17
много ви моля да ми помогнете с превода на следния текст:

Роден: 1469 Португалия
Починал: 24 декември 1524 Индия

Вашко да Гама е известен португалски мореплавател и откривател на морския път до Индия, роден около 1469 година. Умира 1524 година.

Името на португалския мореплавател остава в историята като откривателя на морски път до Индия. Експедицията му е следствие от обезпокоението на португалския крал Мануел І, че откритията на Колумб на запад застрашават търговските интереси на Португалия. Тогава все още не е било ясно, че Колумб всъщност не е открил западен път до Индия, а Америка. Важен момент в начинанието на да Гама указва и плаването на Бартоломео Диаш, който достига нос Добра Надежда и установява добри перспективи за плаване към Индия.

След нос Добра Надежда експедицията на да Гама заобикаля Африка и навлиза в Индийския океан. Продължили на североизток бавно, заради насрещното Мозамбикско течение. От пристанище Малинди (днешна Кения) опитният арабски лоцман Ахмед ибн Маджиб за 26 дни превел флотилията през Индийския океан и на 20 май 1498 година стигнали красивия многолюден град Каликут (днешен Калкута). Най-късият път до Индия и Острови на подправките (Молукски острови) бил открит. След две години и два месеца експедицията на Вашко да Гама се завърнала в родината си с 55 души (потеглили 3 кораба със 170 души), останалите моряци били покосени от скорбут. Втората ексепедиция на Вашко да Гама, през 1502-1503 година, принудила индийците да признаят господството на Португалия. Така се поставя началота на европейската колонизация в Южна Азия.

10-08-2008, 14:31
:arrow: www.kakvo.org

10-10-2008, 16:30
Born: 1469 Portugal
Died: Dec. 24, 1524 India

Vashko to Gamma is a Portuguese navigator and discoverer of the sea route to India, born around 1469. Died in 1524.

The name of the Portuguese navigator remain in history as the discoverer of the sea route to India. The expedition was the result of obezpokoenieto Portuguese King Manuel I, that the discoveries of Columbus west threaten the commercial interests of Portugal. And yet it was not clear that Columbus not really found a western route to India and America. An important element of the initiative to indicate Gamma and sailing of Bartolomeo Diash which reaches Cape Good Hope and establish good prospects to sail to India.

After the Cape of Good Hope expedition to circumvent Gamma Africa and entered the Indian Ocean. Continued northeast slowly because Mozambiksko over the counter. Port of Malindi (now Kenya) Arab experienced pilot Ahmed ibn Madzhib for 26 days translated fleet in the Indian Ocean and May 20, 1498 reached the beautiful town crowded Kalikut (present-day Calcutta). The shortest route to India and islands of spices (Molukski Islands) was found. After two years and two months shipments of Gamma Vashko to return home by 55 people (3 vessels departure with 170 people), the other sailors were stricken by the barbs. Second eksepeditsiya of Vashko to Gama during 1502-1503 year forced the Indians to recognize the supremacy of Portugal. This puts nachalota of European colonization in South Asia.

Готовоо... :)

10-10-2008, 17:49
Born: 1469 Portugal
Died: Dec. 24, 1524 India

Vashko to Gamma is a Portuguese navigator and discoverer of the sea route to India, born around 1469. Died in 1524.

The name of the Portuguese navigator remain in history as the discoverer of the sea route to India. The expedition was the result of obezpokoenieto Portuguese King Manuel I, that the discoveries of Columbus west threaten the commercial interests of Portugal. And yet it was not clear that Columbus not really found a western route to India and America. An important element of the initiative to indicate Gamma and sailing of Bartolomeo Diash which reaches Cape Good Hope and establish good prospects to sail to India.

After the Cape of Good Hope expedition to circumvent Gamma Africa and entered the Indian Ocean. Continued northeast slowly because Mozambiksko over the counter. Port of Malindi (now Kenya) Arab experienced pilot Ahmed ibn Madzhib for 26 days translated fleet in the Indian Ocean and May 20, 1498 reached the beautiful town crowded Kalikut (present-day Calcutta). The shortest route to India and islands of spices (Molukski Islands) was found. After two years and two months shipments of Gamma Vashko to return home by 55 people (3 vessels departure with 170 people), the other sailors were stricken by the barbs. Second eksepeditsiya of Vashko to Gama during 1502-1503 year forced the Indians to recognize the supremacy of Portugal. This puts nachalota of European colonization in South Asia.

Готовоо... :)
аа ама представи си,ако не иска на английски(щото не написа на какъв език иска) голема гавра ше стане :D :D :D .Ама брао за превода,аз не бих тръгнала да го правя(най-малкото,защото нз английски)

10-10-2008, 20:00
Born: 1469 Portugal
Died: Dec. 24, 1524 India

Vashko to Gamma is a Portuguese navigator and discoverer of the sea route to India, born around 1469. Died in 1524.

The name of the Portuguese navigator remain in history as the discoverer of the sea route to India. The expedition was the result of obezpokoenieto Portuguese King Manuel I, that the discoveries of Columbus west threaten the commercial interests of Portugal. And yet it was not clear that Columbus not really found a western route to India and America. An important element of the initiative to indicate Gamma and sailing of Bartolomeo Diash which reaches Cape Good Hope and establish good prospects to sail to India.

After the Cape of Good Hope expedition to circumvent Gamma Africa and entered the Indian Ocean. Continued northeast slowly because Mozambiksko over the counter. Port of Malindi (now Kenya) Arab experienced pilot Ahmed ibn Madzhib for 26 days translated fleet in the Indian Ocean and May 20, 1498 reached the beautiful town crowded Kalikut (present-day Calcutta). The shortest route to India and islands of spices (Molukski Islands) was found. After two years and two months shipments of Gamma Vashko to return home by 55 people (3 vessels departure with 170 people), the other sailors were stricken by the barbs. Second eksepeditsiya of Vashko to Gama during 1502-1503 year forced the Indians to recognize the supremacy of Portugal. This puts nachalota of European colonization in South Asia.

Готовоо... :)
аа ама представи си,ако не иска на английски(щото не написа на какъв език иска) голема гавра ше стане :D :D :D .Ама брао за превода,аз не бих тръгнала да го правя(най-малкото,защото нз английски)
Ами, я пак погледни заглавието на темата, мило мое. ;)

10-11-2008, 04:49
Born: 1469 Portugal
Died: Dec. 24, 1524 India

Vashko to Gamma is a Portuguese navigator and discoverer of the sea route to India, born around 1469. Died in 1524.

The name of the Portuguese navigator remain in history as the discoverer of the sea route to India. The expedition was the result of obezpokoenieto Portuguese King Manuel I, that the discoveries of Columbus west threaten the commercial interests of Portugal. And yet it was not clear that Columbus not really found a western route to India and America. An important element of the initiative to indicate Gamma and sailing of Bartolomeo Diash which reaches Cape Good Hope and establish good prospects to sail to India.

After the Cape of Good Hope expedition to circumvent Gamma Africa and entered the Indian Ocean. Continued northeast slowly because Mozambiksko over the counter. Port of Malindi (now Kenya) Arab experienced pilot Ahmed ibn Madzhib for 26 days translated fleet in the Indian Ocean and May 20, 1498 reached the beautiful town crowded Kalikut (present-day Calcutta). The shortest route to India and islands of spices (Molukski Islands) was found. After two years and two months shipments of Gamma Vashko to return home by 55 people (3 vessels departure with 170 people), the other sailors were stricken by the barbs. Second eksepeditsiya of Vashko to Gama during 1502-1503 year forced the Indians to recognize the supremacy of Portugal. This puts nachalota of European colonization in South Asia.

Готовоо... :)
аа ама представи си,ако не иска на английски(щото не написа на какъв език иска) голема гавра ше стане :D :D :D .Ама брао за превода,аз не бих тръгнала да го правя(най-малкото,защото нз английски)
Ами, я пак погледни заглавието на темата, мило мое. ;)

+1 :razz: