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01-08-2009, 13:46
и аз самата не разбирам кво точно трябва да правя,знам само,че трябва да коментирам някаква реклама-какво ми харесва в нея,и какво не,и то на английски..Ако някой може да помага :oops:

01-08-2009, 14:23
Дай коментар на някаква реклама и ще ти го преведа.

Коментирай как влияе рекламата, какво е недоизпипано, на какво е наблегнато, какво е посланието, иновативна ли е и каквото се сетиш.

01-08-2009, 15:28
Това е коментар за рекламата с онова детенце дето седи на кенефа и му мирише :D (ако не искаш проблеми с оценките не го преписвай това)

My favourite advertisement is the one with the little guy sitting on the toilet bowl. His words "Aah! It smells awful!" has become classical. This ad is filled with philosophical sense. Actually, he doesn't really mean his poo- he means the whole toilet smells awful. Those words are said to his mother who hasn't cleaned the toilet soon because she didn't want to miss the next episode of "The Bold and the Beautiful". She may look smiling at the advertisement but actually deep inside she is annoyed by moving her fat ass away from the sofa in front the TV. She still doesn't clean the toilet because she is too lazy. She only gives the boy a spray to make the room smell better. But then she actually shows her stupidity and very poor knowledge. She doesn't think about mixing both smells- of poo and deodorant. Mixing them, the aroma becomes even worse.
Other thing is that the boy might be an exhibitionist. He allows his mom to enter the toilet while he is using it- it is quite perverted.
So that's how i understand this advertisement- It is a great exhibition of deep mind and philosophically answered questions and practical problems.

Още едно. За него важи същото условие :D

The watermelon season one. This is a great and at the same time very beautiful advertisement. It advertises an alcoholic drink called "Mastika Peshtera". Its motto is "passion in crystals" - very nice one. It shows two guys laying on the beach and trying to cope with a very difficult crossword. Then suddenly passes an young girl with big breasts. Of course, they follow her at once. They feel sexual addiction to her and that's why one of them puts the crossword on his penis. He feels shy with his feelings about the girl. Then suddenly they understand that these aren't big breasts but two watermelons. This one shows their stupidity and the fact that they aren't gentlemen. They let the young girl to carry two watermelons on her own. One watermelon is a bit heavy for a girl but they don't care- they are so hungry that they just want to eat the fruits. She puts them on a table and feeds them. Then suddenly you see Galena behind the table smiling with her beautiful smile. After this complicated situation you see a big bottle of mastika. So you start doubting about if those are real watermelons. They could be filled with mastika which actually says YES to alcoholism. And so the only thing I like about this advertisement is Galena.

Айде успех :D

01-08-2009, 15:38
Ами харесах си рекламата на Nissan Murano vs. Quashqai. Според мен замисълът на рекламата е добър,песента е синхронизирана в "танца" на колите,а мотото на рекламата "The city is their playground" е уникален.Единствения недостатък е,че е доста нереална.Все пак колите не танцуват.Наблегнато е на външния им вид.Рекламата е наистина страхотна,но също така освен външния вид на колите,не се изясняват техните мощности и екстри.Та нали за това е рекламата-да покаже на хората защо си заслужава да бъде купен и съответно използван продукта.Иначе като цяло рекламата е наистина страхотна,музиката е добра,и компютърно направеният танц на колите е невероятен.Също така моментът,в който моделите се изправят един срещу друг,показва конкуренцията между тях,и се опитват да докажат кой модел "танцува" по-добре,или кой заслужава повече вниманието на зрителя.

Само за това се сетих :oops:

01-08-2009, 16:01
Виждам, че ToniStoraro е постнал вече някакви коментари. Ще преведа и твоя.

'Well, I chose to comment on the 'Nissan Murano vs. Quashqai' commercial. In my opinion, the idea of the advertisement is good, the song is synced with the cars' 'dance', and the slogan of the ad - 'The city is their playground', is unique. However, the only flaw the clip has is that it's unreal. As we all know, cars do not dance.
It is emphasized on their appearance. The commercial is truly great, but, besides the looks of the cars, nothing else is shown - no extras or specifications. And this is what advertisements are about - to show people why a product is worth buying and using. Other than that, the ad is exceptional, the music's good, and the computer modified 'dance' is amazing. Also, the moment the models stand up against one another depicts the competition between them. They try to prove which one 'dances' better and deserves more attention.'

01-08-2009, 16:07
много ти благодаря :-) надявам се това да ми свърши работа :)