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02-18-2009, 20:56
What needs inventing to "make everyday life easier" ?
ако някой може поне идея да даде,ще се радвам :-D

02-19-2009, 18:42
Mobile phone – the invention, you can always rely on
In 21th century it is impossible to live without a mobile phone. This is one very important modern invention, which helps people to connect each other.
In Bulgaria, there are six million people who have phones. When you are away from home, this is the only way you can connect with your family. If your car is broken you will call…………………..; if there are burglars in your house you can call the Police. In all these situations the best friend you can rely on is your mobile phone.
Of course, like every modern invention, this one has disadvantages, too: you are not allowed to use it in class; it is very small and you can lose it easily; the conversations are too expensive; sometimes when you are in a tunnel or something, the connection is awful.
The phone is very important to people who work in banks and big business establishments. If they don’t have phones, their work will be difficult.
I think that nowadays the mobile phone is the most important invention. You can use it when you have a problem, when you have work, or just when you miss someone. If you don’t have a phone, don’t wait! Go to the store and buy one!

02-19-2009, 18:43
Това ми е от осми клас :D обаче сега като погледнах май не отговаря много на темата :( Може да го префасонираш на телефон, направен чрез нанотехнологиите. Успех!