03-15-2009, 10:56
Спешно ми трябва за утре,няма значение каква тема само да е нещо по така реално.
Много ще съм ви благодарен.
Поздрави. :)

03-15-2009, 10:57
Горе-долу каква трябва да е темата?

03-15-2009, 11:02
Горе-долу каква трябва да е темата?

Нещо от живота. Даскалката каза да е по наш избор квото си изберем само да е story.

03-15-2009, 13:10
А и забраих най-много 120 думи. :oops:
Айде де моля ви се нищо не ми идва на ум. :(

03-15-2009, 13:12
Ami shte ti dam nqkolko a ti preceni dali shte ti svurshat rabota :)

03-15-2009, 13:14
What is Europe? Views from Bulgaria

There are a number of books by Bulgarian authors on different aspects of Europe, political, economic, cultural, etc. (even attempts to define the development of the idea, like Stefan Popov’s. History of the Idea of Europe). Curiously enough, it proved very difficult to find any clear definition of what Europe is, except in strictly geographical terms. I suppose the reason for that is the historical tradition of approach to Europe in this country (and I presume also in other, the neighbouring ones at least). Since the period of our national revival (that is roughly, 1780s to 1870s, when Bulgaria was under Ottoman domination), it seems that Europe, European ideas, culture, education, traditions, mores, in short everything European, were accepted axiomatically as being perfect, civilized, superior, etc. and were the models to be taken over followed. That is, few authors bothered giving any definitions of what Europe actually is or should be. So far as there were some negative attitudes and reactions, they were concerned mostly with attempts apishly to imitate everything European. Europeanization has always been synonymous with modernisation.
I have made selection from some of the full dictionaries of Bulgarian language (from that of Duvernois, who was a Russian of French, through Stefan Mladenov, our best authority in comparative linguistics of the period between the two world wars, to the dictionaries published after 1945), some recent geography textbooks, and books on European integration, and from speeches of political figures (ex-president Zhelyu Zhelev). Surprisingly, few Bulgarian historians have tried to express their views as to the identity of Europe (one of the exceptions being Petr Bitsilli, a Russian immigrant, who taught world history at Sofia University, 1920s to 1940s).
As to current situation, there is much talk as well as broad consensus about the need to “join Europe” (there was, for instance, a platform in the Socialist Party entitled “Way to Europe”, and practically all political parties affirm their pro-Europe orientation), which means association within the European Union and NATO, but still there are clear cut definitions. Bulgarians have always been a little insecure as to their belonging to Europe. They do not, of course, forget that geographically their country is part of Europe, but they are not sure about their culture and values.

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Дювернуа, А. Словарь болгарского языка по памятникам народной словесности и произведениям новейшей печати. Т. І (Москва: Унив. типография, 1885)
с. 593/ европеец с. м.
Duvernois, A. Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language Based on Vernacular Records and Contemporary Publications . Vol I (Moscow: University Press, 1889)
p. 593/ European noun, masc.
Gerov, Nayden. Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language. With of the Words in Bulgarian and Russian (Plovdiv, 1895). Vol. 2.
No entries on Europe or European.
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Данчов, Н. Г., Данчов, И. Г. Българска енциклопедия (София: Книгоиздателство Ст. Атанасов, 1936)
Европа, една от петте части света – най-малката, но най-цивилизованата и най-населената съразмерно с пространството си. Тя граничи на север със Северния ледовити океан; на изток с Азия (Уралските планини, р. Урал и Каспийско море) ; на юг – с Кавказките планини, Черно море, Средиземно море и образуваните от него по-малки морета, а на заад – с Атлантическия океан…

Danchov, N. G., and Danchov, I. G. Bulgarian Encyclopedia (Sofia: St. Atanasov Publishing House, 1936)
Europe, one of the five parts of the world – the smallest but the most civilized and most populous in proportion to its extent. It is confined by the Arctic Ocean on the North and Asia (the Ural Mountains, the Ural River and the Caspian Sea) on the East, the Caucasus Mountains, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and other smaller seas formed by it, on the South, and the Atlantic Ocean in the West…
УБ - Ч4 Рб6
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Младенов, Стефан. Български тълковен речник с оглед на народните говори. Стъкмил проф. д-р Стефан Младенов…, с донегдещно участие на проф. А. Т. Балан (София: Държавно книгопечатно предприятие “Дечо Стефанов”, 1951)
Европа -
Mladenov, Stefan. Dictionary of Bulgarian Based on Vernacular. With the colaboration of Prof. A. T. Balan (Sofia: Decho Stefanov State Publishing House, 1951)
p. 687/ Europe – n. fem., from Greek, Old Bulgariian – one of the five parts of the word; – n. (masc., fem., neut., diminuit.) – a person from Europe; fig. – an educated, cultivated person; “We’re Europeans all, but not to the point” (Aleko Konstantinov. Bai Ganyu); Evropeishtina (Europeanism) – a. quality of being European. Europeanism is still not real, deep, spiritual cultivation; it is usually confined to looks, manners and expertise, devoid of humanitarianism, of active and unhypocritical love for one’s fellow-creatures.

УБ – Ч4 Рб20
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Institute of the Bulgarian Language. Dictionary of Contemporary Literary Bulgarian. Ed.-in-chief Stoyan Romanski. vol. 1 (Sofia: BAS Publishing House, 1954)
p. 313/ European – n.

Ч4 Рб50
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Institute of the Bulgarian Language. Dictionary of Bulgarian. Ed.-in-chief Kristalina Cholakova. vol. 4 (Sofia: BAS Publishing House, 1984)

p. 612-13/ European, europeanize (oneself) – v.; Europeanism – n.; European – n. (in Bulgarian – in masc., fem., neuter, diminutive);
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Бицилли, Петър. Основни насоки в историческото развитие на Европа. Второ изд. (София, 1993. Първо изд. 1940)
Понятието “Европа”.
“От гледището на учебниците по география под понятието Европа разбираме западната част на стария континент Евразия, ограничен от Уралските планини, средното и долното течение на Волга и Каспийско море. От историческо гледище пък, Европа е германо-романския свят или Запад, das Abendland, според новата немска терминология. Но за реалната история, т. е. историята на човешкото съзнание, което се развива във времето и пространството, всички тези определения са несъстоятелни, понеже центровете и областите на културата се менят и местят постоянно. Историята на “европейската” или “германо-романската култура” започва с упадъка на античния свят и разпространението на християнството. В периода от 400 год. до 1000 год. сл. Хр., когато се е формирала “Европа” , европейската зона е имала граници повече или по-малко съвпадащи с границите на “Запада”. Но вече в кря на този период, през епохата на викингите, европейската граница се отместя далече на Изток… След Русия към европейската култура се приобщават и освобождаващите се един след друг от турско иго християнски народи на близкия Изток. Така че, няма смисъл да прокарваме в историята на Най-новото време никаква граница между европейския “Запад” и европейския “Изток”… Още преди да започне придвижването на “Европа” към Изток, е започнало придвижването й Запад през океана в Америка, а след това в Австралия и Южна Африка. Американските съединени щати, испанските и португалски републики в южна Америка и английските доминиони във всяко отношение принадлежат към “Европа”… От средата на ХІХ в. европейското културно влияние започва да прониква по различни пътища и всред народите на далечния Изток, Индия, Средна Азия и Африка. Днес вече икономистите изтъкват проблемата за “извъневропейския капитализъм” и може да се каже, че в това отношение “Европа” напълно съвпада с целия обитаем свят…”
The notion of Europe
from the point of view of geography textbooks the notion of Europe includes the western parts of the ancient continent Eurasia, limited by the Ural Mountains and the middle and lower course of the river Volga and the Caspian Sea. From historical viewpoint Europe is the Germanic-Romanic world or the West, das Abendland, according to the German terminology. For real history, that is the history of human consciousness, developing in time and space, all that are untenable theses for the centres and areas of culture are incessantly changing. The history of the ‘European’ or ‘Germanic-Romanic culture’ began with the decline of the ancient world and spreading of Christianity.

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Кацаров, Константин. Проиграната победа (Женева, 1967; София: Изд. къща “Прозорец”, Б. д.), с. 334-335.
Всички европейци от моето поколение повече или по-малко бяха убедени в превъзходството на нашия континент - най-вече на Западна Европа - и живееха просмукани от множество подобни предразсъдъци. Наистина през ХVІ век, по времето на великите географски открития, Европа си завоюва истински световен авторитет, който тя затвърдяваше и развиваше през слдващите три столетия. Европа успя да проникне и да се настани трайно на различни континенти и в продължение на стотици години да експлоатира природните богатства и работната ръка на цветните раси.
Това време вече отмина. Днес, по принцип, останалият свят се е изравнил с Европа. Той трескаво върви по пътя към прогреса и цивилизацията, а на много места вече са задминали стария континент в не едно отношение. Съвременният свят видя, как техниката впрегна в своя услуга природата и как използва безбройните й ресурси, които подхранват материалния и интелектуален прогрес на човечеството… Безспорно е, че Европа беше люлката на модерната култура и че както майката е готова да отдаде всичката си кръв за своите чеда, тя винаги е преливала от своята кръв по далечни земи, в Америка, в Канада, в Австралия. Обаче майката постепенно остарява, силите я напускат, все по-често е болна и раздразнителна. Първата световна война я раздели идеологически и политически от Русия; Втората я разкъса на две части – Източна и Западна, а външният свят малко по малко се еманципира и вече може да лети със собствени криле.
Днес връзките между нашия континент и света радикално са се изменили – но съвсем не в наша полза! … Европа вече не е светът! Тя дори вече не е център на света… Втората световна война … завърши политическия, моралния и идеологическия крах на стария континент. от хегемонията му не остана нищо …

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(9) Дойков, Васил, Дерменджиев, Атанас. Стопанска география на европейските страни (Русе: Изд. къща “Парнас”, 1996)
Европа, наричана често стария континент, заема средищно положение спрямо трите големи континенти – Азия, Африка и Северна Америка. Името й произлиза от асирийската дума “ереб”, което означава залез на Слънцето.
По големината на своята територия (10.5 млн. кв. км.) Европа се отнася към групата на малките континенти. Разположена е основно в източното полукълбо, като по-голямата част от сушата й е между 40 и 75 градуса с. ш.
Континентът съставлява 7.7 % от обитаемата суша. В него живеят 733 млн. души. Европа е един от най-гъсто населените континенти – средната гъстота – 70 души на кв. км, е много по-голяма от средната за света – 40 души на кв. км. …
В антропологично отношение днешното население на Евр опа принадлежи почти изцяло към европеидната (бялата) раса. Само в отделни и твърде ограничени райони на Източна Европа живеят народи от монголоидната раса. През последните години в някои европейски страни (Франция, Великобритания) се заселват значителни групи от негроидната раса.
В етническо и езиково отношение основната част от европейското население се числи към народите, говорещи индо-европейски езици (около 83 % от населението). Тези народи са обособени в три големи родствени групи: славянска, германска и романска. Първата обхваща 35 % от населението на Ев ропа …, германската обхваща 25 % …, романската съставлява 23 % … Особени езикови групи в индоевропейското езиково семейство са гърците, албанците и арменците. В езиково отношение циганите спадат към индо-арийската група ... Евреите са разселени из всички европейски страни. В Централна Европа те говорят езика идиш, основата на който е немският език, а в Югозападна Европа – шпаньолски, основата на който е испанският език.
Отделна езикова група са баските … Второ място в Европа по говорим език заемат народите от уралското семейство … представено от три групи: финска …, угрийска … и самодийска …
Характерно за народите на Европа е, че много от тях говорят три (Белгия) и четири езика (Швейцария) …
Политическата карта на Европа, формирала се в течение на хилядолетия, отразява възникването и разпадането на държавите, промените в техните граници и столици, многобройните конфликти и събития … След войната противопоставянето между държавите на континента се засили. За да се премахне конфронтацията, още през 60-те години Шарл де Гол лансира идеята за обединена Европа – от Атлантика до Урал. Това стана възможно едва в началото на 90-те години – след разпадането на еднопартийните режими на управление в източноевропейските страни и общото им желание за икономическо, културно и военно интегриране със страните от Западна Европа …

Doikov, Vasil, and Dermendjiev, Atanas. Economic Geography of European Countries (Rousse: Parnassus Publishers, 1996)
Europe, often called the ‘Old Continent’, occupies a central place among the three great continents – Asia, Africa and North America. The name comes from Assyrian word ‘ehreb’, meaning sunset.
By territorial extent (10 mln. sq. kilometers) Europe belongs to the group of small continents. It is situated mostly in the eastern hemisphere, the larger part of it confined between 40o and 75o northern latitude.
The continent comprises 7.7 per cent of the inhabited land. Its population is 733,000,000. Europe is one of the most densely populated continents, average population density being 70 persons per square kilometer, much larger than the world average of 40 persons per square kilometer…
In anthropological terms the present population of Europe belongs almost entirely to the Europeid (white) race. Only in some limited regions of Eastern Europe people of Mongolid race live. During the recent years considerable groups of Negroid race have settled in some European countries (France, Great Britain).
In ethnic and linguistic terms the major part of Europe’s popu;ation belongs to the peoples speaking the Indo-European languages (83 per cent of the population). These peoples are divided into three related groups: the Slavic, the Germanic and the Romanic. The first one comprising 35 per cent of the population is the largest, … the second comprises 25 per cent, …the Romanic group constitutes 23 per cent of the population of Europe…
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Генов, Георги, Панушев, Емил (Ред.) Европейско политическо сътрудничество и интеграция. Стратегия за присъединяване на България (София: “Албатрос”, 1999)
Европа е люлка на съвременната човешка цивилизация и близо 2500 години олицетворява, диктува измеренията и тенденциите в световното развитие. Европейската цивилизация създава ценностна система, обществена организация и производителни сили, които оказват силно въздействие върху процесите в целия свят и са основа на човешкия прогрес. Предимствата на европейския модел на развитие осигуряват разпростирането на европейското влияние в глобален мащаб и дълго време световното развитие е с изразена европоцентрична ориентация.
През ХХ век Европа губи водещата си световна роля… Императивите на на реалностите след Втората световна война насочват редица държави към съзнателно свързване на своите стопански комплекси, и съгласуване на действията в политическата област. Ражда се нова форма на международно сътрудничество – интеграционните процеси, която се утвърждава като единствено средство за възстановяване на лидерската роля на Европа в световното радвитие. В периода на студената война се експериментират различни модели на интеграция, но социално-политическата разделеност на континента определя границите и възможностите на интеграционните начинания…
Видимо Европа е географско единство на различни социални, политически, икономически, религиозни, културни и етнически структури. За своята дълга история те имат богати традиции в обособеното си съществуване и в отношенията помежду си. Може да се говори за европейски ценности, придаващи особености на обществените отношения и специфична идентичност на Стария континент.
Европа е тази част от земната суша, която заедно с Азия образува най-големия континент – Евразия. Самата Европа е от малките континенти, ограничен между Атлантическия океан и Урал, Северния Ледовит океан и Средиземно море. Този най-голям полуостров е придобил особен статут. Причината за обособяването не е географска. Между Европа и Азия няма проливи или други дадености, представляващи естествени граници. Утвърждаването на Европа като особена част на света се дължи на признаването на особената роля на нейните народи в развитието на човешката цивилизация …

Genov, Georgi, Panushev, Emil (Eds.) European Political Coperation and Integration. Strategy of Bulgaria’s Association (Sofia: Albatros Press, 1999)

Europe is the craddle of present human civilization and more than 2,500 years it embodying and setting the dimensions and tendencies of world development. European civilization created a value system, social organization and productive forces, which exerted deep influence over the processes throughout the world, and were the very basis of human progress. The advantages of the European model of development have secured the diffusion of European influence in global terms and for long period the world showed
demonstrated expressed Eurocentric tendency.
During the 20th century Europe has lost its global role… The imperatives of post-World War II realities have orientated a number of countries towards the deliberate association of their economic systems and coordination of their activities in the political spheres. New forms of international collaboration was born – the integration processes, which were recognized as the only possible means to restore the leading role of Europe in world developments. During the period of the Cold War different forms of integration have been experimented, however the social and political division of the continent limited the extent and chances of success of integration initiatives…
Europe is obviously a geographic entity of diverse social, political, economic, religious, cultural and ethnic structures. They have acquired in their long history splendid traditions both in their separate existence and in their interrelations. That is why we speak about European values giving distinctive character of the social relations and the specific identities of the Old Continent.
Europe is part of the land forming together with Asia the largest continent – Eurasia. Europe itself is one of the small continents, locked between the Atlantic Ocean and the Ural Mountains, the Arctic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. This largest peninsula has acquired a special status. The reason for its differentiation is not geographic. There are no straits or other physical boundaries. The affirmation of Europe as a special part of the world is founded on the recognition of the special role of its nations in the growth of human civilization…
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Желев, Желю. Слово на президента Желю Желев пред Асоциацията “Европа-диалог”, Аахен, 26 септември 1994 г.
Често пъти през последните пет години се споменава, че България е поела по пътя към Европа… Да, наистпина съвременна демократична България е категорична в своя суверенен избор на независимост и европейска принадлежност. Но аз ви дължа едно уточнение. Днес Република България се е отправила към Европейския съюз. В Европа тя винаги е била, чрез вековното си участие във формирането на културните и политически европейски традиции. Имам предвид, че по българските земи цивилизация е имало преди четири хилядолетия, българската държава е една от най-старите в Европа и е мерила ръст с империята на Карл Велики и Византийската империя. В България е имало най-рано реформаторско движение в християнската църква, а делото на Кирил и Методий, чиято люлка е пак България, има огромно значение за културния и духовен живот на Европа. Припомням за това наследство, тъй като съм убеден, че ще е от полза за всички, които са се нагърбили да търсят границите на Европа – едно академично упражнение, което в полето на политиката може да се окаже твърде контрапродуктивно и даже рисковано…
Бъдещето на нашия континент зависи от изхода на европейския интеграционен процес, чийто основен двигател и цел, както и в момента ще си остане Европейският съюз. Нима има по-красноречиво доказателство за това от германската история. В още по-голяма степен шансовете на малките европейски държави за самостоятелно развитие зависят именно от европейското единство…
Нека не забравяме промяната в наименованието на Европейските общности след Маастрихт. Един Европейски съюз се нуждае от особен акцент върху общите ценности, той има по-голяма нужда от духовно-морални основи, отколкото една икономическа общност. По-иначе се степенуват приоритетите в неговата “Магна Харта”, доколкото Европа взема началото си от идеалите на хуманизма и свободата, преоткривани с възторг и страдание, а не чрез експертиза…

Zhelyu Zhelev (President of Bulgaria, 1990-1997), speech before the Europe-Dialogue Association, Aachen, September 26, 1994
It is often stated during the last five years that Bulgaria is threading on the way towards Europe… It is true that contemporary democratic Bulgaria is categorical in its sovereign choice of independence and belonging to Europe. I owe you, however, a certain specification. Bulgaria today is directing its steps towards the European Union. Bulgaria has ever been in Europe through its ages long participation in forming European cultural and political traditions. I mean that civilzation has flourished in Bulgarian lands four millenia ago, Bulgarian state is one of the oldest in Europe, and had matched the empire of Charlemagne and the Byzantine empire. The Bulgarian Christian church experienced the earliest reformation movement, the great deed of Cyril and Methodius, whose cradle was Bulgaria again, was of immense importance for the cultural and spiritual life of Europe. I remind you of these facts for I am convinced it can be of some use to those who are setting themselves to define the limits of Europe, an academic exercise in itself, which in the field of politics may prove too counterproductive and even risky…
The future of our continent depends on the outcome of the European integration process, whose principal engine and aim is the European Union. Is there a more eloquent example in that respect of the German history? The chances of the lesser European states depend in even greater extent on the unity of Europe…
Let us not forget the change in the name of the European community. A European Union needs a special stress on common values; it needs in a greater degree of spiritual and moral foundations, than a mere economic community. The priorities in its “Magna Charta” are graded in a different way, so far as Europe owes its beginning to the ideals of humanism and liberty, rediscovered with

03-15-2009, 13:14
Essay on Life

When does life really begin? Is it when the first fluttering beats of the primitive heart of a fetus start, or when the child is pushed from the womb into the world? Does it all actually start at the moment of conception when the egg and sperm meet and mix their genetic code together to create a new being. Who can say really. No one knows because no one is sure of when life truely begins. There are many out there who say an unborn child isn't really a person, or even alive because it can not sustain it's own life. If this were true, then no one is a real person until they are living on their own away from their parents. When you stop and really think about this, without listening to the arguments about when life starts or if something is considered alive until a certain time, you would suprised at what you may find. When the primitive heart of a tiny fetus starts to beat for the first time, it is then that it starts to actually survive on its own, apart from its mother. Though at this time, most mothers-to-be don't know they are mothers yet, they begin to change their attitude to a more gentle caring way and doing what they can to protect the tiny life inside them in many different ways. Its that life growing inside them that started those mothering instincts. Its those instincts that protect it from harm until it is able to survive outside the womb and until it can live apart from its mother later in life. Even beyond that point, any mother will protect her young from everything she can. I'm not a scientist, a theologist, or even a doctor. I am just an average woman with a child of her own. From the moment I felt those first flutterings of life within me and heard my child's beating heart for the first time, all thanks to modern technology, I have thought about when life truely began. No matter what, from the very beginning when the egg and sperm meet, it is a living breathing human being. Sometimes, the life can not go beyond a few weeks inside the mother, but its still alive, until it can not go any longer. There are times, when that life has to be ended, in such cases, it is still sad, but if the mother is to live, then it has to be done. There are other times, when frankly, it is best because there are other problems such as a tumor which is eating away at the child little by little. It doesn't change the fact the child had to die, but at least, it had a small chance and brought just a little happiness into the mother's life. So, when does life really begin? I don't know, but when ever it does, its all well worth keeping it going, for the rewards are more than what anyone truely deserves.

03-15-2009, 13:16
Family values are deservedly praised. A well-functioning family is a microcosm of society as it should work. Many problems faced by individuals had their origin in unhealthy family life. Although the picture is changing, until quite recently most North Americans of our era considered the nuclear family as the norm, indeed, as the ideal. To not be in such a unit was to be insufficient. Men and women were expected to marry and raise children. The children, upon reaching adulthood, were to leaves and follow their parents\' example. The study of anthropology and history makes it apparent that in many other societies and ages, familial relations differ from ours. Sometimes units are small, sometimes large and extended. Work is divided variously among sexes, and curiously, in at least a few cultures women dominate either economically or in terms of reverence and spiritual significance. In almost every society, aged members are treated with a great deal more respect than in our modern, fast-paced, industrial society. It seems logical that those among us with the most experience have the most importance as guides and leaders, of teachers and guardians of our collective learning and traditions. Yet old people are usually given appalling treatment by today\'s young. This scares me. It is stupid and disrespectful -- worst of all it is alarming. A culture fixated on youth, or rather young adulthood, is not likely to endure in a long, sustainable, healthy way. One way to strengthen family units may be to encourage households in which three generations coexist: grandparents, parents, and children. This would mean, in theory, 4 adults instead of two, helping raise children. It would mean more sharing, more communication, and less privacy. There would be fewer housing units needed if more people lived per house. What is more crazy than the numerous empty large mansions on Capitol Hill, inhabited by lonely widows? Extended family units can be other than generational. Sisters and brothers can live together as adults. There are co-housing and cooperative households where nuclear families share much in common, except bedrooms. There are families where live-in nannies do child-rearing while both parents work full-time jobs, Many urban group houses consist of 3, 4 or 5 single adults, whose interactions are more-or-less familial. I suppose the big definition of family properly includes children. For without them, all we are left with is a pair or a group of adults. Is a couple a family? Is a group of 3 adults a family? In today\'s prevalent value system, a family is whatever folks choose to define it as, just as \"home\" is. I favor the definition of parent(s) and children. To me, family life without children is at best a related phenomena. To draw a gardening parallel, a garden has more going on in it than does a collection of scattered houseplants. To call the potted indoors plants \"a garden\" is stretching the definition. Yes, sometimes it will qualify; usually there is no serious competition. If a childless couple wants to send forth seasons\' greetings \"from the Jones\' family\" that is their right; but it is my right to call them a couple. It\'s a matter of precision in terminology, not a value judgement. Sexual equality in marriage should be the norm. Still, in many cases men wield more power, whether or not they contribute more. To many fundamentalist Christians, men are properly regarded as the heads of households, women secondary, and children the third tier. Where religious beliefs of this nature are sincerely held by both partners, there should be no problem. Let live. But let us not impose such an order on any woman involuntarily. Personally I am attracted to strong women of independent tendencies; I am left unmoved by (if not repulsed by) weak women who seek in a man a protector, a leader, a master. I seek a peer, not a servant or a weakling. The role of relatives in family life is well appreciated by everyone. Either you have cousins and kin with whom you interact and share, socialize and help -- or you\'re without such and you miss it. To be a stranger in a strange land is a severe disadvantage. Alternatively, to have dozens of relatives is to have safety and power. I am blessed by a family and relative network which is remarkably free of discords, feuding and the like. We are not immune to strained marriages, or some coarseness -- but on the whole, are a very well-behaved and likeable lot. Children, as I said, are what really define a family as opposed to another sort of association. In earlier times, indeed for much of human existence, child-bearing was critical for the sustaining of humanity. Now, birth-control and a movement towards zero population growth seems to be our only sakvation. For if we instead breed thoughtlessly, our sheer numbers will cause massive starvation, pollution, fighting and disease epidemics. How to intelligently and justly regulate reproduction is one of our most pressing concerns. In ideal, only well-qualified couples would be allowed to bear and raise children. By qualified I mean emotional and social maturity, economic ability, and enough time, love and health to do the job properly. Such a vision will not come about without fighting. People are emotional first, logical second, and would, alas, rather have their perceived personal rights unfettered than the good of the whole preserved. It is very sad. The good news is: at least educated, economically affluent people, have lowered their birth rate voluntarily. That suggests that if we want to change people\'s behavior, we can do it with dollars and books if not with appeals to reason and distribution of birth control devices. If children present defines family, we could say that a single parent raising a child is a family of sorts, albeit a handicapped one. As for childless couples, I prefer to not call them families, regardless or whether or not they are married. Indeed, I am not sold on marriage as something to promote except where children are involved. But marriage is potent. It has the force of law, economic advantages, is a sacrament to many religious faiths; and to be married is to generally be held in higher esteem than to merely be a couple cohabiting. What about age? It would be fascinating to compare divorce rates with ages at which couples married. I\'d expect that younger adults, not to mention teenagers, would be more likely to divorce than couples who waited to marry until in their late 20s or 30s. It is deplorable how many marriages break up, and I want to know why, so I can help couples, and be more likely to enter into a strong marriage myself. I am fond of describing my four legs to support a strong marriage. In my view, just as a single very stout leg, well centered, can support a table, it is still not so safe or desirable usually as 2, 3, or 4 legs. The 4 legs I describe as targets or goals, but not actual requirements -- some marriages last without one or more of them. But personally, I would be highly cautious about entering into a union where any legs were weak. The first leg or foundation of a strong marriage is the maturity for a lifelong commitment. I think many people never achieve this level of maturity. A marriage, or anything lasting decades and involving intimacy -- will suffer hardship, sore periods, friction, and will need ongoing maintenance. The individuals, by agreeing to marry, must embrace not only each other, but the notion that \"we are a couple, in the long run.\" They must have patience, understanding, strength, forgiveness, humor. My hunch is few people less than 26 years old are ready. Some of us are really much better off by age 36. Living together in day to day life with peace and compatibility is the second leg. Some couples can be ideal as lovers meeting once every week or so, but can\'t stand living together. We hear about neatniks and slobs, about night people and day people. For my part I wouldn\'t marry a smoker. A woman who cannot stand the soil attendant to a gardener\'s life, or calloused hands, would do well to avoid one such as I. If one is extroverted and wants to be active socially, don\'t marry a shy, introverted person. Living together before marrying can be a very prudent experiment. Of course, many of us are gladly willing to change some habits, to overlook some imperfections, in order to save a marriage. But there must be a general, tolerable rapport, just to begin with. Seeing eye to eye on main topics, along with an ability to compromise on areas of disagreement, is the third leg. Essentially this could be called effective team playing. There must be open honest communication about such important matters as child-rearing, financial planning, where to live, how to spend free time, what sort of social ties to emphasize, religion, ethics, and everything else that needs discussion and resolution. A good marriage can, in my view, be made by the blending of two sets of convictions. I hate the cases where one of the two partners dominates, making unilateral decisions, controlling the funds, etc. Compromise means each partner yields somewhat. Of course, if one partner desires to be the leader, and the other desires to follow, so be it. But again, I seek a strong wife, who will argue her case every bit as much as I mine. We\'ll weave together a tapestry of love, and wrap ourselves in it. Love is the 4th leg. I realize that many loveless marriages exist, and it is possible to have such unions last for decades. But our ideal is wholehearted mutual love. Not the immature, hormone-driven heat of teenagers, nor the ephemeral flashes of desire felt by adults periodically. Rather an abiding, deep warmth and affection. A love that smiles at each other\'s imperfections, not scorns them. A love that playfully banters; that is sensitive, understanding and eager to serve. Such love is rare. Not everyone is mature enough to give it. In the same fashion that we cannot determine our needs by consulting our desires, so we cannot rely on sexual attraction alone to reveal our true love. Many factors are at play in love, and it is more complicated and risky than the other three legs I described. It touches our very core, our deepest emotions and subconscious. There are some seemingly thoughtful and educated people who insist that of all the billions of people on earth, only one person is their perfect lover. Well, I truly believe that any of thousands, perhaps millions, of women could be loved by me, or could love me, wholeheartedly. What it takes, however, is a match of all four legs, and at a mutually agreeable time and place. I want a wife who desires, like myself, to live in Seattle, and help make it a better place; to raise our children here. I figure Seattle has 500,000 people, and at least 30,000 are eligible women of child-bearing age. No doubt, as soon as I make it a priority to find a wife, I\'ll succeed, with no need to spend years searching the earth for the single, ultimate Ms Right. Actually, I\'ve met more than one woman who was, as far as I could tell, all I could desire. But these women didn\'t, ahem, happen to have the same opinion about me. And those women who did think I was Mr Right for them, have not excited equal feelings in me. At this moment, I would unhesitatingly marry only one woman. But she is to be given her privacy, and I\'ll say nothing here to reveal her identity. There\'s another woman, about whom I have considerable warmth -- yet I suspect it is not so much because she\'s ideal for me, but because she\'s gorgeous, we share much in common, and see each other often. A third woman of recent interest is, I think, too young, but she shows such poise, good work habits, and has such quiet attraction, that she\'s got me saying to myself \"well, maybe.\" This little tangent of three women is but a fraction of those who I\'ve been keen about. In a matter of months ago I was keen on four more. But one of them disappeared, another wants to live far from Seattle, the third I confess I like primarily because she\'s got a Miss America body and is loads of fun, and the fourth turns out to be lesbian. More than once I\'ve fallen for lesbians. Similarly, some gay men have swooned over me. It makes me wish we had some sort of unambiguous mark to show our sexual orientation and availability. Anyhow, even though homosexual unions are abnormal, they needn\'t be outlawed, after all they don\'t hurt anyone. As long as they\'re ethical and involve only consenting adults -- who cares? When I recall how many serious crises face humankind, it amazes me how we spend so much time and money persecuting homosexuality. Big deal, I say. Insofar as it is ridiculed, many stressed individuals will hide their sexual urges, and remain unhappy. That is poor for society. Families can be deeply hurt, and often are ruined, by tragedy. I have in mind here death and divorce, but severe diseases, terrible luck, and other things can also create chaos. Divorce is especially on my mind. This year, five couples I know split up. All but one had children -- and the remaining couple split in part because the woman desired children and the man didn\'t. All of these couples were of thoughtful, highly educated, economically stable, well adjusted people. Somehow, their unions to each other evaporated, in some cases to be replaced with antagonism. Having so many friends suffer break-ups at once, hit me hard. It is shocking, and initially made me ask \"well, how can anyone be sure it won\'t happen to himself or herself?\" I looked for explanations, knowing it is a sensitive matter. But I do want to try to learn from other\'s experiences, I want to blurt out \"what would you do differently?\" or \"what advice can you offer?\" After all, it is more than prudent, it is critical, to look closely at marriage and child-rearing. At the same time that I am trying to learn what went wrong in failed marriages, I keep abreast on the factors visible in successful unions. It is with great relish I reflect on the long-term happiness and love evidenced by some couples I know. What is it that makes certain couples stick lovingly together over decades, while others split? Obviously there are as many variables as their are couples. Just as every individual has some strong points and some weak ones, so do relationships. To preposterously insist on anything to be free from stress, for some ideal state of bliss -- is an immature dream. I\'m sure that with taking the time to be honest about one\'s needs, desires, and expectations, as well as sincerely listening to one\'s partner, a firm, clear understanding can result, which might lead to a break up in the early going rather than later on. I fear too many people are so instinctively burning with desire to love and be loved, that they settle for imperfect unions out of impatience. For a lifetime marriage, and the rearing of children, deliberate attention is as needed as a warm heart. Marriages need not only be celebrated at weddings but worked on as ongoing projects. With children involved, and relatives, an even greater need exists to have realistic, reasonable budgets of time and emotional resources.

03-15-2009, 13:49
И тея са "Story" :? :? :? :?

03-15-2009, 13:55
Ami eto togava!!!!

A Cindarella Story

I don't read books and i prefer watching TV to reading a book.I'll describe one of my favourite films.Its name is A Cindarella Story.The script of the film is great but that's not the only reason i like the film.I like it also because of the actors playng in it.Two of my favourtie actors-Chad Michael Murray and Hilary Duff play the leading roles in the film.
The story of the film is about a rich and well-known boy which falls in love with a poor and unknown girl. The boy,named Ostin and the girl,named Sam,study at the same college. Ostin is the most handsome and famous boy in the college and Sam works as a waitress.Ostin is unhappy although he is always surrounded by a lot of people.He feels happy only when he is chatting or writing messages with Sam.He hasn't ever met her,he even doesn't know her name but he know that he has fallen in love with her. One day Ostin decides to meet the unknown girl and invites her to a Halloween party.When Ostin sees her he realises that she is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen although he can't see her face because of the mask that she is wearing.Ostin is infatuated by her eyes.Unfortunately Sam doesn't tell Osting her name at the party.The other day he wants to find her but nobody knows her name.Later on everybody realise that the mysterious girl is a waitress.All Ostin's friends start offending Sam but Ostin can't do anything because if he vindicates his reputation may be destroyed.Fortunately he realises that there's nothing that is worth but Sam.He understands that neither his carrer as a soccer-player,nor his family and friends are important.The most important thing for him is his love for Sam,he gives up everything and goes away with Sam.
I found a quote that describes the film:"The film is what dreams are made of"and I agree to it.

03-15-2009, 13:56
A Story about College

Leaving from home and exploring ones own dreams are a very important part of maturing. Though, the physical separation from home is for some a difficult transition to college life. What are those things one takes for granted while living at home, and attending high school? What changes does one face upon entering college?

Just think of all the times the alarm clock did not go off, and mom was there to make sure school was still reached on time. When the alarm clock fails to go off at college, then the first class of the day is simply missed. At home breakfast is made to order: eggs, bacon, pancakes, or even French toast. In college one finds a particular meal that is edible, and must stick with it. A cabinet could be opened at home and a variety of tasty foods are readily available. In college a meal card is swiped though a machine upon entering the cafeteria, and the word "tasty" rarely enters the mind. Mom is at home to make sure the dishes are put away after the meal by everyone; dish duty is passed along each night. The tray is simply handed over to pairs of hands waiting to clean the dishes at college. Nutrition is a factor at home, and Mom creates meals with that in mind. A new food group sprang to life upon entering a residence hall: Mountain Dew, Doritos, Ben & Jerry's, Ho-Ho! 's, Oreos, the list could go on and on.

Privacy is always available at home; there is somewhere to read, write, listen to music, or to just rest. Dorm life is a harsh reality to college, and the only time the room is empty is on a Thursday night. At home a bedroom is somewhere to keep all personal belongings; there is a particular space for everything to fit. Space efficiency becomes a survival tactic in college. When at home there is no worry of someone coming into the bedroom unless permission is given to enter. In college a day without at least ten random visitors is considered boring.

At home, family was the only people living inside the house. In college the entire floor becomes family. The phone is the link of communication between friends in high school; e-mail becomes a second language in college. Conversations at home are often revolve around the evening news; while at school, it is totally the opposite. For the college student Western Europe could be wiped out by a horrible plague and no one would ever know, but last week's entire episode of "The Simpsons" could be recited. During high school it was a chore to walk outside to the mailbox; besides there was nothing but bills there anyway. Each college student has their mailbox with a combination, and going to the mailbox was never an ego booster or breaker before. There is newfound competition in the number, and size of parcels received each day.

In high school going to bed at midnight is late; asleep by 2:30 a.m. is an early night in college. At home a bed is somewhere to sleep, where in college it turns into a desk, table, couch, and anything else one can imagine. A bed is a comfy, big, relaxing object at home. In college they said the beds were extra long, but they did not say they were extra narrow. The front door was rarely locked at home, and if it was there was always a hidden key. Keys have never been so important than at college, and they seem to be lost more than ever before.

The closet at home always seemed a little on the small side; in college the closets seem big until it is realized they are supposed to fit everything you own inside them. Clothes were limited at home, unless a sibling had a similar taste and size. The closet seems to stretch down the entire hall in college, with an endless supply of clothes fitting every style and size. Laundry is done without any thought at home; mom just picks it up and it arrives back to the room clean, and folded nicely on the bed. Quarters are like gold in college. The laundry piles up inside the room until it becomes impossible to pass without falling, and then one has to resort to actually bringing it down to the to the washer. Jeans at home are washed after each use, whether they are dirty or not. Recycling becomes synonymous with laundry in college; jeans can be worn as many times as days in the week.

High school starts and ends at a set time. Classes in college ...the later the better. Fire alarms are cool in high school; everyone loves to get out of class. They are no longer amusing at college, and even worse when the snow starts to fly. In high school teachers are always in their classrooms, and fairly easy to find. College Professors are like celebrities; there are so many people looking for them, yet they are nowhere to be found. Teachers check to make sure all books are covered in high school; professors could care less if Disney pictures covered the pages. High school is free; college is filled with expenses one never thought possible.

When living at home parents had to know where and when their children were at all times. In college parents can only hope their children are at least attending classes. In high school there is a car available to drive around; even if it is playing taxi driver for a younger sibling. One hopes they do not forget how to operate a motor vehicle when they return home on college breaks.

Showers at home are a simple walk to the bathroom. However, it is a process at college to take a shower; it involves gathering up a shower basket, towel, and sandals. The bathroom at home has a towel to wipe hands on, and even some soap to wash them. At college there is no soap or paper towels; it is a matter of memory to bring the items from the dorm room to the bathroom. The main concern at home is the toilet seat being left up by the previous user. In the college forget hoping they put the toilet seat down; just pray they flush!

College life is an experience one can never forget. The memories of high school still linger in every college students thought, but there are so many other issues to deal with while attending college. Stress is a word that no high school student can fully understand until entering college. There are some similarities to home life and college life, but the differences seem infinite. Though, college life may seem adventurous; every college student knows exactly how good it feels to go back home.

03-15-2009, 13:57
The Life Story of Nikita Khrushchev

His story is something like a fairy tale. A humble young peasant boy,
born to a world of famine and poverty with 100 million peasants just like
him, works and fights his way up the political ladder of Russia to one day
become its most powerful force, simultaneously holding the offices of
Premier of the U.S.S.R. and First Secretary of the Communist Party. It
seems incredible, but it should be remembered that Nikita Khrushchev did
not accomplish this feat without much sacrifice and hard work on his part.
Coming from virtually nothing, he struggled for many years to rise among
the ranks in Revolutionary Russia before he achieved the position of a
widely-loved ruler and powerful, determining force in international affairs.
And although, in the end, he was cast down from this climactic position,
it was not before this loquacious and personable man had employed his keen
and incisive mind toward making many gains for and improvements in
twentieth-century Russia.

To truly understand how humble and common his beginnings were, one must
understand the situation in Russia toward the end of the nineteenth century.
Serfdom had only recently been abolished, and, as a result, there was a
severe shortage of land and widespread poverty and illiteracy. Only the
strongest and cleverest were able to make a living from their new-found
freedom; most just struggled to survive. It was among this majority, on
April 17, 1894, that Nikita Sergeievich Khrushchev was born. As a boy, he
lived in Kalinovka, a poor villiage in the Ukraine, in an izba, a mud hut
with a thatched roof, with his grandfather, a large family, and the
family's animals. His father, it is said, lived his life with the ambition
to buy a horse, but he never saved enough money to do so. In the end, the
family was forced to give up their home and move to Yuzovka in another part
of the Ukraine.

Throughout his childhood, Nikita was forced to work to survive. His
education amounted to only two or three years in the village school, for he
was forced to go to work herding cows when he was nine. Following that, he
was em- ployed as many things, including a farm hand, a factory worker, and
finally a miner in the coal pits. It was at this time that his
determination to better himself was first made apparent, for, rather than
letting himself be destined forever to work in the pits, he offered his
services in all areas of the job, including the development of pit-heads,
elevators for the mines. This was also the time in which the young
Khrushchev's rebellious nature began to surface, but rather than to
striking or union-organizing, it was applied toward politics. It all began
with a visit to the mines in 1917 by a man called Kaganovich, who was sent
to recruit miners for the Revolution. Nikita, who was 23 and viewed this
man as both a romantic figure and an opportunity to break from his social
boundaries, joined his Bolshevik group and, by doing so, took his first of
many steps in his forthcoming rise to political power.

Soonafter, Khrushchev, a loyal but not very active Bolshevik member,
became involved with the Communist party as well. Prior to this point, he
had been exempt from military service due to his indispensibility in the
local coal industry. Also, he had been responsible for a family, as he had
married his wife, Galina, during his years in the coal mines, and now had
two children (Leonid and Julia), which made him want to remain near Yuzovka.
However, in 1919, that rebellious, power-seeking inner sense of Nikita's
got the best of him, and he went off to join the Red Army. When the war
ended, Khrushchev, whose main objective had been to emerge as a politician
until he found how difficult it was to compete with the "higher-born," at
least had succeeded in proving himself to be a loyal and useful figure.
Soonafter, he returned home with the task of organizing a local Communist

When he arrived back in Yuzovka, however, he found the area, along with
much of the Ukraine, suffering due to a great famine. Peasants were forced
to eat bark, grass, leather and one another to survive, and many died,
including Khrushchev's wife. It was a very sad and difficult time for
Nikita, but he retaliated against his depression by devoting himself
wholeheartedly toward the reorganization of Russia. At once he set about
to restore local factories and increase coal production, steps he
considered vital in order to get the economy going. It took much toughness
and courage to get men to work under such conditions, but Khrushchev,
gifted with a talent for organizing and motivating people, was able to
succeed. In 1921, he sent his children to live with his parents and
enrolled in a mining technology school, where he further developed himself
in engineering and politics and learned how to read. A quick learner,
Khrushchev finished school in four years, literate and with a comprehensive
knowledge of Leninist views. He married again, this time to a
schoolteacher named Nina Petrovna, and, at the age 31, encountered the
first of a series of very rapid steps to the supreme position he would one
day hold as Premier of the U.S.S.R.

In 1925, Khrushchev was appointed to his first full-time and very
important Party position, Party Secretary of Petrovsko, a district of about
400 square miles in the Ukraine. For the two years that he held that
office, Nikita encouraged peasants to work and reopened factories,
unemployment dropped and bands of mutinous peasants which roamed the
countryside were wiped out. In addition, bands of wild Russian children,
called besprisorni, were rounded up and either put to work or shot. By the
end of his term there, he had grown enough in importance to be a non-voting
member of the All Union Party Congress-in other words, in just seven years,
Krushchev had earned his way into the top 1300 of over one million Party

His next step was to go to Moscow, where he studied engineering and
worked actively in the Party cell of the Moscow Industrial Academy. Working
closely with important political figures, even including Stalin's wife,
Khrushchev continued to rise in importance and popularity. By 1932, he had
reached a point where he was second in command of the Party for all of
Moscow. With this power, he attempted to more or less renovate Moscow. Its
living conditions were deplorable and dreary. There was a severe shortage
of food, families lived huddled two or three to a room, buildings were
falling apart. As Peter the Great had done many years before, Nikita
attempted to "drag Russia into the twentieth century." He made many reforms,
including the construction of the Moscow Metro, and as a result was soon
appointed to the Central Committees of the All-Union Communist Party and
the Supreme Soviet.