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03-18-2009, 17:02
Може ли някой който знае анлийски да провери това

From the current celebrities I do not want anyone to be my idol. Because when people have an idol they often start just copying it. And when you are copying someone you are loosing your own personality. When that happens you are just a stupid imitator that in most cases nobody likes. When nobody likes you start becoming insane. After that you kill your idol because you are obsessed from the idea to be famous.
It's cool to like a singer or any type of start but it is not good to start imitating it. That is why I prefer not having an idol. Yes, i have favorite singers and actors but I do not want to be like them what in case is to have an idol.

Имаме да напишем кой е нашият идол сред известнити личности. Моята идея е, че нямам идол защото когато имат идоли хората често започват да ги имитират загубвайки своя собствен стил и личност. И че имам любими певци и актьори но не смятам, че е хубаво да се превръщаш в имитатор което в крайна сметка означава да имаш идол...

Наистина много ви моля за помощ защото ми е за утре и ще е хубаво да е ок а имам сериони подозрения, че яко съм омазал ситуацията.

Благодаря предварително 8-)

03-18-2009, 19:16
'From among the current celebrities I do not want anyone to be my idol. Because when people have an idol, they often start copying it. And when you copy someone you lose your own personality. When that happens you are just a stupid imitator that in most cases nobody likes. When nobody likes you, you start going insane. After that you kill your idol because you are obsessed with the idea of being famous. It's cool being like a singer or any other type of star, but it is not good to start imitating them. That is why I prefer not having an idol. Yes, I have favorite singers and actors but I do not want to be like them.’

03-19-2009, 10:40