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04-25-2009, 20:04
Трябва да напиша случка с дадено начало: I couldn't believe the moment had finally arrived...
Който може да помага,pls :)

04-25-2009, 20:59
and i was so suprissed-everyone ware dead :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :-P

не мога да повярвам, че при тия прости думи, си успял/а да допуснеш толкова много грешки :-o
авторе, темата изобщо не е сложна! можеш примерно да пишеш за някой дългоочакван купон или за рождения си ден или..... абе за много неща се сещам, помисли и ти малко

04-26-2009, 04:00
I couldn't believe the moment had finally arrived when I finally met my cousin coming out of the airport. Since we were little, we have always been best friends and despite of all the challenges we faced, we stayed together. I still remember singing with her under the rain and running to go home after the long day at school. We were so close, that calling her a friend was never enough; she was like my sister. However, the first big test came when her mom and dad moved to Australia, and so did she. It was a new country for her, with new culture and many new people with their different beliefs and habits. Even though she was on the other end of the world we never stop talking and sharing the good and bad things around us. Now, almost 7 years later, she finally came back and I got the chance to see and talk to her. My cousin told me everything about her life and she listen to my stories too. I am glad that I finally met somebody that I can call not just a cousin, and not just a really nice person, but also my friend.

ъъъъъъ английския ми е учудващо зле за човек който живее в английско говоряща страна :D :) все пак се постарах да дам най дооброто от себе си и не мисля че имам грешки но все пак ако някои намери нещо да поправя.. :)

P.S случката е измислена и няма нищо общо с действителността... не е кой знае колко интересна но мисля че става :)

04-26-2009, 15:38
Писането на кирилица е задължително!