View Full Version : Франсоа Митеран

05-10-2009, 08:34
По история имам да намеря в нета нещо за 2-та мандата на Франсоа Митеран обаче не намерих нищо :( някой може ли да помогне?

05-10-2009, 13:42
1st term
Mitterrand with American President Ronald Reagan, 1981

In the presidential election of 1981, Mitterrand became the first socialist President of the Fifth Republic, and his government became the first left-wing government in 23 years. He named Pierre Mauroy as Prime Minister and organised a new legislative election. The Socialists obtained an absolute parliamentary majority, and four Communists joined the cabinet.

The beginning of his first term was marked by a left-wing economic policy based on the 110 Propositions for France and the 1972 Common Programme between the Socialist Party, the Communist Party and the Left Radical Party. This included several nationalizations, a 10% increase of the minimum wage (SMIC), a 39 hour work week, 5 weeks holiday per year, the creation of the solidarity tax on wealth, an increase in social benefits, and the extension of workers' rights to consultation and information about their employers (through the Auroux Act). The objective was to boost economic demand and thus economic activity (Keynesianism). However, unemployment continued to grow and three devaluations of the franc were decided upon. This policy more or less came to an end with the March 1983 liberal turn. Priority was given to the struggle against inflation in order to remain competitive in the European Monetary System.

With respect to social and cultural policies, Mitterrand abrogated the death penalty as soon as he took office (via the Badinter Act), as well as the "anti-casseurs Act" which instituted howvever collective responsibility for acts of violence during demonstrations. He also dissolved the Cour de s

05-10-2009, 17:32
Лошо,че е на английски сега го превеждам

05-11-2009, 08:20
Франсоа Митеран (на френски: Fran