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05-19-2009, 20:20
Някой ще може ли да ми преведе следните изречения от английски на немски език? Много ще съм благодарен.

The advancement of video game research in the past decade has greatly helped our understanding of its effects on development. Unfortunately though, more research is still needed. The video game industry has grown to the proportions of the movie industry, and shows no sign of stopping. With each generation of games come more realistic graphics, more violence, bigger world, and more possibilities. In order to fully control the effect that it has on our children, we must first better understand the effect it has on the personality and behaviors, and not just in the areas of aggression and hostility. As we reach this understanding hopefully developers can create games which will help our youth, expand their minds, and shy away from the current trend of violence in video games.

05-19-2009, 21:02
The advancement of video game research in the past decade has greatly helped our understanding of its effects on development. Unfortunately though, more research is still needed. The video game industry has grown to the proportions of the movie industry, and shows no sign of stopping. With each generation of games come more realistic graphics, more violence, bigger world, and more possibilities. In order to fully control the effect that it has on our children, we must first better understand the effect it has on the personality and behaviors, and not just in the areas of aggression and hostility. As we reach this understanding hopefully developers can create games which will help our youth, expand their minds, and shy away from the current trend of violence in video games.
Der Fortschritt in die Untersuchung von Computerspiele hat in den letzten Jahrzehnt sehr viel beigebracht, um die Effekte an der Entwicklung zu verstehen. Leider besteht immer noch Untersuchungsbedarf. Die Computerspielindustrie hat schon die Ausmasse der Filmindustrie erreicht und zeigt keine Zeichen ..

мързи ме - преведи го с гугъл транслейт.

05-19-2009, 21:04
и тва е нещо. тенкс

05-19-2009, 21:12
[quote]With each generation of games come more realistic graphics, more violence, bigger world, and more possibilities. In order to fully control the effect that it has on our children, we must first better understand the effect it has on the personality and behaviors, and not just in the areas of aggression and hostility. As we reach this understanding hopefully developers can create games which will help our youth, expand their minds, and shy away from the current trend of violence in video games.
Mit jeder Generation kommen immer realistische Grafikeffekte, mehr Gewalt, gr

05-19-2009, 21:16
Адски съм благодарен за помощта :)

05-20-2009, 00:27
Ich spreche nicht deutsch :(

05-20-2009, 07:10
Ich spreche nicht deutsch :(

Важно инфо ще да е тва :lol: