View Full Version : Confession

10-20-2009, 15:56
I have many choices
but i chose exactly you.
I hear inner voices
that tell me it must be you.

Now you are distant
but it feels like i have you near.
My heart is so resistent
it knows-soon you'll be here.

I expect our meeting,
i crave for seeing you again.
How can i stop thinking
about this burning flame?

I've realized what i want
and i honestly admit-
my feeling are deep and strong,
love is something i shouldn't miss...

10-20-2009, 19:39
Мммм харесва ми :) Само една лека поправка - my feelingS are deep and strong :)

10-21-2009, 05:31
Браво бе :)
От собствен опит знам, че е много трудно да се пише поезия на чужд език :)