12-10-2009, 08:27
Хора трябва ми СПЕШНО съчинение по Англ.език от 150 думи на тема ''Travel broadens the mind''.МОЛЯ ПОМОГНЕТЕ 8-[

12-10-2009, 09:02
Why do people insist in taking their holidays in the same locations year after year? This is always something that puzzled me as surely the whole reason behind travelling is to experience different cultures and their unique lifestyles?

Sure, you may have had a great time on your holiday to (insert destination!) when you first visited five years ago but, does it surely the adrenalin fuelled excitement has started to wane with each passing year when you have visited? Of course you probably still haven't even done half of what is possible at your holiday hotspot but that still doesn't gauge the interest quite like going somewhere unique. Take for example your everyday life. If you have ever moved to a new location it can be an exciting time for some. There are endless possibilities of new things to see, people to meet and, daily excursion. But, over time this excitement erodes although you probably haven't done as much as you really could!

There are so many things to learn from visiting new places that it would be a shame to go to the same location. You can see the pyramids of Gaza, the Taj Mahal, or the Great Barrier Reef. Sure, going to Disneyland is probably a great thrill but you're not going to learn about Arabic culture there! Travel is a valuable tool in educating oneself on other cultures and lifestyles. And, what's more, it will sure make the gifts you bring back for people more exciting.

Those who like to lie on the beach all day and sunbathe would probably like to do just that. But for those of us interested in learning about other cultures, there's no excuse for not travelling elsewhere!


12-10-2009, 09:13
Оле много ти благодаря!Ти си върха!!!Твое ли е или го взе от някъде? Защото е супер.Много много много ти благодаря :-) :-) :-) :-)