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12-17-2009, 14:09
Здравейте много спешно ми трябва малко помощ по английски. Става въпрос за едни изречения в които трябва да открия грешките (Error Identification). В една от думите, които са оцветени, има грешка или пък изобщо няма. Ако може малко помощ...

1. Konstantin Tsiolkovski was a maths teacher who foresaw many developments in space exploration: he suggested that a rocket engine would have worked in the vacuum of space, and he predicted space suits. space stations and artificial satellites.

2. The birthplace of the theatre is thought to be ancient Greece, where performances of plays often had taken place in open-air theatres.

3. Apart from marking the success of individual athletes, the Olympic Games also stand as a testament to the humankind's desire to continually achieve more : to run faster, to jump higher, to be better.

12-17-2009, 16:58
Само за would have worked не съм сигурен, че е правилно. Ако има грешка, това е то- обаче ми изглежда по-вероятно да е вярно. Had taken изглежда 99% вярно, а другите са абсолютно верни.

12-17-2009, 20:46
1. ... would work...

2. ... took...

3. ... humankind's desire...

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