View Full Version : Условни изречения в английския

03-22-2010, 12:27
Хей, може ли някой да ми обясни разликите между условните изречения по английски 0,1,2,3 вид сме учили. Естествено прочетох си урока,но там е прекалено кратко описано и не разбирам. :(

03-22-2010, 12:49
Conditional 0:

За всеважащи твърдения, за факти. И двете клаузи са в Present Simple

If you hit the gym you get bigger.
If you jump in mud you get dirty.

Conditional 1:

За евентуални бъдещи събития. If клаузата е в Present Simple, другата - в Future Simple.

If it rains, I will put on my jacket.

If he comes home, I will kick his ass.

Conditional 2:

За въображаеми събития в настоящето или бъдещето. If клаузата е в Past simple, другата - конструкция с would.

If I had a million bucks, I would spend it all on beer.

If I had a pizza in the fridge, I wouldn't be eating chicken soup.

Особеното за If клаузата на втория къндишънъл е, че глаголът "to be" се спряга were за всички лица в единствено и в множествено число.

If I were you, I'd buy new shoes.

If he were angry with you, he wouldn't pay you shit.

Conditional 3:

Критика на минали събития. If клаузата е в Past Perfect, другата - конструкция с would have + мин. причастие

If he had taken his umbrella, neither of us would have got wet.
If he had sold this stolen diamond when he had the chance, we wouldn't have been sent to prison.

Направих си справка и намерих още нещо за третия къндишънъл:

Notice that the main clause can contain 'would', 'could' or 'might'.

If I had seen him at the meeting, I would have asked him. (But he wasn't there so I didn't.)
If I had seen him at the meeting, I could have asked him. ( But he wasn't there so it wasn't possible.)
If I had seen him at the meeting, I might have asked him. (But I'm not sure. Perhaps if the opportunity had arisen.)
If I had paid more attention in class, I would have understood the lesson.

06-15-2012, 07:39
If I had paid more attention in class, I would have understood the lesson.

хаххаха тва беше намек :D