View Full Version : Превод от български на англииски

03-30-2010, 12:04
Значи, не ми трябва превод от гугъла, трябва свестно преводче.
До 9 вечерта някъде ми трябва.Благодарско на всеки който се отзове.
Текста е:

Семейството съставящо се от две момичета и едно момче беше отгледано там. Едното вече беше напуснало дома, а другите скоро щяха да отидат в лондон да започнат професионалната си кариера. Изобщо животът беше хубав, докато един ден, връщайки се от центъра на града, Мюриел установи че ги бяха обрали. Представете си ужаса, който тя изпита, когато бе посрещната от една разбита, упостошена къща. Крадците бяха обърнали дивана, в хола, с краката нагоре и бяха разрязали плата с надеждата, че вътре са скрити пари. Те бяха изскубали цветята от саксиите им и бяха счупили аквариума, водата беше намокрила мокета. Стените бяха в ужасно състояние, защото крадците бяха хвърляли по тях изскубаните цветя. Те бяха разбили екрана на телевизора и изобщо бяха обърнали жилището наопаки. Още по лошото беше, че бяха откраднали парите, които Мюриел държеше в чекмедже в кухнята. Нанесените щети обаче състариха Мюриел на момента. По-късно лекарят и предписа успокоителни и тя взе единственото решение, което можеше да се вземе. Те се изнесоха и продадоха къщата където бяха планирали да прекарат остатъка от живота си.

03-30-2010, 12:36
The family, which consists of two girls and a boy, was brought up there. One of them had already left home and the others were going to move to London soon, so that they could start their professional careers. Life was good when one day on the way back from downtown Muriel found out they were robbed. Imagine the horror she felt when she came home to find a broken and devastated house. The robbers had turned the couch in the living room upside-down and they had cut the fabric in hope to find hidden money. The had plucked out the flowers from their vases and had broken the aquarium. The water had soaked the floor. The walls were in awful condition, because the robbers had thrown the unplucked flowers at them. They'd shattered the TV screen and in short, they'd turned the whole house upside-down. To make matters worse, they had stolen the money which Muriel kept in her drawer. The damages instantly added a few years on Muriel. Later the doctor prescribed her some sedatives and she took the only decision she could. They moved out and sold the house in which they had been planning to spend the rest of their lives.

03-30-2010, 12:39
Благодаря ти много :)

03-30-2010, 12:40
Пак заповядай :>

03-30-2010, 12:50
The family, which consists of two girls and a boy, was brought up there. One of them had already left home and the others were going to move to London soon, so that they could start their professional careers. Life was good when one day on the way back from downtown Muriel found out they were robbed. Imagine the horror she felt when she came home to find a broken and devastated house. The robbers had turned the couch in the living room upside-down and they had cut the fabric in hope to find hidden money. They had plucked out the flowers from their vases and had broken the aquarium. The water had soaked the floor. The walls were in awful condition, because the robbers had thrown the unplucked flowers at them. They'd shattered the TV screen and in short, they'd turned the whole house upside-down. To make matters worse, they had stolen the money which Muriel kept in her drawer. The damages instantly added a few years on Muriel. Later the doctor prescribed her some sedatives and she took the only decision she could. They moved out and sold the house in which they had been planning to spend the rest of their lives.
Издребнявам :D Реших все пак да го поправя,в случай че авторът свсем идея си няма :)

03-30-2010, 17:05
Идея си имам, ама силата ми в англииския е в друга област. Този текст го бях превел ама имаше грешки, и ми трябва без грешки.

03-30-2010, 19:03
Моя не гарантирам, че е без грешки, имай едно наум ;)

03-31-2010, 09:44
Абе мина за без грешка :)

03-31-2010, 14:38
Абе мина за без грешка :)