View Full Version : Помощ по АЕ

06-06-2010, 10:21
Може ли някой да помогне с това упражнение?

06-06-2010, 13:43
I think students should all get holiday jobs abroad. They shouldn't just stay at home in the holidays*. After my holiday job in Budapest I wish I had went abroad even sooner.** I wish I could describe to you how beautiful Budapest is. I had a fantastic job on one of the boats that go up and down the Danube to Margaretta Island. I really should have spoken three languages like the Hungarian guides but because I knew Margosz they let me do just two - English and German***. Also I should have bought my own uniform, so I borrowed one instead****. I made a lot of mistakes but nobody got angry. On the first day I shouldn't have started the casette until the boat left but I did, and the tourists got all the information too early. And another time, when we got to the island, I should have said "Please be back on the boat by 14:00"*****. But I said '15:00' and ten people were brought back by the next boat! I wish it was possible to stay in Hungary longer.****** And I wish I'd made better progress with Hungarian. It's such a difficult language. But I'll be back!

* Има излишно 'to' в оригиналния текст. Също така, не съм сигурен дали правилния предлог в случая е 'in' ("... in the holidays"), но не го броя за грешка.
** went -> had went
*** have spoke -> have spoken
**** should buy -> should have bought
***** should say -> should have said, плюс мисля че трябва да е "by" вместо "at", но едва ли това се брои за грешка, защото в случая се набляга на regrets.
****** would have been -> was (were?)

Това са грешките според мен! Между другото, кой клас си (любопитство)?

06-06-2010, 14:24
Много ти благодаря! 10 клас съм :-o :booooomb:

06-06-2010, 15:45
на места не ми звучи добре.. плюс това, третата форма нa go не е went, а gone.. => HAD GONE

06-06-2010, 16:08
Следващият път ползвай темата предназначена за помощ по английски език.