View Full Version : Вярно ли е?

11-10-2010, 19:37
One of the most commented topics in our time is about the uniforms.Do they have place in nowadays or not? Is it possible after all these years to bring back the old traditions?
Many people are against this,maybe because the money.Many parents think that this is unnecessary,just another way to lose their money.
From other side some of the teenagers disagree to wear clothes which doesn't fit with their personal style.Another point is that will the uniforms be comfortable for all teens?I think no.
Anyway,the uniforms are a sign of recognition and prestige that you tech in the selected school.With a few initials and symbols on the pocket or sleeves each student is showing to other people that he is party of the relevant educational institution and he's proud of it.

Ако намерите някакви грешки моля поправете ги .. 8 клас съм и знам че сигурно не е идеално.. ама поне се постарах да го напиша :)

11-10-2010, 19:47
Трябва да е because of the money.
Иначе браво бива те и звучи доста добре за 8ми клас :)

11-10-2010, 19:56
Мерси :)

11-10-2010, 20:09
Мерси :)
Моля =))

11-10-2010, 20:51
One of the most discussed topics of our time is about uniforms.Do they have a place nowadays or not? Is it possible to bring back the old traditions after all these years?
Many people are against it,maybe because of the money.A lot of [просто,за да няма много повтаряне :) ] parents think that it's unnecessary.Just another way to lose their money.
From teenagers' point of view-the clothes might not fit their personal style which is a reason for them to disagree with wearing them.I think another problem might be the uniforms not being comfortable for all teens.
Anyway,the uniforms are a sign of recognition and prestige of the school you study at.With a few initials and symbols on the pockets or sleeves each student shows other people that he's a part of the relevant educational institution and he's proud of it.

Сигурна съм,че е вярно...да си кажа... :D :-) Айде и да изкараш 6-тичка :)

11-11-2010, 08:44
Аз не намери грешки,освен първата,която споменаха 8-)
Много добре си го написал/а

11-11-2010, 08:50
Даже мога да ти пратя един клип относно темата. Гаврихме се с нашата униформа по тема не на униформите 8-)

11-11-2010, 22:31
мерси krokkrok :) sToyAncHo хах няма да откажа :D

11-11-2010, 22:46
На мястото на 'I think no' не ти ли звучи по-добре 'I don't think so', не ти е грешно просто ако искаш за повече благозвучие. Иначе да, браво, много е добро :) :)

11-11-2010, 22:55
Технически няма правописни грешки освен гореспоменатата ,но имаш много сериозни проблеми със (както казаха по-нагоре) благозвучието.Много кухо звучи.Моят съвет е повечко филми без субтитри да гледаш да свикваш с езика ако наистина той ти е някаква цел де...

11-16-2010, 17:22
Слаба работа ... дай си бележника

11-16-2010, 18:39
One of the most commented topics in our time is about the uniforms.Do they have place in nowadays or not? Is it possible after all these years to bring back the old traditions?
Значи тук, според мен има два варианта. Или "Do they have place nowadays.... или Do they have place in the present" Ако аз не съм в грешка, мисля, че си избрала някакъв среден вариант, който е грешен.

Many people are against this,maybe because of/ mainly because of the financial part the money.Many parents think that this is unnecessary,just another way to throw away their money.
From other side some of the teenagers disagree to wear clothes which doesn't fit with their personal style.Another point of view is whether the uniforms will be comfortable for all teens/everyone?I think no.
Anyway,(по-добре да няма опр.член) uniforms are a sign of recognition and prestige that you tech in the selected school.With a few initials and symbols on the pocket or sleeves each student is showing to other people that he is party of the relevant educational institution and he's proud of it.

Не че твоето е грешно, просто ти давам някоя друга идея. Използвай ги ако искаш :)

11-16-2010, 21:39

One of the most commented(DISCUSSED) topics in our time (TODAY) is [about the] uniforms. Do they have place (in) nowadays or not? Is it possible after all these (SO MANY) years to bring back the old traditioN?
Many people are against this(DISAGREE) ,maybe because OF the money.Many(SOME) parents think that this is unnecessary,just another way to lose(WASTE) their money.
From other side (ON THE OTHER HAND) some [of the] teenagers disagree [to] wearING clothes which doesn't fit with their personal style.Another point is that (HERE POPS THE QUESTION) will the uniforms be comfortable for all teens?I DON'T think SO.

Anyway,the uniforms are a sign of recognition FOR STUDENTS and SIGN OF prestige FOR THE PARTICULAR school.With a few initials and symbols on the pocket or sleeves each student is showing to other people that he is party of the relevant educational institution and he's proud of it.

Нещата в скобички, които не са в червено са за изтриване.
Agree/Disagree DOING smth
tech, което може би е TEACH, е уча някого, а не че аз уча нещо. Study е правилната дума.
I lose money когато ги изгубя по пътя, но I waste money когато ги пилея за ненужни неща.
Избягвай повторенията 'many', 'many' в последователни изречения.
Имаш много неточности, но последното изречение ти е перфектно. Продължавай да учиш!!