View Full Version : Помогнете ми по английски език ...моляя

12-02-2010, 17:46
Моля ви попълнете думите на празните места :
It was on a foggy wet November nigh that W.B. Wrenn, 1......... from somewhere to nowhere in particular,stopped under a streetlight to coint his 2......... He had just 3......... his wage.It amounted to sixty-five cents in all.This was the third time he had counted it.
After counting his resourses ,W.B. threw up a 4........ and stretched his hand to 5........... it.He missed.The coin rolled on the pavement with a 6..........Quick as light a long ,tattered arm shot our from the nearby bench and 7......... at it.
"You drunken bum ( a person who lives like a tramp) shouted Mr.Wrenn "Come back with that ,you dirty thief"
The drunked 8......... at him;the smell of bad whiskey reached his nose .W.B. bent forward and 9....... the old man's arm .Just then a Cop appeared on the corner and W.B quckly 10........... of it.
The Cop stood for a moment ,juggling his club ,and 11............ sullenly .. Then his eye fell on the two men and he frowned.
"What's up?" he asked
"He's a thief ! Mr.Wrenn 12........... pointing at the drunkard. "Give "im back what belongs to "im" the Cop ordered.The shabby man was 13......... He 14................ grinned,and then 15........ in his pocket .Shortly ,his hand come out 16.......... a large gold coin.
"Here!Take it! " the Cop ordered.
W.B. Wrenn 17........... for an instant.He started at the oldshaky hands ,18.......... at the shiny coin.He almost streched our his hand to 19.........the treasure and run away.But instead ,as if in a dream ,he heard himself saying," That's not my coin .. "

12-04-2010, 18:28
Изваждаш си всички непознати думи,научаваш ги и после изречение по изречение четеш,превеждаш и попълваш. :) Не чакай на готово.То си е за теб.

12-04-2010, 20:32
Знам какво да правя,но щом ви моля за помощ значи не съм успяла.Наистина е важно ,мога да си преведа повечето неща,но не мога да сложа думите на местата им .За тези които разбират англ. не мисля че ще им коства голямо усилие .МОЛЯ ВИИ