View Full Version : Помогнете ми по английски :(

12-21-2010, 12:56
Здравейте трябва ми съчинение на тема If you could take the place of one famous person for one day, who would you choose and what would you do от 120 до 150 думи.Ако може мом4е съм и не съм нати с английския,който ми помогне много ще съм благодарен няма значение на коя известна личност искам да приличам измислете някоя и направете съчиенеието плс :(

12-21-2010, 15:08
Пич,ако ви дават такива съчинения,обаче си зле с английския,защо не учиш,а разчиташ всичко да ти дадат на готово?Знам че звучи гадно,и явно имаш проблеми с езика,но за такова съчинение трябва да знаеш поне елементарен английски.Имаш да измислиш 20 думички и да ги свържеш в смислово изречение,не е трудно.Ако ние ти го направим днес,утре,следващата седмица,ти никога няма да научиш езика.Пиши и слушай в час.Не искам да се правя на твоя майка,но никой няма да седне и да ти пише съчинението,защото теб те мързи.

12-21-2010, 16:03
Здравейте трябва ми съчинение на тема If you could take the place of one famous person for one day, who would you choose and what would you do от 120 до 150 думи.Ако може мом4е съм и не съм нати с английския,който ми помогне много ще съм благодарен няма значение на коя известна личност искам да приличам измислете някоя и направете съчиенеието плс :( Като за начало можеш ли да си преведеш името на темата без помощта на търсачка ??? :D :D :D :D

12-21-2010, 16:19
Ей сега сядам да го пиша!

12-21-2010, 16:20
If I could choose to be any famous person at all for one day I'd choose to be Adolf Hitler some day in the year 1938.

After I wake up I'd have a massive, homosexual orgy with jews, niggers and suck the cocks of german shepherds while getting banged up the ass by donkeys.

I will have people filming it and notariuses documenting my consent and cold-headed acknowledgement of the event.

In the evening I will make this public and make sure it goes viral.

After that I'd go to sleep and know that in the morning, when I wake up as my old self again three things would have changed - the taste of semen in my mouth would've gona away, the stinging in my buthole would've seised and Hitler would've had a very interesting time explaining all of this shit to Germany and the world as a whole.

PS I would also shave the fucking moushatche. I fucking hate the fucking moustache :-x

12-21-2010, 16:28
If I could choose to be any famous person at all for one day I'd choose to be Adolf Hitler some day in the year 1938.

After I wake up I'd have a massive, homosexual orgy with jews, niggers and suck the cocks of german shepherds while getting banged up the ass by donkeys.

I will have people filming it and notariuses documenting my consent and cold-headed acknowledgement of the event.

In the evening I will make this public and make sure it goes viral.

After that I'd go to sleep and know that in the morning, when I wake up as my old self again three things would have changed - the taste of semen in my mouth would've gona away, the stinging in my buthole would've seised and Hitler would've had a very interesting time explaining all of this shit to Germany and the world as a whole.

PS I would also shave the fucking moushatche. I fucking hate the fucking moustache :-x

За твое добро не представяй това пред учителката си.

12-21-2010, 18:11
ебахти хората сте просто ви моли човек за помощ вие се правите,не съм толкова зле с езика естествено че мога да преведа заглавието и знам че трябва да използваме втори тип условни изречения с if I were.... I would... просто не мога да се сетя кво да пиша... ина4е елесно

12-21-2010, 20:08
If I could choose to be any famous person at all for one day I'd choose to be Adolf Hitler some day in the year 1938.

After I wake up I'd have a massive, homosexual orgy with jews, niggers and suck the cocks of german shepherds while getting banged up the ass by donkeys.

I will have people filming it and notariuses documenting my consent and cold-headed acknowledgement of the event.

In the evening I will make this public and make sure it goes viral.

After that I'd go to sleep and know that in the morning, when I wake up as my old self again three things would have changed - the taste of semen in my mouth would've gona away, the stinging in my buthole would've seised and Hitler would've had a very interesting time explaining all of this shit to Germany and the world as a whole.

PS I would also shave the fucking moushatche. I fucking hate the fucking moustache :-x

thats nice :lol:

12-21-2010, 20:28
If I could choose to be any famous person at all for one day I'd choose to be Adolf Hitler some day in the year 1938.

After I wake up I'd have a massive, homosexual orgy with jews, niggers and suck the cocks of german shepherds while getting banged up the ass by donkeys.

I will have people filming it and notariuses documenting my consent and cold-headed acknowledgement of the event.

In the evening I will make this public and make sure it goes viral.

After that I'd go to sleep and know that in the morning, when I wake up as my old self again three things would have changed - the taste of semen in my mouth would've gona away, the stinging in my buthole would've seised and Hitler would've had a very interesting time explaining all of this shit to Germany and the world as a whole.

PS I would also shave the fucking moushatche. I fucking hate the fucking moustache :-x

12-21-2010, 20:28
Пробвай с Google Translate :lol:

12-21-2010, 21:25
ебахти хората сте просто ви моли човек за помощ вие се правите,не съм толкова зле с езика естествено че мога да преведа заглавието и знам че трябва да използваме втори тип условни изречения с if I were.... I would... просто не мога да се сетя кво да пиша... ина4е елесно

Щом знаеш как се казват (може и да не се казват така, аз наклонения/видове и тн не знам), би трябвало да можеш да си го напишеш. Аз си нямам и напредстава от такива работи, но си ги правя на интуиция и се справям ...

12-21-2010, 23:32
If I could choose to be any famous person at all for one day I'd choose to be Adolf Hitler some day in the year 1938.

After I wake up I'd have a massive, homosexual orgy with jews, niggers and suck the cocks of german shepherds while getting banged up the ass by donkeys.

I will have people filming it and notariuses documenting my consent and cold-headed acknowledgement of the event.

In the evening I will make this public and make sure it goes viral.

After that I'd go to sleep and know that in the morning, when I wake up as my old self again three things would have changed - the taste of semen in my mouth would've gona away, the stinging in my buthole would've seised and Hitler would've had a very interesting time explaining all of this shit to Germany and the world as a whole.

PS I would also shave the fucking moushatche. I fucking hate the fucking moustache :-x

Google ще го преведе по грамотно от тебе...

12-22-2010, 03:26
ай мрете, дейба и тъпия форум, насрани спамери, за нищо не ставате духaйте

12-22-2010, 06:39
Мне, не и не. Не е това начина.