View Full Version : Ghost story ?!

04-12-2011, 12:41
Трябва да пиша за петък история с духове на английски. Написала съм си я но ми трябва добра оценка, затова по умните ако може да ми я прочетат и да ми кажат ако има някакви грешки. Ще съм ви благодарна. :) ПП: В скоби съм си писала превода на думите да не ги забравям ама ме мързи да ги махна :D

It was a dark cold October night in 2005, when me and my family went on a vacation in the mountains. It was our last night in the hotel and I couldn’t sleep because I had the feeling that something was watching me.

It was 5 AM I got up and I read a story connected with the hotel. Twenty years ago a man called Frank had a hut(hija) at this place. He had a wife and two kids. One day Frank killed them all with an axe(bradva) by chopping off(otrqzva) their heads. Frank buried(pogrebva) them under the house. After that he took his own life. In the article(statiq) was mentioned(spomenato) too that Frank’s spirit(dyh) is still going round the place and possesses(obladava) old men, making them to kill their relatives(rodnini).

I couldn’t let Frank possess my father. I could die that night and I had to do something about it. Suddenly I heard a noise of breaking glass behind my back. I turned quickly and I saw my dad… I will always remember that scene. My father was holding broken bottle of beer and he was coming nearer me. He flied at(sgrabchi) my throat. My breath was fading away(izpluzva) from my chest but I couldn’t do anything about it. Now I was sure I was going to die. Then I remembered that dad sprained(navqhvam) his ankle(glezen) 2 days ago and I kicked him on the leg. He shouted and set me free. I grasped(sgrabchvam) my mom and my sister and I took them out of the room. It was six in the morning and the sunrise was approaching (nablijava). Until the first sunbeam my obsessed father was screaming and hitting on the door like an animal. After a while I heard his voice, asking me what is going on. I opened the door. He was smiling like nothing happened. I asked him does he remember what happened in the night but he had no idea of what I was talking about. We decided not to tell anyone because nobody would believe this crazy story. But I know for certain(sus sigurnost) that we’ll never get back in that hotel.

04-12-2011, 14:29
историята съкс според мене

ако искаш пробвай тука


или тука


04-12-2011, 15:57
Съвсем на бързо го погледнах, може да съм пропуснала неша, не гарантирам:

It was a dark cold October night in 2005, whenmy family and I went on a vacation in the mountains. It was our last night in the hotel and I couldn’t sleep because I had the feeling that something was watching me.

It was 5 AM I got up and read a story connected with the hotel. Twenty years ago a man called Frank had a hut at this place. He had a wife and two kids. One day Frank killed them all with an axe by chopping off their heads. Frank buried them under the house. After that he took his own life. In the article it was also mentioned that Frank’s spirit is still going round the place and possessing old men, making them kill their relatives.

I couldn’t let Frank possess my father. I could die that night and I had to do something about it. Suddenly I heard a noise of breaking glass behind my back. I turned quickly and I saw my dad… I will always remember that scene. My father was holding a broken beer bottle and was approaching me. He flied at(не съм срещала този фразеологичен глагол, не ми звучи добре) my throat. My breath was fading away(izpluzva) (???) from my chest but I couldn’t do anything about it. Now I was sure I was going to die. Then I remembered that dad had sprained his ankle 2 days ago and I kicked him in the leg. He screame out and set me free. I grabbed my mom and my sister and I pulled them out of the room. It was six in the morning and the sunrise was approaching (?). Until the first sunbeam my obsessed father was screaming and hitting on the door like an animal. After a while I heard his voice, asking me what was going on. I opened the door. He was smiling like nothing had happened. I asked him if he remembered what had happened but he had no idea what I was talking about. We decided not to tell anyone because nobody would believe this crazy story. But I know for certain that we’ll never return to that hotel.

за нещата в черно не съм съвсем сигурна, но не мога да си спомня конструкцията..