View Full Version : Английски, 9 клас помощ с няколко изречения.

06-05-2011, 14:38
Перефразирайте изреченията, моля :

Gaul demanded to speak to the manager
Gaul insisted.........

"Lock the door before you leave"
Don't forget..........

"I didn't like the party"
I regret...........

Tom is such a honest person. I doubt that he has stolen the money
Tom can't.................

There was nobody serving the customers in the restaurant.
The customers.............

"I didn't mention politics because i didn't want to argue with him."
To avoid.........

Ще ви бъда много благодарна ако ми помогнете :grin:

06-05-2011, 15:37
Gaul insisted to speak to the manager.
Don't forget to lock the door before you leave.
I regret going to the party.
тука не съм много сигурен ама трябва да е нещо такова : Tom can't have stolen the money because he's such a honest person.
The customers weren't served at the restaurant.
To avoid an argument I didn't mention politics.