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09-21-2011, 08:59
...::: Пускам тази тема, за да помагам на хората от форума, като главно ще се фокусирам върху Английския език. Ако имате въпроси, неясни неща, трудности при изготвянето на есета, преводи, анализи или каквото и да било друго - не се пестете да ми пишете. С радост ще откликна на всички ваши въпроси! ...

09-21-2011, 09:07
А може ли да ми помогнеш с едно две съчинения ?? :) :) :)

09-21-2011, 09:09
Разбира се, дай темите насам! :)

09-21-2011, 12:10
Първата тема:
Your college has decided to replace its small snack bar with a larger self-service cafeteria. The college magazine has invited its readers to suggest which dishes they think should be included on the menu, as well as other changes which would make the place more inviting to students. Write an article for the magazine, making your suggestions and giving reasons for your choices. :)

Втората тема:
Ммм тука можеш да си избереш някое от четирите. Пиши за което иcкаш. Аз нямам особени претенции. :)
1. Space exploration is essential
2. A scientist or inventor you admire
3. The most important scientific discovery
4. The most irritating or annoying modern invention :)

Трета тема:
You see this advertisment in local English-language newspaper.
Hey! magazine is looking for aticles about celebration around the world. Write us an article about celebration that is important in your country, explaining why the celebration is important and describingwhat poeple do. If your article is chosen for the magazine, you will win a weekend in a city of your choice.

Четвърта тема:
You have seen this advertisement in a magazine for young people.

I'd love to have... Write an article about something you would like to have, saying why you would like to have it and what difference it would make to your life. The writer of the best article will win a lap-top computer.
Еми това са. думите да са най-малко 120 и най-много 180. Ако искаш не ги пиши всички, но ще се радвам , защото някое от тях ще ми е на входното. :( А то е в понеделник.... :( Така, че ако искаш неделя можеш по обяд да ми ги пратиш да имам време да ги науча. :) :) Мерси предварително. :-) :-)

09-21-2011, 12:16
Сега в момента не мога да отделя много време за писане на есе, но довечера след 21ч. ще седна и ще ти ги измъдря. Обещавам да се получат добре! :)

09-21-2011, 12:25
Не се затормозявай още днес. :-D На мен не са ми спешни, но ще се радвам до събота, неделя да са готови, за да мога да ги назубкам. :D :D Спасяваш ми живота. Нищо не ми пречи да си ги драсна и аз, но през почивните дни няма да съм си вкъщи и ще съм супер отвеяна и ако не ти бях видяла предложението сигурно щях да напиша нещо мъничко, колкото да не е без хич. :D Ужасно много ти благодаря, наистина! :-) :-)

09-21-2011, 17:04
Миличка, ето две от тях, по - късно ще направя още. Успех!

1. Write an article about something you would like to have, saying why you would like to have it and what difference it would make to your life.

Most of us don’t know what we want. We think we do, but we really don’t. We only know what we don’t want. We don’t want a boring job. We don’t want to be poor and when not knowing what we want our intentions are not focused at all and our efforts don’t build on each other. The statement, “You can do anything you put your mind to,” leads us to believe that all you must do is imagine what you’d like to accomplish, set your mind to the task, and wait for success. When a person first glance through the question he may think that it must be something material. The first thing that crossed trough my dizzy mind was – something that opens your eyes, something that isn’t just about the satisfaction of the superficial needs of your eye but for your soul too. So, I’d like to say that I would like to have calm and unruffled life with a loving family and children and husband. This will change my entire life much to the good. Without all these things nothing else matters and when you already possess it you just don’t need any of the material goods…

2. The most important scientific discovеry

Science is interesting, but sometimes it may be weird as well. Each scientific discovery is important in its own eyes and they do all deserve to be mentioned and recognized.
Unexpected scientific discoveries are often the most important. We can review just a few of the important discoveries of the past couple of centuries that were made entirely by chance and we will definitely see that an insecure trial had led scientists to an important discover, for example, the principle of vaccination for disease prevention, they also discovered X – rays, penicillin, etc.
Much in every way scientists made remarkable discoveries which are bound to leave everyone amazed and have utmost respect in the world of science. While it is true that the possibility of discovery is increased by research, the real breakthroughs are often just a lucky mistake.

09-21-2011, 19:26
Ооо нямаш си на идея колко съм ти задължена... Благодаря ти МНОГО!! :) :) :-) :-)

09-23-2011, 08:52
Някой ден сърцето ми ще се превърна в камък. Откъснат от света ще тлея в своя замък и няма да крещя да вия до забрава, когато разбера че някой ме предава. Ще бъда властелин на самотата своя
и може би дори ще избера покоя пред хаоса на любовта.
Някой ден, но не сега..

Ти "лека нощ" ми каза, мила, но лека ли ще е нощта?
Щом двама ни е разделила, тогава ще е тежка тя!

Може ли на английски да ми ги преведеш 8-)

ПС. Много хубава и полезна темичка.. повече като тебе да има! :)

09-23-2011, 13:22
Заповядай, малко бързах, че тези дни у нас е лудница...

Someday my heart will turn into a steady stone. I’ll become estranged from all the world and will languish in my castle and won’t shriek or even howl until I sink into oblivion every now and then when someone betrays me. I will be the ruler of this loneliness of mine and even repose is what I’m gonna choose rather than this chaos of the love divine…
Someday, but not yet…

You said “Good night”, darling, but is it really gonna be this way?
Since it divided us in two, it will tear me apart!

09-24-2011, 20:11
мерси, мацко :)

09-26-2011, 12:28
hey shte mojesh li da mi pomognesh s tazi tema :

Your college has decided to replace its small snack bar with a larger self-service cafeteria. The college magazine has invited its readers to suggest which dishes they think should be included on the menu, as well as other changes which would make the place more inviting to students. Write an article for the magazine, making your suggestions and giving reasons for your choices. :?: :?:

09-26-2011, 18:08
ако може едно съчинениице:

My summer holiday /180-200 words/

Благодаря :)

10-01-2011, 06:11
ако може едно съчинениице:

My summer holiday /180-200 words/

Благодаря :)
Емм.. Пиши как си прекарал ваканцията на български, а ние ще ти го преведем... Аз лично не знам ти к'во си правил тогава тъй че не мога да ти го напиша ей така просто..

10-14-2011, 14:54
Здравей! Дадоха ни тема за есе,въпреки че не сме го учили как се прави.А тя е Тo or against the white lies? Не трябва да е много дълго около 80 думи.Благодаря ти предварително! Нека да не съм нахална,но ако можеш,нека да е на средно ниво на английски.

10-17-2011, 10:37
Здравей , много ми трябва до днес вечерта едно съчинение на тема Living in the countryside is boring, смисъл първо трябва да има introduction , my opinion , positive and negative points about the statement and conclusion . Ще съм ти много благодарен ако ми нашишеш едно :)

01-16-2017, 13:07
Your college has decided to replace its small snack bar with a larger self-service cafeteria. The college magazine has invited its readers to suggest which dishes they think should be included on the menu, as well as other changes which would make the place more inviting to students. Write an article for the magazine, making your suggestions and giving reasons for your choices.

01-18-2017, 17:46
shte moje li da mi pomognesh s tazi tema za suchinenie :) blagodarq predvaritelno

Your college has decided to replace its small snack bar with a larger self-service cafeteria. The college magazine has invited its readers to suggest which dishes they think should be included on the menu, as well as other changes which would make the place more inviting to students. Write an article for the magazine, making your suggestions and giving reasons for your choices