View Full Version : Помощ по Английски? ( за 7-ми клас)

12-13-2011, 10:13
Здравейте! Може ли някой да ми помогне със задачите от Energy Check-Unit 3 за 7-ми клас..?
Ето няколко от упражненията, долу..


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the past simple or present perfect.

1. то е написано, така че ще пиша направо от второто...
2. I (never be) ................ to China, but i (eat)........... Chinese food.
3. I (hear) ...............his new CD last week but i (not like) .......... it.
4. A: (ever be) .............. you ...........to India?
B: Yes, i (go) ........ in 1999.
5. A: (watch).......... you ............. Police Car on TV last night?
B: No, I........

Това е 1-вото упражнение.. не е нужно да пишете целите изречения, а просто напишете 1 и думите след него..
Много ви благодаря :)

12-13-2011, 10:40
ехо, плс, спешно е! :(

12-13-2011, 11:00
2: I have never been to China, but I have eaten Chinese food.
3: I heard his new CD last week but I didn't like it.
A:Have you ever been to India?
B:Yes, I went there in 1999
A: Did you watch Police Car on TV last night?
B:No, I didn't.

12-13-2011, 11:03
ужасно ти благодаря!!

12-13-2011, 11:07
Моля те и за:
Write questions for the answers. Use the present perfect with EVER.

2. Yes, I rode a quad on holiday.
3. Yes, i are a fish in Japanese restaurant.
4. Yes, i went whitewater rafting last year.
5. Yes, I won a prize at school for the best holiday photograph.
6. Yes, i cycled ten kilometres yeasterday.

Мерси предварително!!

12-13-2011, 11:15
Have you ever ridden a quad on holiday?
Have you ever eaten a fish in a Japanese restaurant?
Have you ever gone whitewater rafting?
Have you ever won a prize at school for the best holiday photograph?
Have you ever cycled ten kilometres yesterday?

Прочети си пак урока за present perfect, щото това време ще те тормози докато завършиш даскало. И без английски си за никъде.

12-13-2011, 11:20
ок и мерси :) Може ли едно последно упражнение :D


complete the sentences the present perfect or past simple.

2.(watch) .....Friends last night?
3. My sisters (never/ride) ........a horse.
4.my dad is mountain climber. He (climb) ......... Everest last year.
5. We (not/go) ...... on holiday with our parents last summer.

12-13-2011, 11:24
Did you watch friends last night?
My sister has never ridden a horse.
My dad is a mountain climber. He climbed Everest last year.
We didn't go on holiday with our parents last summer.

Когато става въпрос за някакво определено време в миналото, ползваме past simple; а когато се интересуваме от действието, а не от това, кога е извършено - ползваме present perfect simple. Не са това единствените им употреби, но е добър начин да различаваш двете времена.

12-13-2011, 11:25
много ти благодаря!!! ;)

Ivan Jilev
01-24-2012, 18:07
Здравейте! Може ли някой да ми помогне със задачите от Energy Check-Unit 5 1ex Complete the conversations .Use one,ones,another(one /ones) or another (one)
Would you like ........ biscuit?
Yes,please. But I want to try the ........
This DVD is boring.Let's take ........ one.
OK,but we'll have to go to the ...... shop.
this ....... is closed.
do you like these trainers?
No,I like the white ........
my bag is too small. I need a bigger .......
You can take mine. you don't have to buy ....... one
this button works, but the ....... don't.
you need ...... CD player
2ex.Complete the conversation with make or let.
Mine doesn't.She ...... me use her computer,too.
Really? do your parents ...... you stay up late?
Of course, I'm not a child.
My dad ....... me go to ded at half past ten on a school night.
Oh dear, maybe you should talk to them to ...... you decide when to go to ded.
3ex.Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box.
Това са думите:let,library,let me , computer,homework
Does your mum let you watch a lot of TV?
No.She makes me do my ....... first, then I can watch it for an hour.
Yes, but she lets me use her ........ .
My brother won't ........... use his - I have to go to the ...... .
Много ви благодаря предварително

01-24-2012, 19:10
Would you like another biscuit?
Yes, please. But I want to try the (?)
This DVD is boring. Let's take another one.
OK, but we'll have to go to the other shop, this one is closed.
Do you like these trainers?
No, I like the white ones.
My bag is too small. I need a bigger one.
You can take mine. You don't have to buy another one.
This button works, but the other ones don't.
You need another CD player.

Mine doesn't. She lets me use her computer, too.
Really? Do your parents let you stay up late?
Of course, I'm not a child.
My dad makes me go to bed at half past ten on a school night.
Oh dead, maybe you should talk to them to let you decide when to go to bed.

Does your mum let you watch a lot of TV?
No. She makes me do my homework first, then I can watch it for an hour.
Yes, but she lets me use her computer.
My brother won't let me use his - I have to go to the library.

01-27-2012, 10:07
От преди 100 години ми е коментара, но все пак:

Have you ever cycled ten kilometres yesterday?

Трябва да е Have you ever cycled ten kilometres?

05-15-2012, 19:55
molq pomognete spe6no e
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present or past passive.

1. Three people(hurt) ...... in the accident.
2. About fifty people (rescue) ...... from that river every year.
3. The house (damage) ...... by the storm.
4. (take) ..... the injured woman ..... to hospital?
5. Tests (give) .... every week at most schools.
6.The patient (keep) ....... in hospital for a week.
7. Webpages (often write) ..... in English.
8. "Friends" (record) ..... in the USA.
9. Phoebe (play) ..... bu Lisa Kudrow.
10. My computer (make) ..... in Japan.
11. "The Lod of the Rings" (write) ...... bu JRR Tolkien

05-29-2012, 21:08
1. Three people were hurt in the accident.
2. About fifty people are rescued from that river every year.
3. The house was damaged by the storm.
4. Was the injured woman taken to hospital?
5. Tests are given every week at most schools.
6.The patient was kept in hospital for a week.
7. Webpages are often written in English.
8. "Friends" was recorded in the USA.
9. Phoebe was played by Lisa Kudrow.
10. My computer was made in Japan.
11. "The Lod of the Rings" was written by JRR Tolkien

05-30-2012, 05:27
^ Защо не About fifty people are being rescued from that river every year. и Tests are being given every week at most schools.? Тоест кога използваме being ?

05-30-2012, 07:01
Нъц нъц, питаш грешния човек 8-) Сигурно обаче може да се използва.

05-30-2012, 07:35
Значи само правиш впечатление на знаещ. :D

05-30-2012, 12:31
От 1-ви клас съм на частни уроци по английски език, където се учеше само граматика и думи. После заминах за чужбина, и в момента завършвам 10-ти клас в IB Diploma Programme за която надявам се си чула. Всички предмети се изучават на английски, води се най-трудното средно образование в света, а някои от курсовете му са равни на тези учени в първа година в университет. Не правя впечатление на знаеща, аз СЪМ знаеща.

Граматика рядко учим, тъй като от теб се изисква да говориш правилно. Та, затова ако ме попитат защо това се казва така, а не така, в един малък процент от случаите аз не бих могла да им отговоря.

Та така.


05-30-2012, 12:39
^ Защо не About fifty people are being rescued from that river every year. и Tests are being given every week at most schools.? Тоест кога използваме being ?

Но, си права -

We can form the passive in any tense. In fact, conjugation of verbs in the passive tense is rather easy, as the main verb is always in past participle form and the auxiliary verb is always be. To form the required tense, we conjugate the auxiliary verb. So, for example:

present simple: It is made
present continuous: It is being made
present perfect: It has been made

Могат да се използват, но зависи от времето.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present or past passive.

Обаче, в задачите на автора се питаше за present (is/are and -ed) и за past (was/were and -ed).

05-30-2012, 12:52
Хаха, добре.Това беше лека ебавка, извинявай ако съм те обидила. :) Нито те познавам, нито нищо, за да твърдя, че си незнаеща или нещо друго.Освен това си показвала и съм видяла, че си знаеща.
На мен ми беше любопитно принципно защо не използваш being, не за конкретното упражнение.
Мерси за инфото. :)

05-30-2012, 15:46
Е, нищо де. Разяснявам тука 8-)

10-28-2012, 10:39
1.in your notebook,complete with the correct from of the present simple.
1.(he/like)maths?No, (he/do not)
2.where (you/come)from ?
3.what time (you sister/start)school?
4.(they/play) football on saturday ?
5.(you/study) dance? yes (we/do)
6.(i/work) in my room after school.
7.(my/father/teach)at my school.


10-28-2012, 10:57
1.Does he like maths? No, he doesn't.
2.Where do you come from ?
3.What time does your sister start school?
4.Do they play football on Saturday ?
5.Do you study dance? Yes, we do.
6.I work in my room after school.
7.My father teaches at my school.

10-28-2012, 11:21
in your notebook,put teh adverbs in the correct place in the sentences
1.My aunt phones at the weekend.(often)
2.my friends walk to school.(never)
3.i do my homework at school.(sometimes)
4.does mr olan work here?(usually)
5.they are late for maths.(always)


10-28-2012, 11:26
My aunt often...
My friends never...
I sometimes...
Does Mr. Olan usually...
They are always...

HELP се пише.

10-28-2012, 11:36
in your notebook,write negative questions with why
1.she doesn'tlike him
2.you don't want to watch the film.
3.i can't come to the party.
4.you aren't in your room.

HEALP ME !!!!!!!!!!!

10-28-2012, 12:23
Why doesn't she like him?
Why don't you wanna watch the film?
Why can't I come to the party?
Why aren't you in the room?

11-18-2012, 14:37
pomognete mi spe6tno za energy check unit 3 ex4 i ex 6 molavi se

11-18-2012, 15:11
Напиши упражненията и ще ти помогнем.

11-18-2012, 15:13
Написах ги сега 6те ми помогнетели молявисе

11-18-2012, 15:18

Имах предвид да препишеш самите с условието и прочее, а не "energy check unit 3 ex4 i ex 6". Ще ти отнеме 2-3 минути, нищо сложно.

Виж останалите как са ги написали.

11-18-2012, 15:31
Ex.4 Write the books.
1 This
2 This book will make you laugh.
3 This is a book about the life of a person.
4 This is an old book thas is still popular.
5 This is a love story.
6 This is a book about the past.

11-18-2012, 15:45
etogo parvoto posle 6te dam 2to 4e v momenta pi6a po matematika

12-06-2012, 14:31
mojete li da mi pomognete za 1 uprajnenie koeto mi e za kontrolnoto eto go :
Write questions.Use the present perfect
1 Jack/be/whitewater rafting ?
Yes,he went six months ago.
2 your parents/be/the/USA
Yes,they went last year.
3. your brother/ride/a motorbike?
Yes he rode one yesterday.
4 Mary/swim/500 metres?
Yes,she did it last Saturday
5 your dad/win/a prize ?
Yes,he won one two years ago

12-06-2012, 17:11
1. Has Jack been whitewater rafting?
2. Have your parents been to the USA?
3. Has your brother ridden a motorbike?
4. Has Mary swum 500 metres?
5. Has your dad won the prize?

01-14-2013, 13:21
Може ли някой да ми помогне с Energy Check Unit 4

01-15-2013, 10:29
можеше и да ти помогнем,ако знаехме какво точно се явява това :D

01-22-2013, 16:12
ще ми помогне те ли за energy check za 7 klas 5ex
Complete the sentences with the correct word.
1.I'm very good at learning landuades.
2.My brother's very ..... in motorbikes.
3.Are you ... of water?
4.He's very ... at swimming.
5.We're not ... of exams.
6.What sports are you ... at?
Blagodarq predvaritelno

01-22-2013, 16:23
2. interested
3. afraid
4. good
5. afraid
6. good

good AT
afraid OF
interested IN

02-14-2013, 19:10
може ли малко помощ energy check unit 6
ex2 complete the sentences wint since or for.
2.he's lived in Dublin ...... he was born.
3.they've been here .... three hours.
4.she's worked in that shop ..... she left school.
5.i haven't seen her ......... my birthday party.
6.we've studied at this school ..... two years.
7.have you seen mark ...... last week ?
благодаря предварително

02-14-2013, 19:14
Ex.3 write the questions. Use How long wint the present perfect.
2. How long/ you be/in this slass?
3. How long/ live/in your town?
4. How long/ study english?
5. How long/ you know/your teacher?

02-14-2013, 19:16
Ex.4 Answer the questions in ex.3
1. I.ve know my best friend since i was four years old/for ten tears.

02-15-2013, 05:48
моля ви спешно за днес ми трябва

02-15-2013, 10:31
ex2 complete the sentences wint since or for.
2.he's lived in Dublin ...... he was born. SINCE
3.they've been here .... three hours. FOR
4.she's worked in that shop ..... she left school. SINCE
5.i haven't seen her ......... my birthday party. SINCE
6.we've studied at this school ..... two years. FOR
7.have you seen mark ...... last week ? SINCE

02-15-2013, 10:33
2. How long/ you be/in this slass?
How long have you been in .....
3. How long/ live/in your town?
How long have you lived in....
4. How long/ study english?
how long have you studied ...
5. How long/ you know/your teacher?
how long have you known your ..

02-20-2013, 14:43
Здравейте, не мога да реша една задача по английски ... просто тези не мога да ги разбера .. Моля Ви помогнете ми .. Ето я и задачата:

Complete the conversation. Use one, ones, other, others, or another.

A: What shall we get Amy for her birthday?

B: How about a necklace? This silver one is pretty.

A: Yes, but we bought her ..................................... for Christmas. She won't want ................. one.

B: Look at those earings - the ............. with the blue stones .

A: Yes, they're nice. Do you think she'd like them?

B: I'm not sure. But look - here come the................ Let's ask them.

A: I don't think she'd like them. Let's try the ............................shop by the corner.

05-09-2013, 08:11
моля ви помогнете ми трябва ми energu check unit 8 ot от 1 до 5 задача до 12:30. :)

05-19-2013, 10:52
Complete the conversation. Use one, ones, other, others, or another.

A: What shall we get Amy for her birthday?

B: How about a necklace? This silver one is pretty.

A: Yes, but we bought her one for Christmas. She won't want another one.

B: Look at those earings - the ones with the blue stones .

A: Yes, they're nice. Do you think she'd like them?

B: I'm not sure. But look - here come the others Let's ask them.

A: I don't think she'd like them. Let's try the other shop by the corner.

darin nur
03-24-2014, 15:11
1. What (buy) you yesterday? ………………………………………… ……………………..
2. I (buy) ……………. jeans but I (not find) ……………. the things you asked me for.
3. A: Where (be) ……………. John last night?
B: He (be) ……………. at the disco.
A: He (enjoy) it? …………………………....
B: Yes, he (like) ……………. it very much.
4. A: You (play) tennis with Kate last Sunday?........................................... ................................
B: No, we (play) ……………. cards.
A: Who (win) ? ………………………………………
B: Kate (win) ……………. and I (lose) …………….

03-24-2014, 16:34
1. What (buy) you yesterday? ………………
2. I (buy) ……………. jeans but I (not find) ……………. the things you asked me for.
3. A: Where (be) ……………. John last night?
B: He (be) ……………. at the disco.
A: He (enjoy) it? …………………………....
B: Yes, he (like) ……………. it very much.
4. A: You (play) tennis with Kate last Sunday?.......................
B: No, we (play) ……………. cards.
A: Who (win) ? ………………………………………
B: Kate (win) ……………. and I (lose) …………….

какво е условието на задачата?

03-24-2014, 16:52
1. What did you buy yesterday?
2. I bought jeans but I didn't/couldn't find the things you asked me for.
3. A: Where was John last night?
B: He was at the disco.
A: Did he enjoy it?
B: Yes, he liked it very much.
4. A: Did you play tennis with Kate last Sunday?
B: No, we played cards.
A: Who won?
B: Kate won and I lost.


12-16-2015, 12:47
Mnogo speshno nqkoi da mi pomogne po angliiski 7-mi klas unit 4:
Ex/1 He's phoned from the airport (just)
His plane has arrived. (already)
He hasn't picked up is suitcase. (yet)
I've fried the eggs but i haven't boiled the potatoes. (already/yet)
Mum, it's Uncle Jim. His taxi has arrived! (just)

12-16-2015, 12:52
--Make the sentences with the correct from of the present perfect.
1.A:(you/do) your homework yet?
B:Yes, I (already do) it.
2.A:(Mary/finish) her exams yet?
B:No, she (have not)
3.My parents (already talk) to my teacher.
4.(you/write) to your grandmother yet?
5.We (alreadydo) this exercise.
6.(you/read) that book yet?
7.Peter and Mark (already go)
8.(they/start) the auditiojs yet?

12-17-2015, 02:57
Mnogo speshno nqkoi da mi pomogne po angliiski 7-mi klas unit 4:
Ex/1 He's phoned from the airport (just)
His plane has arrived. (already)
He hasn't picked up is suitcase. (yet)
I've fried the eggs but i haven't boiled the potatoes. (already/yet)
Mum, it's Uncle Jim. His taxi has arrived! (just)

ако условието е да се постави наречието на правилното му място, тогава при активна симпъл тенс форма на глагола трябва да е отпред (пример: i just went), при пасивната трябва да е посредата между be/was и past participle формата на глагола (пример: he was already gone), а когато имаш бъдеще време трябва да е между will и be (пример: he will just go, и пасивна: he will just be escorted), а при пърфект тенс трябва да е между have и past participle формата на глагола (пример: i haven't yet gone, макар че когато наречието е yet може да се постави и накрая на изречението) - оттук насетне си ти

--Make the sentences with the correct from of the present perfect.
1.A:(you/do) your homework yet?
B:Yes, I (already do) it.
2.A:(Mary/finish) her exams yet?
B:No, she (have not)
3.My parents (already talk) to my teacher.
4.(you/write) to your grandmother yet?
5.We (alreadydo) this exercise.
6.(you/read) that book yet?
7.Peter and Mark (already go)
8.(they/start) the auditiojs yet?

при съставяне на въпрос в пърфект тенс, have/haven't трябва да е най-отпред в изречението (в трето лице единствено число трябва да е has/hasn't), следвано от лицето, местоимението или съществителното, след което е past participle формата на глагола, съответно активната или пасивната, активната е (примерно) has He come?, пасивната e (примерно) has he been received by the secretary?, наречията във въпросите обикновено се поставят най-отзад в изреченията с изключение на отрицателното not/n't или no - останалото оставям на теб

02-18-2016, 15:08
Някой тук? Много спешно!

02-18-2016, 15:23
ол ?

02-18-2016, 15:35
ex/1 complete the sentences with so or such
2. the food here is .... good. It's .... a great restaurant.
3.Where did you get that T-shirt? It's .... cool and .... an unusual colour.
4.have you been to the new club yet? the DJs play.....horrible music.
5.i met Dave's parents last night. They're ... nice people.
6. i'm .... tired, i think. I'll go to bed early

02-18-2016, 15:40
2. so ; such
3. so ; such
4. such
5. such
6. so

02-18-2016, 15:44
ex5, complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box:
- shop, -dance, - clean,-work,-build,-design
2.I love clothes I'm going to study to be a fashion ...... at college.
3.she studies ballet. She'll be a great .... one day.
4.it was very busy in town today.
5.my dad was a factory .. for five years. he said it was very boring.
6.my unde's a ..... . He built a lovely house for us.
7.our window .... is afraid of heights.

02-18-2016, 15:49
ex6. choose the correct words.
2.Cities have problems with fields/vandalism
3.if you live in a city you usually have to commute/walk to work.
4.there are more traffic jams/farms in the countryside.
5.iy'more difficult to find employment/birds in the countryside.
6.cities are noisy/quiet and the countrysaid is clean/dirty

02-18-2016, 15:49
Blagodarq mnogo!

02-18-2016, 16:18
еx. 5:


11-23-2017, 17:52
Някой може ли да ми помогне ,бчагодаря предварително
Complete the mini-dialogues with one word in each gap.
1:A Alfonso always sees the best in people and in wife.
.B:Yes,he's a very ....... person
2 A: Has your brother got a girlfriend?
B: Of course.He falls ...... love very often
3.A:A Dorian is a bit ...... at home.All his clothes are on the floor
B:Yes,he's very messy!
4.A: Claire is such a ...... woman
B: She is!I heard she gave over £1000 to charity last year.
5.A:Excuse me,where is the changing ..... ?
B: Over there,on the right.
6.A:Elaine is very ....... isn't she ?
B:Yes, she doesn't say much to anyone!
7.A:I don't think Peter ever laughs,does he?
B:No,he's always very ...... .