View Full Version : Малко помощ по Английски

03-04-2012, 11:48
Трябва глаголите в скобите да се поставят във съответното време

Ian asked tom what he (do) when he (leave) school. Tom replied that he really (not yet, know) but he (suppose) that (form) an idea eventually. He went on to say that he (may) even get one on the following day when he (see) Mr. McFee q who said (often help) young people to decide what career they (take up). The previous day he, Mr. McFee (telephone) to say that he (like) to see him, Tom and (be) glad if he (can) stay for tea. But perhaps Tom added he (want) to see him about some arangments for the football match that (play) the following week. Ian said that he (hope) thier side (win) though he knew that the other team (be) very strong and (win) several recent matches

03-04-2012, 12:54
Ian asked tom what he did when he left school. Tom replied that he really (not yet, know) but he (suppose) that (form) an idea eventually. He went on to say that he might even get one on the following day when he saw Mr. McFee q who said often helped young people to decide what career they took up. The previous day he, Mr. McFee (telephone) to say that he liked to see him, Tom and (be) glad if he could stay for tea. But perhaps Tom added he wanted to see him about some arangments for the football match that played the following week. Ian said that he hoped their side won though he knew that the other team will be very strong and (win) several recent matches

03-04-2012, 12:56
Ian asked tom what he did when he left school. Tom replied that he really (not yet, know) but he (suppose) that (form) an idea eventually. He went on to say that he might even get one on the following day when he saw Mr. McFee q who said often helped young people to decide what career they took up. The previous day he, Mr. McFee (telephone) to say that he liked to see him, Tom and (be) glad if he could stay for tea. But perhaps Tom added he wanted to see him about some arangments for the football match that played the following week. Ian said that he hoped their side won though he knew that the other team will be very strong and (win) several recent matches

Това е грешно

03-04-2012, 13:19
Разместил си някои думи и би трябвало да са включени всички глаголи, а при теб липсват някои спомагателни.

03-04-2012, 15:02
E щом тва е грешно как е вярното? Само глаголните форми кажете/могат да се използват абсолютно всички времена/-миисля,
че текста тряя да е в минало време/тоест да се използва паст и презънт пърфект или там паст или презънт пърфект кънтинйъс или миинало просто и тнт или нещо такова/ но не съм сигурен-това е сигурно супер просто , но на мен ми изглежда много объркващо

03-04-2012, 15:08
Нищо не разбрах! Всички времена трябва да могат да се използват.

03-04-2012, 15:20
не, казвам че няма ограничение в ползването на времена-не е казано точно какво време-ние сме учили всички времена и то доста отдавна-сега съм 12 клас-просто текста да звучи правилно

03-04-2012, 16:28
Ей сега ще се опитам ; ) !

03-04-2012, 16:57
Ian asked tom what is he going to do when he leaves school. Tom replied that he really didn't know yet but he supposed that an idea would form eventually. He went on to say that he may even get one on the following day when he would see Mr. McFee who is often said to (be) help(ing) young people to decide what career they take up. The previous day he, Mr. McFee had telephoned to say that he would like to see him, Tom and would be glad if he could stay for tea. But perhaps Tom added he wants to see him about some arangments for the football match that will be played the following week. Ian said that he hopes their side would win though he knew that the other team was very strong and have won several recent matches

Не съм сигурен, обаче ... това е най-доброто засега : ) ...

03-06-2012, 20:48
Ian asked tom what is he going to do when he leaves school. Tom replied that he really didn't know yet but he supposed that an idea would form eventually. He went on to say that he may even get one on the following day when he would see Mr. McFee who is often said to (be) help(ing) young people to decide what career they take up. The previous day he, Mr. McFee had telephoned to say that he would like to see him, Tom and would be glad if he could stay for tea. But perhaps Tom added he wants to see him about some arangments for the football match that will be played the following week. Ian said that he hopes their side would win though he knew that the other team was very strong and have won several recent matches

Не съм сигурен, обаче ... това е най-доброто засега : ) ...
Мисля, че трябва да е така. Според мен идеята е какво ще прави като завърши училище. Поправете ме ако греша :))

03-07-2012, 07:06
"Ian asked Tom what he would do when he left school. Tom replied that he really did not yet know but he supposed that an idea would form eventually. He went on to say that he might even get one on the following day when he would see Mr. McFee, who said he often helped young people to decide what career they will take up. The previous day he, Mr. McFee, had telephoned to say that he would like to see him, Tom, and would be glad if he could stay for tea. But perhaps Tom added he had wanted to see him about some arrangments for the football match that was to be played the following week. Ian said that he had hoped/hoped their side would win, though he knew that the other team was very strong and had won several recent matches."