View Full Version : Спешно - Английски език

03-28-2012, 16:08
Look at these questions from a market research survey and put them into indirect speech. Begin: She asked her..

1. Do you enjoy shopping?
She asked her if she enjoyed shopping.

2.How often do you go shopping?

3.When did you last go shopping?

4.Did you go alone or with someone else?

5.Is there a shopping centre near where you live?

6.Do you prefer to shop there or in the town centre?

7.Have you ever bought anything on the Internet?

8.Can you access the Internet from home?

9.Are you confident that Internet shopping is safe?

10.Will you be making your next important purchase in a shop or online?

03-28-2012, 17:34
А първия пример обаче от учебника ли е или ти си го писала, щото на мен въпроса ми изглежда по принцип дали харесва пазаруването. А втория ред е в минало число и сякаш за нещо, което се е случило един път, а не е навик.

03-28-2012, 17:42
2.How often do you go shopping?
-She asked her how often did she go shopping.

3.When did you last go shopping?
-She asked her when had she last gone shopping.

4.Did you go alone or with someone else?
-She asked her whether/if she went alone or with someone else.

5.Is there a shopping centre near where you live?
-She asked her if there was a shopping centre near where she lives.

6.Do you prefer to shop there or in the town centre?
-She asked her if she prefered to shop there or in the town centre.

7.Have you ever bought anything on the Internet?
-She asked her if she had ever bought anything on the Internet.

8.Can you access the Internet from home?
-She asked her if she could access the Internet from home.

9.Are you confident that Internet shopping is safe?
-She asked her if she was confident that Internet shopping is safe.

10.Will you be making your next important purchase in a shop or online?
-She asked her if she would be making her next important purchase in a shop or online.

03-28-2012, 18:40
От учебника е! Мерси!

03-28-2012, 19:13
breathless, имаш някои грешки, които съм bold-нала

2.How often do you go shopping?
-She asked her how often she went shopping.

3.When did you last go shopping?
-She asked her when had she had last gone shopping.

4.Did you go alone or with someone else?
-She asked her if she had gone alone or with someone else.

5.Is there a shopping centre near where you live?
-She asked her if there was a shopping centre near where she lived .

6.Do you prefer to shop there or in the town centre?
-She asked her if she preferred to shop there or in the town centre.

7.Have you ever bought anything on the Internet?
-She asked her if she had ever bought anything on the Internet.

8.Can you access the Internet from home?
-She asked her if she could access the Internet from home.

9.Are you confident that Internet shopping is safe?
-She asked her if she was confident that Internet shopping was safe.

10.Will you be making your next important purchase in a shop or online?
-She asked her if she would be making her next important purchase in a shop or online.

03-28-2012, 20:40
^Да,така са(заради правилото,че тук нямаме инверсия).Само да уточня,че когато е използвано past simple или past continuous може да не сменяме времето на past perfect,а да си остане същото,но и двата начина са верни.

03-29-2012, 03:08
Дам, повече няма да се обаждам за reported speech. xd