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04-14-2012, 18:57
Може ли някой да ми помогне за есе на английски на тема "добри и лоши страни да си тийнейджър " Благодаря предварително : ))

04-15-2012, 00:40
Some of the good things about being a teenager is that you're full of energy. You have lots of time to go out with friends, to like, play basketball or football or any activity of that sort. Most of the teenager are a lot healthier than adults, but I guess that's because they're younger and stuff. You have more time to meet girls/boys. And of course there's love. Sometimes you meet someone on a party and you feel like you want to know him/her better. So you ask him/her out. Both of you fall in love with each other. (Let's say you're fifteen) But after a year you split up. And you still have time to find new love. Anyway, besides that, you live with your parents. You don't have to pay any bills or worry about any taxes at all. All you have to do is study and do your homework and you're good to go. Depending on your age, you can stay up late at night and watch TV, when your friends are busy.When you brake a bone it heals faster then when you're older. But the most important thing is that there's someone to take care of you.
But as everything else, there's a bad side of being a teenager too. Since you're still growing up, you might end up with bad people if, lets say, your parents aren't always around you. If you don't watch yourself, you start smoking, you start drinking too much for you age, you do drugs and all those bad health things. You think that just because your girlfriend doesn't want to see you anymore, it's the end of the world, when it's not. But that's only for certain individuals. Not every teenager is like that. Some people try to do stuff that they don't like just so the other people can like them. And they're not supposed to do that. You always have to be yourself. If someone doesn't like you because of you, it's their problem, not yours. I don't think there are many bad things about being a teenager, but the ones I've mentioned above.
As long as you have your parents' support and your friends', you should be able to create some good memories to tell your kids about.

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Толкова за половин час от мен. И без това ми се спи яко. Надявам се да съм помогнал. :)

04-17-2012, 16:19
Some of the good things about being a teenager is that you're full of energy. You have lots of time to go out with friends, to like, play basketball or football or any activity of that sort. Most of the teenager are a lot healthier than adults, but I guess that's because they're younger and stuff. You have more time to meet girls/boys. And of course there's love. Sometimes you meet someone on a party and you feel like you want to know him/her better. So you ask him/her out. Both of you fall in love with each other. (Let's say you're fifteen) But after a year you split up. And you still have time to find new love. Anyway, besides that, you live with your parents. You don't have to pay any bills or worry about any taxes at all. All you have to do is study and do your homework and you're good to go. Depending on your age, you can stay up late at night and watch TV, when your friends are busy.When you brake a bone it heals faster then when you're older. But the most important thing is that there's someone to take care of you.
But as everything else, there's a bad side of being a teenager too. Since you're still growing up, you might end up with bad people if, lets say, your parents aren't always around you. If you don't watch yourself, you start smoking, you start drinking too much for you age, you do drugs and all those bad health things. You think that just because your girlfriend doesn't want to see you anymore, it's the end of the world, when it's not. But that's only for certain individuals. Not every teenager is like that. Some people try to do stuff that they don't like just so the other people can like them. And they're not supposed to do that. You always have to be yourself. If someone doesn't like you because of you, it's their problem, not yours. I don't think there are many bad things about being a teenager, but the ones I've mentioned above.
As long as you have your parents' support and your friends', you should be able to create some good memories to tell your kids about.

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Толкова за половин час от мен. И без това ми се спи яко. Надявам се да съм помогнал. :)

благодаря много : )))