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05-16-2012, 19:07
Rebecca was friendlier than all your friends at your birthday party.Rebecca was........of all your friends at your b-day party.
Richard's mother organised his party.It was......organised his party.
No one in the family is as happy as Richard today.Richard.....one in the family today.
Sybil was of great help to them druing the party preparations.Sybil was very.......druing the party preparations.
Mary give Richard this book as a b-day present.This is the book ......Richard as a b-day present.

cried ; explained ; threatened
'You don't understand' Paul.........'Linda has nothing to do with it'
'If you tell anyoe about our meeting,there will be consequences' Brian........
'No,you can't do this to me' Jenny........

Use a present/past participle to join these sent.
1 They splashed through the muddy aters.They scrambled into the old canoe.
2 The boys were thrown out of the canoe.They found themselves in the freezing water.
3He grabbed the branch.He pulled himself out of the river.
4They kept their heads above water.They struggled towards the bank.

05-16-2012, 19:10

Rebecca was friendlier than all your friends at your birthday party.
Rebecca was the friendliest one of all your friends at your b-day party.

Richard's mother organised his party.
It was Richard's mother who organised his party.

No one in the family is as happy as Richard today.
Richard is the happiest one in the family today.

Sybil was of great help to them druing the party preparations.
Sybil was very helpful during the party preparations.

Mary give Richard this book as a b-day present.
This is the book Mary gave Richard as a b-day present.

cried ; explained ; threatened
'You don't understand' Paul explained 'Linda has nothing to do with it'
'If you tell anyoe about our meeting,there will be consequences' Brian threatened
'No,you can't do this to me' Jenny cried

05-16-2012, 19:13
Use a present/past participle to join these sent.
1 They splashed through the muddy aters.They scrambled into the old canoe.
2 The boys were thrown out of the canoe.They found themselves in the freezing water.

Тези не знам.

3He grabbed the branch, pulling himself out of the river.
4 They kept their heads above water, struggling towards the bank.