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06-05-2012, 08:47
Хей знам , че има доста такива теми , но не успях да ги намеря . Та всеки има любима реплика от филм , яки и смислени части от текстове на песни (на английски) ..фрази, яки мисли , теории за живота , любовта ..сещате се какво имам предвид . Има едни яки снимки , с надписи и така ..Е ако някога сте си мислили или сте чули или видели нещо което звучи яко и има смисъл в него ..напишете те го .
Давайте и предложения за татоси с някакъв текст .

06-07-2012, 16:17
Оооо толкова са много.. но едно едни от най-любимите ми.

„Любовта е всичко онова, което възхваляваме… Наистина си струва да се борим за нея, да сме смели и да рискуваме всичко.”
Ерика Джонг

I’d rather be hated for who I am, than be loved for who I’m not.
- Kurt Cobain

"Винаги трябва да се помни, че тълпата, аплодираща коронясването ти, е същата, която ще аплодира обезглавяването ти."
"Пощоряване", Тери Пратчет

"В една любов трябва първо да има приятелство, после е любовта."

"Никой не се плаши от височините страхува се от падането никой не се страхува от тъмнината страхува се от това което крие тя никой не го е страх да каже „Обичам те!“ страхува се от това дали го казва на правилния човек."

"Не беше нужно да ми казваш, че ме обичаш, защото когато бях близо до теб, сърцето ти ми го шептеше .."

06-07-2012, 20:28
Ето и няколко от моите любими , но има още толкова много ..

*When the fairy tales ends the real life begins .
*If you can dream it you can do it .
*It’s never too late to be who you might have been .
*At night I can’t sleep . In the morning I can’t wake up .
*Making you a whole stories in your heat hoping one day it will happen .
*Bad things are always going to happen in life . People will hurt you . But you can’t use that as an excuse to hurt someone back .
*Don’t worry for thing cause very little things gonna be all right .
* You only live once but if you do it right once is enought .
*You go your way . I’ll go your way too.
*A promise means everything . But once it is breached sorry means nothing .
*All or nothing . Yes or no . Now or never . The choice is yours .
*How we collapses when we realizes that this is just a dream .
*When we see that our dreams has come true in another life .
* . . . It’s like everytime you fall . No one going to lend you a helping hand .
*Don’t let your thought down.
*We all have stores we won’t ever tell.
*Sometimes we realize what we have until it’s gone .
*Memories are all we have .
*Just cause we don’t talk doesn’t mean I don’t think about you. I’m just trying to distance myself because I know I can’t have you . – Wiz Khalifa
*The eyes say everything that words just could not .
*Let me show you that you should do what you want even if it is wrong .
*The most important that we understand is the life is no fairy tale .
*In the lie hides the truth .
*We lie , maybe cause we love .
*I love the way you lie .
*Life is so interesting only when we risk .
*Just do it cause you can’t another chance .
*When your life becomes fairy tale . You forget who you read it.
*If you sacrifice your happiness to make someone else happy . So you really love that person .
*Everyone dies but not everyone really lives .
*Everyone has a fire inside himself that burns for something .
*If we know some truths . We was no need to lie so often .
*Always we understand what we had when we lose it forever .
*Everyone finds someone while living , without which then can’t do this .
*No one ever will be changed .
* Live for today because yesterday will not come back, and tomorrow may not come.
* Friendship can end with love, the love with friendship rare.
* Live only in love, others simply exist. - William Shakespeare .
* Reason may mislead, but the feeling never.
*To love when love you is a human . To hade when love you is cruel .To love when hate you is grant .
* What makes life interesting is the possibility to realize his dream.
*Everything good is achieved at the cost of great pain.
*He was a friend of all, is no friend to anyone .
*If you love someone write him name in a circle instead of a heart, because hearts can break but circles go around forever.
*The best and most beautiful things in the world can’t be seen, nor touched . They feel in heart.
* If you don't find something worth to die, you don't deserve to live .
* God always answers our prayers, but sometimes the answer is ‘no’ .
*When in hell only the devil can help you. (Saw)
*A man tells his stories so many times that it becomes them.
They continue to live after his death.
And through them, he becomes immortal.
*I want it all,but I want ya more! (Natalia kills- wonderland)
*I dont believe in fairy tales,but I believe in you and me! (Natalia kills- wonderland)
* When I lay my head down
to go to sleep at night..
My dreams consist of things
that'll make you wanna hide. (Natalia kills-wonderland)
* I'm not afraid to face a little bit of danger, danger! .(n.k.w.)
* I want the love, the money and the perfect ending .(n.k.w.)
* You want the same as I, I. So stop pretending!(n.k-w.)
*When I lay my head down
to go to sleep at night..
My dreams consist of things
that'll make you wanna hide.
Dont let me in ya your tower.
Show me your magic powers!
I'm not afraid to face
a little bit of danger, danger!
I want the love,
the money and the perfect ending
You want the same as I, I.
So stop pretending!
I wanna show you how
good we could be together..
I wanna love you through the night,
we'll be a sweet disaster! –Wonderland –Natalia Kills
*There's nothing more deceptive than a smile .
*Be careful what you wish for.
*I hear the criticism loud and clear
that is how I know that the time is near
so we become alive in a time of fear
and I aint got no muthaf-cking time to spare
cry my eyes out for days upon days
such a heavy burden placed upon me
but when you go hard your nay’s become yay’s . (N.M. ft . Rihhana – Fly) .
*I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
to fly
to fly . (N.M. ft . Rihhana – Fly) .
*All our money can't buy me a time machine. We must know this.
*That moment when you realize that this is not supposed to happen .
*Some people are unique. They can’t be replaced. While others, they just live and nothing more. They must fight. They should shine. But inside they haven't a fire , which is needed to win.
*Don't make me sad, don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough . (Lana del ray – born to die .)
*The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime. (Lana del rey – born to die .)
*Lost but now I am found
I can see but once I was blind
I was so confused as a little child
Tried to take what I could get
Scared that I couldn't find
All the answers, honey . (Lana del ray – born to die .)
*Choose your last words,
This is the last time
Cause you and I
We were born to die . (Lana del rey – born to die .)
*They say that the world was built for two
Only worth living if somebody is loving you . (lana del rey – video games .)
*See I never thought that I could walk through fire.
I never thought that I could take the burn.
I never had the strength to take it higher,
Until I reached the point of no return. – justin bieber (never say never)
*And there's just no turning back,
When your hearts under attack,
Gonna give everything I have,
It's my destiny. - justin bieber (never say never)
* I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up up up,
And never say never. – Justin Bieber ( nsn)
* The world may not appreciate the courage of little people but he would have collapsed without their courage and tenacity.
*You smile of a stranger.This may be his only joy for the day.
* I believe that everybody gets what he deserves .
*Live or die . Make your choice . ( saw) .
*Nothing in this world happens by chance.
* Sad eyes never lie ...
*Всичко , което наричаме съвпадения са скрити послания и се случват с причина .
* I just want someone to see the fire in my heart and stars in my eyes.
*Вярвам в чудеса .
*Когато мечтаем , ние не просто мечтаем , в този момент ние вярваме в чудеса . Вярваме , че някой ден това ще е реалност .
*If you want it you can get it for the rest of your life .
*В живота няма съвпадения или случайности . Всичко е началото на нещо до неговия край .
* Живота е линия . Като такава той има начало и край . Но ако го огънем , той ще стане кръг . Един вечен кръг с малък почти незабележим изход , който не виждаме , но един ден ще изпаднем от него . Не знаем кога, къде и как ще излезем от кръга . Колкото повече обичаш , мечтаеш , правиш и казваш това, което искаш . Това , което те прави щастлив , толкова повече ще огъваш кръга и толкова по правилен ще е той . Колкото по кръгал е един кръг , толкова по првилен ще е . Това ще направи живота ни веднъж живян , но правилно . Кръга на всеки е различен . На някой има изходи по често , той се накъсва и хората трябва да закърпват изходите с болка и сълзи , но това прави кръга им по-красив , по-силен , по-пълноценен . По-добре живян . Живота не е безкрайна линия . Живота е кръг , кръг който не се затваря , но въпреки това , може да е красив . Ти правиш своя кръг .
* "Всеки край е едно ново начало".