View Full Version : домашна английски език 7 клас

02-20-2013, 14:39
Здравейте, не мога да реша една задача по английски ... просто тези не мога да ги разбера .. Моля Ви помогнете ми .. Ето я и задачата:

Complete the conversation. Use one, ones, other, others, or another.

A: What shall we get Amy for her birthday?

B: How about a necklace? This silver one is pretty.

A: Yes, but we bought her ..................................... for Christmas. She won't want ................. one.

B: Look at those earings - the ............. with the blue stones .

A: Yes, they're nice. Do you think she'd like them?

B: I'm not sure. But look - here come the................ Let's ask them.

A: I don't think she'd like them. Let's try the ............................shop by the corner.

02-20-2013, 14:43

02-20-2013, 15:57
Благодаря ти ! А може ли да ми помогнеш и с ето тази ... (знам, че съм леко нахална, но просто не мога да ги разбера имаме нова учителка и ... ) ето я и задачата :

Choose the corect answer .
0. A: I'm sorry, sir. I'm afraid you can't/couldn't smoke here. (тук са избрали can't)
B: Oh , I didn't know that. I'm sorry.

1.A: Can I ride your motorbike?
B: I'm afraid you couldn't/can't. You aren't old enough.

2.I'm sorry, sir. You can't/couldn't come in here. Please wait outside.

3. A: Kate, can I wear you black dress on Saturday?
B: Yes, of certainly/ course.

4 A : Can we use our dictionaries, sir ?
B: Yes. Bur remember : you couldn't/won't be allowed to use them during the exam next week .

5. A: OK, you can/could leave now. But don't be late.
B: I won't. Thanks, Mum .

02-20-2013, 16:39
Of course

"Can" означава "мога". Използва се в сегашно време. "Could" се използва за минало време и значи "бих могъл".