View Full Version : Английски език

03-27-2013, 16:04
Здравейте, може ли някой да ми направи тези изречение в пасив ?

1) A blanket divided the tent.
2)The gardener will lock up house for the winter.
3)Others pack the dishes carefully.
4)The president was giving them the newfacts.
5)The fire has destroyed many valuable pictures.
6)There are painting our haus at the moment.
7)The driver is washing the car.
8) They had invided him the day before yasterday.
9)They will have painted the door by 2pm
10)Does your friend invite you out to dinner?
11)Someone hears voices in the tent.
12)The children are wadering the plants.

Предварително Ви благодаря :)

03-27-2013, 17:41
1. The tent was divided by a blanket.
2. The house will be locked up for the winter.
3. The dishes are packed carefully by others.
4. They were being given the new facts by the president.
5. Many valuable pictures have been destroyed by the fire.
7. The car is being washed by the driver.
8. He had been invited the day before yesterday.
9. The door will have been painted by 2 p.m.
10. Are you invited out to dinner(by your friend)?
11. Voices in the tent are heard.
12. The plants are being wadered by the children.

03-28-2013, 06:36
А да припомних си как ставаха.Мерски много :)