View Full Version : Ужасният целулит

06-06-2014, 22:59
Здравейте хора!
Искам първо да се извиня,ако вече има такава тема - нова съм :D
Та така, да се върнем на темата! Тийнеджърка съм,на 17 и на скоро се сблъсках с този ужасен проблем - портокалова кожа. Не го забелязвах чак толкова,но като взе да идва лято, сякаш изведнъж положението стана непоносимо... Тренирам във фитнеса няколко пъти в седмицата и това е от половин година. Пробвах всичко - повече движения, спорт, здравословно хранене (изключила съм от менюто си почти всичко мазно, пържено, сладко и т.н), пия много вода, мазах се с какви ли не кремове и с антицелулитен масажор на орифлейм, с кафе и резултат, почти нулев. Скоро тръгвам на плуване и знам, че то е ефикасно при борбата с този проблем, но ако някой може да ми каже ако е преживял същия кошмар, как се справя и какви ,,мазила'' използва? Не ми се дават куп пари за процедури и масажи, а и нямам тази възможност. Аа да и още нещо - слаба съм (дори съм под нормата), но все пак имам целулит (знам,че не зависи от теглото, но би следвало щом нямам излишни мазнини,да не ми се натрупват по бедрата :/). Ще съм ви МНОГО благодарна ако някой ми каже ефективен начин да преборя този ужас!

06-07-2014, 07:11
не знам, аз нямам защото е грозно

06-07-2014, 08:27
Само едно ще ти кажа - 90% от жените имат целулит. Това изобщо не трябва да те притеснява, нещо напълно нормално е. Много е важно да пиеш много вода и зелен чай, сега ще ти напиша тук нещо, което е много, много ефикасно и ти го казвам, защото една моя приятелка, която е професионалист в сферата на фитнеса, я беше дала на нейна клиентка и това момиче си свали целия целулит за месец, направо бях изумена. Вътре има и списък с храните, които помагат за разграждането, всичко е обяснено. А масажите са бонус. Чистото хранене, водата, зеления чай /нейната клиентка каза, че пие по 4 литра вода и 3 литра зелен чай!/ явно помагат много:

Whether it's springtime in Florida, summer in Sydney, or all year long in Hawaii, when the beaches beckon, you want to be in swimsuit shape.
The Truth About Cellulite
If you're seeing bumps on your behind, you're in good company: About 90 percent of women -- and virtually no men -- have cellulite, fat cells found underneath the top layer of the skin that have squeezed between bands of connective tissue, or collagen, attaching your muscle to your skin. While the structure of women's connective tissue is vertical (like mattress springs), men's collagen is angled, which means that fat cells don't push through and pucker as much. Dermatologists believe that poor circulation, which is primarily genetic (thanks, Mom and Dad!), can exacerbate the look of lumps. "When blood flow slows, collagen separates, allowing fat to come up to the surface of the skin, creating an orange-peel effect," says Howard Murad, MD, a FITNESS advisory board member and author of The Cellulite Solution.

This puckering can mess with your confidence: In a FITNESS survey, readers ranked cellulite as their number-one beauty bummer (above acne, frizzy hair, and wrinkles). Fifty-seven percent of women have worn clothing over their bathing suits to camouflage it, according to a study commissioned by Nivea. While there is no cure (sadly!), derms believe it's possible to temporarily camouflage bumps. So before you grab that sarong, here's what you should know and do to prevent or get rid of cellulite.

Cellulite is a condition in which the skin appears to have areas with underlying fat deposits, giving it a dimpled, lumpy appearance. It is most noticeable on the buttocks and thighs, and usually occurs after puberty.

What causes cellulite?
The causes of cellulite are not well understood, but there are several theories that have been put forth as explanations. Among these are:
Hormonal factors - hormones likely play an important role in cellulite development. Many believe estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin are part of the cellulite production process.
Genetics - certain genes are required for cellulite development. Genes may predispose an individual to particular characteristics associated with cellulite, such as gender, race, slow metabolism, distribution of fat just underneath the skin, and circulatory insufficiency.
Diet - people who eat too much fat, carbohydrates, or salt and too little fiber are likely to have greater amounts of cellulite.

Lifestyle factors - cellulite may be more prevalent in smokers, those who do not exercise, and those who sit or stand in one position for long periods of time.

Clothing - underwear with tight elastic across the buttocks (limiting blood flow) may contribute to the formation of cellulite.

There are plenty of natural food remedies for cellulite, and the best thing is, you don't have to head to a health food store to build up your arsenal of natural cellulite remedies. The best cellulite busters are available at your local supermarket!

¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ¬¬¬¬Top Cellulite Busting Foods¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ¬¬¬¬¬

Green Tea

Green tea has been proven to aid weight loss by speeding up the metabolism, inhibiting fat absorption and aiding glucose regulation, making it a great beverage choice for anyone who’s looking to shape up and improve their health. However, it’s also good for beating the dreaded orange peel skin. It contains an ingredient called theobromine, which stimulates the release of stored fats in the body, as does the caffeine it contains. Try drinking three to five cups a day and see if it makes a difference.

Whole Grains

Brown pasta, brown rice and other whole grain cereals can aid weight loss as a source of slow-release energy, which keeps you satisfied for longer. They are also high in antioxidants, battling against cellulite-causing toxins by helping the body to boot them out. Add at least one bowl a day to your diet to feel the effects.


Broccoli is a real king among vegetables as far as nutritional values go. Each floret contains a cocktail of beauty-boosting vitamins and minerals, and is relatively low in calories. However, there is one property it has that other foods lack in. Alpha lipoic is a naturally-occurring substance that prevents collagen in the body from hardening, which causes cellulite. Get your fill by including three or four steamed portions a week to your meals.


One of the most common causes of cellulite, other than genetics, is the toxins we consume and inhale. These reduce the skin’s elasticity and slow the circulation, so we need to aid our body’s natural detox process and help to flush them out. Drinking plenty of water is essential for this, so make sure you drink the recommended eight glasses a day, and avoid toxin-rich alcohol and soft drinks.


Oranges don’t just taste sweet – they’re a great for your body, too. As well as being packed with vitamin C, oranges contain methoxylated bioflavonoids, which improve the blood circulation and correct cell imbalances that may lead to cellulite.


Many A-listers swear by eating asparagus before appearing on the red carpet because of its fantastic anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce bloating while remaining low in calories. It’s also great for flushing out pesky toxins that can lead to cellulite, as it stimulates blood circulation.


Eating antioxidant-rich berries, such as raspberries, blueberries or blackberries, is a particularly good way of helping your body get rid of toxins. Sprinkle a handful over your cereal in the morning, or enjoy as part of a low fat smoothie.

Cayenne Pepper

As well as boosting your metabolism – the process your body uses to burn calories – cayenne pepper helps to improve your circulation. The hot spice does this by warming the body internally, thus increasing the blood flow.


Bananas are one of the foods with the highest potassium-to-sodium ratio, which makes them an excellent snack for women prone to developing cellulite. Sodium (salt) increases water retention associated with unsightly cellulite, while potassium has the opposite effect. Furthermore, bananas are known to promote healthy blood flow in the body. Healthy blood circulation ensures that skin cells receive the nutrients they require. Blood flow also rids the body of toxins that may be responsible for cellulite build-up.


Egg whites should be part of every anti-cellulite diet. They are an excellent source of dietary protein but very low in calories and fat.The egg yolk, on the other hand, is rather high in calories, fat, and cholesterol. Nevertheless, it makes to include some egg yolk in your omelette as the yolks are a concentrated source of many important vitamins and minerals, including iron, iodine, zinc, and vitamins A, D, E and B12.
In addition to providing protein and a slew of vitamins and minerals, eggs can help you lose weight. Research conducted at the Rochester Centre for Obesity in America found that eating eggs for breakfast could limit the calorie intake throughout the rest of the day by more than 400 calories. This is because eggs can make you feel full for longer.


Pineapple contains bromelain which has a positive effect on blood circulation.Turbo-charge your anti-cellulite diet by regularly consuming pineapple. In addition to supplying plenty of vitamin C and a fair amount of potassium, pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that aids in the digestion of proteins. Bromelain also helps break down fibrin buildup in fine blood vessels, which has a beneficial effect on blood circulation to the skin. Be aware, however, that most of the bromelain in pineapple is in the stem which is not as tasty as the flesh but which is nevertheless edible.


Eating pears, as part of a healthy and balanced diet, may help combat cellulite. These juicy and sweet fruits, once referred to as the "gift of the gods", contain a fair amount of iodine. Iodine is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which controls the basal metabolic rate, or the rate at which the body consumes energy at rest. Iodine deficiency can result in sluggish thyroid activity which in turn can lead to weight gain or hinder weight loss. Furthermore, iodine is believed to help drain toxins which are considered one of the key causes of cellulite. Also the pectin in pears helps flush out harmful substances.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are one of the oldest vegetables known to man. They are also one of the most nutritious vegetables and an excellent addition to any anti-cellulite diet. They contain potassium, vitamin C, some vitamin E, as well as beta-carotene. Further, they contain some unique root proteins which, according to some preliminary studies, have significant antioxidant properties. The nutrients and other substances in sweet potatoes are thought to improve circulation and eliminate toxins—two of their most notable cellulite fighting properties.

06-07-2014, 08:28
Oatmeal-my favourite :D

Oats are among the most filling foods.
Eating a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast is a great way to start a day off right. Research shows that oats are among the most filling foods, and eating them early in the day can reduce the number of calories consumed throughout the rest of the day. This is not suprising as oats are an excellent source of protein and fiber—two macronutrients that are well known to enhance the feeling of satiety.Further, the fiber in oats is soluble fiber, a type of fiber that forms a gel in the digestive tract. This gel flushes waste and toxins that could contribute to the formation of cellulite. Oats are also an excellent source of B vitamins and zinc.


These peppery leaves are a great anti-cellulite food. It is extremely low in calories; yet, it provides a truckload of vitamin C. Further, watercress is packed with calcium which has been shown to promote weight loss. It is also low in oxalic acid, a compound that can inhibit the absorption of calcium from many other plants foods. What's more, these little peppery leaves are a good low-calorie source of potassium. Watercress is available in larger supermarkets year round.


Watermelon gets its beautiful ruby red colour from a particularly potent antioxidant called lycopene. This not only helps to improve blood circulation, therefore helping to smooth out cellulite over time, but can also protect against heart disease.

Garlic is well-known for helping to lower blood cholesterol, as well as being a great immune system booster and a natural antibiotic. This not only improves the general health of the body, but also aids blood circulation, helping the body to flush out toxins and battle against cellulite.

Pink Grapefruit
… As does pink grapefruit which, like oranges, also contains methoxylated bioflavonoids. These are antioxidants which improve the blood circulation and correct cell imbalances that can lead to cellulite. Furthermore, grapefruit is thought to be a good metabolism booster, so we’d definitely recommend giving this all-rounder a whirl.

Tomatoes also get their cheery scarlet exteriors from circulation-stimulating lycopene. They, too, are rich in vitamin C, which helps to keep the skin firm and taut by aiding collagen production.

Fibre-rich apricots are high in vitamins A and C, as well as containing lycopene. Swap out your usual midday snack for a small bag of dried apricots and a sprinkling of almonds instead.

If you’re looking to improve your skin and slim down, low-cal spinach is a good leaf to get to know. It is high in vitamin A, which can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite because it aids the production of collagen – a protein that strengthens, smoothes and plumps out the skin. Swap it in for lettuce in a salad, or throw a handful into a hot meal at dinnertime.

Low in calories and high in fibre, apples are an excellent way to supplement your diet. They are full of toxin-battling antioxidants and pectin – a gel-forming fibre that helps to detoxify the digestive tract. Great for tackling cellulite!

A build-up of fluid in the body can also trigger the onset of cellulite, no matter what age or size you are. Eating diuretic foods, like cucumber, can help to relieve water tension and remove toxins…

Cranberry Juice
…And cranberry juice. Just make sure you go for a brand that has no added sugars in it, as sugary foods are a cellulite trigger.

Lemons aid the restoration of the body’s acid-alkali balance, keeping your insides at a steady pH. This means that your body is better able to support healthy bacteria and assist the removal of toxins – which can lead to cellulite – in the body. Squeeze over a salad or drink with hot water to reap the benefits.

It might be a bit messy to prepare, but beetroot is well worth the effort if you want to smooth away cellulite. The purple root vegetable contains circulation-stimulating lycopene, which helps to reduce water retention, as well as potassium, vitamin E (which is essential for skin health), and collagen-boosting vitamin A. This makes it a powerful body cleanser, helping to eliminate toxins from the body and lower cholesterol at the same time.

06-07-2014, 08:31
Горните 2 поста са много полезни :) Браво на Баффа :)

06-07-2014, 22:08
Много благодаря за съветите,ще се опитам да ям тези неща известно време,като допълвам диетата със спорт и движение. Да, знам, че почти всички жени имат целулит,но не се забелязва толкова... Ако стиснеш кожата си да, но при мен се вижда и без да го правиш. Пия зелен чай, но е в пакетчета, а не насипен и е без кофеин, т.е е по-безобиден, защото знам, че истинският зелен чай има разхлабващо действие и съдържа кофеин и не е за всеки организъм. Старая се и да пия много вода, но това зависи от времето, което прекарвам вкъщи, защото тази вода все иска да излиза от някъде и се налага да посещавам тоалетната доста често :D Още веднъж много благодаря!

06-07-2014, 22:26
Ще посещаваш, няма друг начин. Зеления чай мен ме дехидратира доста. Ползвам го да вляза в категория.

06-08-2014, 21:47
Спри солта за една седмица и ще забравиш за него.

06-09-2014, 18:48
Не е само солта.