View Full Version : Може ли някой да ми помогне с превода на текста?

03-03-2015, 17:17
Здравейте! Може ли някой да ми помогне с превода на този текст, защото имам някои непознати думи и си нямам никаква идея как някои неща ще се преведат. Благодаря предварително!

Various rites are celebrated to propitiate the vairgit (benevolent spirits), which are identified with the Pole Star, the sun, constellations, etc.) and the guardian spirits of the house, herds( Reindeer Beings) and hunt (Sea Beings). The lаtter used to be celebrated in a large autumn festival held by the maritime Chukchi during which sea creatures were sacrificed; the remains of the animals were restored to the sea in order that the creatures might return in greater numbers. Realistic hunting scenes carved in walrus tusks and whale bones are part of traditional Chukchi art.
The Chukchi were discovered in the seventeenth century by the Russians at the start of their colonization of Siberia. From that time, the territory inhabited by the Chukchi was constantly visited by traders and fur hunters from the European and American coasts, but they had a negative influence on the fragile economy of the native peoples.
In 1919 the Soviets took control of the territory and in 1930, with creation of the Chukchi National District, a process of industrialization of the economic activities was begun in which the coastal groups were brought together in an association and the herders obliged to cooperate in kolkboz (collective farms). Collectivization led to the establishment of school for nomadic children that followed the families on their grazing pattern, and of colleges, which took in pupils during the winter when the parents migrated to the coast with their herds.
New industries have since been set up in the Chukchi area, like agriculture, fur treating and gold-mining. When practicing the traditional activities of fishing, hunting and herding, today the Chukchi use modern equipment, such as motorboats and rifles. They also use helicopters to follow the herds and move between towns and villages

03-03-2015, 17:23
Публикувах две последователни теми, заради правописна грешка,моля, предишната тема да бъде изтрита

03-04-2015, 13:07
Кои думи не са ти ясни?

03-04-2015, 17:52
1ви абзац, другите съм ги превел

03-05-2015, 07:31
Използват се различни ритуали, за да се омилостивят vairgit (добронамерени духове), които се идентифицират с полярната звезда, слънцето, съзвездията и т.н., както и духовете пазители на дома, стадата (Същества Елени) и лова (Морски същества). Последните са били възхвалявани на голям есенен фестивал, организиран от морските чукчи, по време на който в жертва са били пренасяни морски същества; останките на животните се връщат в морето, за да може създанията да се завърнат още повече на брой. Реалистични ловни сцени, издълбавани в бивните на моржове или по костите на китове, са част от традиционното изкуство на чукчите.