View Full Version : New here :)

03-29-2015, 17:49
Hey guys! I recently moved to Sofia, Bulgaria. I met this really cool and nice Bulgarian girl. It turns out that people here work a lot, which is a good thing, but I don't have a chance to walk around the city and shop. My friend told me about this site and said that people here give useful advice. So I asked her if she could help me register and she did. So I was wondering if you could tell me some good shops. The thing is, I prefer the "fine brands". Where can I find boutiques? Another question I have is which is the best neighborhood to live in? I am new here and I could really use some help. Thanks!

03-29-2015, 17:53
"Fakulteta" is the best neighborhood for u

03-29-2015, 17:58

03-29-2015, 17:59
"Fakulteta" is the best neighborhood for u

Umm...from the pictures I just saw, don't think so. Thanks anyway. :)

03-29-2015, 18:08
Съмнителен си

03-29-2015, 18:09
Иван Вазов и Стрелбище са ми любимите квартали

03-29-2015, 18:11
Яла бате у центърО.