Търсим четирима младежи между 18 и 30 години, както и един лидер на групата (без възрастово ограничение) за участие в международен млажеки проект “Poverty is Only in Your Mind”, който ще се проведе между 25 октомври и 3 ноември в Câmpina, Румъния (90 км от Букурещ).

Участници в проекта ще бъдат младежи от България, Румъния, Хърватия, Полша, Латвия, Турция, Словакия.

Темата на проекта е свързана със социални проблеми като бедността, социалното изключване, маргинализацията и начините за справяне с тях, възможностите за развитие пред младежта.

100% от разходите за храна и настаняване са поети от организаторите, както и 100% от пътните разходи, ако не надвишават 80 евро.
Таксата за участие е в размер на 40 лв.

За повече информация и за кандидатстване, пишете ни на juliajurieva@yahoo.com

Main aims of the project:
- To raise awareness about socio-economic problems and try to find solutions of dealing with it, for the 35 participants from 7 countries
- To contribute in changing the thoughts and beliefs which lead to marginalization and social exclusion, through the usage of theatre, for the 35 participants from 7 countries, and for the other people with whom they will come in contact for the dissemination and multiplication of results of the project
- To raise the awareness on youth development opportunities, from a local to an international level, for the 35 young participants from 7 countries, and for other youngsters with whom they will come in contact after the project ends
- To reduce the feeling of non-confidence and other negative emotions resulted from the state of poverty and/or marginalization, for the beneficiaries of the project

During the exchange, participants will have the chance to develop their knowledge about inclusion and poverty in their countries and in the other participants'’ countries, competences in theatre and theatre as non-formal education method, to improve communication and teamwork skills, initiative spirit, creativity and abilities to shape a tolerant and inclusive approach for their communities.

Tools and methods of non-formal education will be used throughout all the activities, such as ice-breaking and name games, energizers, countries' and international presentations, debates, theatre workshop, simulation games (role-play) and brainstorming. The schedule will include, as well, a visit to Bucharest, Romania’s capital.