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05-18-2011, 21:07
Опи на всички.... Та да мина направо към темата,чудя се имали тук някой който се е явявал през годините на матура по английски,та да сподели лесна ли е,как е било?Или пък ако имате нещо информацийка за утрешната :grin: А дано,ама надали :D Все пак ако някой сподели нещо относно темата,благодаря ви :) че пък ми е много притеснено :-o

05-18-2011, 21:26
Аз ти предлагам да си лягаш! :lol:

П.С знам,знам,спам.

05-18-2011, 21:28
Ами то ти е хубаво предложението,ама от притеснение няма да заспа...така,че мисля да поуча още малко..че поне утре белким нещо направя :D

05-19-2011, 11:00
кажете сега как мина ?
аз нещо доста се изложих, надявам се за 4... :(

05-19-2011, 11:11
Беше мн. трудна,тоест не мн.,но като решавах предните и тази беше бляяякс

05-19-2011, 11:17
Беше трудно,но не чак толкова.Надявам се на 5 :)

05-19-2011, 11:19
ахах аз на 5,50 се надявах,при положение,че имам 5,25 на изпита сега на тъпата матура да имам по-малко срамота :razz: :razz:

05-19-2011, 11:19
и аз не мисля ,че се справих достатъчно добре :( Имаше някои доста гадни изречения ,например за mixed conditionals ,на които в училище не се обръща много внимание.Ние го взехме буквално за 1 час по-простия и по-сложния вид :X. Или за warn с кой preposition върви.Попринцип е с about ,а там такъв отг нямаше...Специално преговарях това нещо и даже в една нз от колко стр граматика го нямаше варианта ,който се изискваше в случая. :o А ако от специална граматика не мога да го науча това ,от къде ще мога да го знам :( За Мърфи говоря...

05-19-2011, 11:27
Няма ли да изкарат отговори вече :х

05-19-2011, 11:29
кой топик избрахте?

05-19-2011, 11:31

05-19-2011, 11:31
И аз 2

05-19-2011, 11:31
Няма ли да изкарат отговори вече :х
Може ли да дадеш линк къде да гледаме :D

А относно това за warn- аз писах "of".

Мен ме затрудниха също доста работи.

Това за Conditionals, което се спомена, също ме накара да се позамисля, но писах Втори тип условно. Нямаше никаква логика да е трети тип в първата част, а втори- във втората...

05-19-2011, 11:32
Или за warn с кой preposition върви.Попринцип е с about ,а там такъв отг нямаше...

това къде е било, че не го помня :?

05-19-2011, 11:34
Или за warn с кой preposition върви.Попринцип е с about ,а там такъв отг нямаше...

това къде е било, че не го помня :?

Беше след текста с цветовете. Там имаше някоклко граматически въпроса...

А вие какво писахте там, където трябваше да се избира между There is, THere are, there have, there has...такова колебаене падна между първите две, че няма накъде.

05-19-2011, 11:34
warn OF е ,то беше там 40 и нещо май

there is

05-19-2011, 11:40
warn OF е ,то беше там 40 и нещо май

there is

Усетът ми толкова силно ме водеше към there is, а глупавата ми логика към there are. Избрах него, но някак си с нагласата, че не е то..много мразя така..!

Иначе имаше и доста други гадни (подвеждащи) въпросчета..

05-19-2011, 11:41
Абсолютно ,пффф защо така тая година :?

05-19-2011, 11:42
И аз много се замислих на това.В крайна сметка избрах There is макар че и на мен логиката ми говореше,че е There are.

05-19-2011, 11:45
Ами предполагам, че тук тр пуснат: http://www.minedu.government.bg/news-home/

05-19-2011, 11:45
Аз писах there are ,тук също беше голяма дилема :-D

05-19-2011, 11:48
Даа, наистина гадно..

Слушането също ме озорваше- трудно ми беше да преценявам между False и No information...
Слушам и си разбирам всичко, тя говореше супер бавното, но..уви! В крайна смета писах, че няма информация за това, че пирамидите са най-удивителният обект /първия въпрос/ и последния /че са богато декорирани, тъй като просто не можах да го чуя тва никъде..но аз се бях и заплеснал по едно време де..;D/.

А за другото слушане- писах, че няма информация за първия въпрос пак /че са вървели в западна америка двама учени/ и за тва, че е предизвикало удивление и у двамата как индианецът е познал времето.

За монахинята май не ме озори толкова, ама и там не съм много сигурен..

Абе лоша работа... :(

05-19-2011, 11:55
Аз писах за първия на второто слушане false,щото ми се счу че каза wild part of America,но понеже не оточни ,кое и реших че изцяла Америка? Много подвеждащо..А тези с трю и фолс как не ги обичам попринцип... :?

05-19-2011, 11:55
Вие какво писахте за възрастта на монахинята :?
Като цяло целият лисънинг се разбираше ,само за първият въпрос за пирамидите ,точно като говореше за него ,на най -ключовите думи чух нещо с мн ф-та и така и не разбрах ,и реших да го пиша true.

05-19-2011, 11:58
Аз писах за първия на второто слушане false,щото ми се счу че каза wild part of America,но понеже не оточни ,кое и реших че изцяла Америка? Много подвеждащо..А тези с трю и фолс как не ги обичам попринцип... :?

Да, да и аз точно така го чух. Също така каза и "two men" не "two scientists", но за мен щеше да е "Лъжа" ако беше казал "двама моряци" примерно, щото двамата мъже нищо не ги спира да са учени. Същата ми е логиката и за "wild part of America" ако беше казал "the east" или нещо- ЛЪЖА, ама тъй като не е уточнил- пак си мисля, че трябва да е No information.

05-19-2011, 12:00
Ами и аз се замислих за No information,но като цяло ми е трудно да преценя кое да пиша ... 8-)

А за годините аз писах 35

05-19-2011, 12:00
Вие какво писахте за възрастта на монахинята :?
Като цяло целият лисънинг се разбираше ,само за първият въпрос за пирамидите ,точно като говореше за него ,на най -ключовите думи чух нещо с мн ф-та и така и не разбрах ,и реших да го пиша true.

За възрастта й писах 56. Изгонена е, защото е прекарвала много време в Интернет /колебах се малко между това и многото приятели във фейсбук, че пак се бях разсеял, и не чух :д/. Също така не е използвала интернет само за да резервира билети за екскурзии, а новината за изгонването и предизвиква кампания в интернет за връщането й. Това съм писал аз..май имаше и още един въпрос, но не се сещам..

05-19-2011, 12:01
Нищо сериозно, имах резултат 5.20 при положение че бях с матура по биология. (миналата година)

05-19-2011, 12:02
Ами и аз се замислих за No information,но като цяло ми е трудно да преценя кое да пиша ... 8-)

А за годините аз писах 35
Това, което чух аз е, че е постъпила на 21 годишна възраст и е служила 35 години преди да я изгонят. По моите сметки това прави 56, но може и аз да съм в грешка..нямам идея.

05-19-2011, 12:04
11. Sister “Internet” was expelled from the convent at the age of
A) 56.
B) 46.
C) 35.
D) 21.
12. Sister Maria was asked to leave the religious order because
A) she had spent too many years in solitary confinement.
B) of her numerous arguments with the other nuns.
C) she had too many friends on Facebook.
D) her online social networking took a lot of her time.
13. The news of Sister Maria’s expulsion from the convent
A) was spread around by her fellow nuns at the convent.
B) was first reported in The Telegraph newspaper.
C) was long kept in secret by Sister Maria herself.
D) resulted in an Internet campaign in her support.
14. For which of the following activities did Sister Maria NOT use the Internet while she
was in the convent?
A) Making new friends and networking.
B) Creating electronic archives of religious documents.
C) Planning and booking her trips abroad.
D) Managing finances online.
15. Sister Maria won an award for
A) installing the first computer at her convent.
B) improving access to the archives of the convent.
C) her excellent social networking skills.
D) finally breaking free from the convent.

05-19-2011, 12:06
A, D, D, C, B -това са ми отговорите.
А до това как се докопа? Да не е излязло някъде нещо? :D

05-19-2011, 12:08
На 56 е палавницата :razz:

05-19-2011, 12:09
И аз писах 35,но щом си чул,че толкова е служила ,значи е 56 .
А за двамата мъже писах фалс. Отговори чули ли сте кога да чакаме. 8-)
Мислех да пиша 56,но реших,че не съм дочула нещо.Пък и монахиня на 56 и фейсбук :-D

05-19-2011, 12:12

Ето тук е матурата но няма отговорите

05-19-2011, 12:14
Еее, БРАВО- Супер си! Ако някой иска може да си постне отговорите да сравним xD

05-19-2011, 12:15
Те трябва да ги пуснат всеки момент. Поне се надявам. :)

05-19-2011, 12:16
тя от 21 -годишна е в манастира 35 години => 56

05-19-2011, 12:18
Абе колебаех се между двете,но ...карай каквото и да е...Утре ми е бала,а въобще нямам настроение след теа матури ебаси :D

05-19-2011, 12:19
O,карай -не сме скъсани ,така че разцепвайте се 8-) :grin: :grin:

05-19-2011, 12:30
моите са C,D,D,C.B нямам си A

05-19-2011, 12:32
моите са C,D,D,C.B нямам си A

И моите са така

05-19-2011, 12:33
Хорааа,какво стана с отговорите ,че бейбито чака да казвам :lol:

05-19-2011, 12:35
МОН прегря леко 8-)

05-19-2011, 12:38
8-) 8-)

05-19-2011, 12:39
и аз тва усетих :D

05-19-2011, 12:49
Чучу,може ли като излезнат резултатите да дадеш линк тук,мооооля те :oops: :-)

05-19-2011, 12:56
Ест ще ги постна.Само да ги качат,че не им е лесно и на тях. 8-)

05-19-2011, 13:10
излезохааааа :grin:

05-19-2011, 13:10
Само че напорът явно е голям, и не мога да го отворя...
Ето линк иначе: http://www.minedu.government.bg/opencms/export/sites/mon/top_menu/general/dzi/dzi2011/DZI_anglijski_19mai_2011.pdf

05-19-2011, 13:12
излезохааааа :grin:
Можеш ли да дадеш едно copy-paste, моля. За стотен път отказва да ми ги отвори. Мерси предварително ;]

05-19-2011, 13:12
излезохааааа :grin:
Можеш ли да дадеш едно copy-paste, моля. За стотен път отказва да ми ги отвори. Мерси предварително ;]

05-19-2011, 13:13
И на мен не ми ги отваря.Ако някой е успял нека ги копне тук,че ще си почакаме пак :Д

05-19-2011, 13:16
Споделих,че са излезли, не че мога да ги отворя 8-) 8-) 8-)

05-19-2011, 13:19
Ох и аз немога ....ааа нямам търпение да видя какво съм направила ... :grin: Ама кофтито е че матурата ми беше супер трудна ... :D Първите двайсет и пет се опитах да препиша ...другите двайсет и пет на тото ... :-o а който пита на уроци ходих и се подготвях .. ама ейго краката ходели ама главата била другаде :grin: само се моля да хващам тройката :( :-) И айде успех на всички :grin:

05-19-2011, 13:46
В случай, че все още не ви се отваря ... : )

1. Among the dozens of inexplicable mysteries people have always regarded the Great
Pyramids as the most challenging one.
A) True. B) False. C) No information in the text.
2. The first pyramid was used as a source of building material.
A) True. B) False. C) No information in the text.
3. The Bent pyramid was imperfect because it was not tall enough.
A) True. B) False. C) No information in the text.
4. The second of the “true” pyramids was twice as tall as the Statue of Liberty.
A) True. B) False. C) No information in the text.
5. Egyptian pyramids were richly decorated.
A) True. B) False. C) No information in the text.
Directions: You will hear a text about someone’s skill to forecast the weather twice. Before
you listen to it, you have 1 minute to read the questions. While listening for the first time, you
can look at the questions and the suggested choices, but you are not allowed to take notes.
When you hear the whole text, you have 3 minutes to answer the questions on your answer
sheet, choosing among A, B or C. Then you will hear the text again and will have 1 minute to
check your answers.
6. The two travellers were scientists exploring the wild west of America.
A) True. B) False. C) No information in the text.
7. The region they travelled through was densely populated by local people.
A) True. B) False. C) No information in the text.
8. The old Indian hunter lived in a forest hut.
A) True. B) False. C) No information in the text.
9. The two travellers were surprised by the ability of the Indian to forecast the weather
in such detail for a few days ahead.
A) True. B) False. C) No information in the text.
10. It turned out that the old Indian was working as a weatherman for the local radio.
A) True. B) False. C) No information in the text.
Directions: You will hear a text about a nun’s unusual hobby twice. Before you listen to it,
you have 2 minutes to read the questions. While listening for the first time, you can look at
the questions and the suggested choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear
the whole text, you have 4 minutes to answer the questions on your answer sheet, choosing
among A, B, C or D. Then you will hear the text again and will have 1 minute to check your
11. Sister “Internet” was expelled from the convent at the age of
A) 56.
B) 46.
C) 35.
D) 21.
12. Sister Maria was asked to leave the religious order because
A) she had spent too many years in solitary confinement.
B) of her numerous arguments with the other nuns.
C) she had too many friends on Facebook.
D) her online social networking took a lot of her time.
13. The news of Sister Maria’s expulsion from the convent
A) was spread around by her fellow nuns at the convent.
B) was first reported in The Telegraph newspaper.
C) was long kept in secret by Sister Maria herself.
D) resulted in an Internet campaign in her support.
14. For which of the following activities did Sister Maria NOT use the Internet while she
was in the convent?
A) Making new friends and networking.
B) Creating electronic archives of religious documents.
C) Planning and booking her trips abroad.
D) Managing finances online.
15. Sister Maria won an award for
A) installing the first computer at her convent.
B) improving access to the archives of the convent.
C) her excellent social networking skills.
D) finally breaking free from the convent.
Directions: Read the text below. Then read the questions that follow it and choose the best
answer to each question among A, B or C, marking your answers on your answer sheet.
How do you react when you hear the words “road trip”? Do you get excited by the
adventure of driving? Or do you immediately stretch into a yawn, anticipating the boredom of
staring at the tail lights of the car in front of you for mile upon endless mile? Or, do your
palms immediately begin to sweat as you dread the stress of relentless freeway traffic?
About a third of drivers fall into the second category, according to a survey conducted
by researchers at Newcastle University in the UK. And if you think aggressive drivers are the
most dangerous on the road, you might consider the hazards posed by bored ones. The
scientists found that boredom in their study subjects translated into riskier driving to make the
on-road experience more exciting, leading them to have one and a half times more accidents
than other drivers. Not surprisingly, these individuals were more likely to be young and less
experienced behind the wheel.
Four types of drivers were found – those who were nervous, dangerous, young and
bored, those who were enthusiastic, those who disliked driving, and those who were slow and
safe. The young and bored drivers were generally more anxious behind the wheel. That
nervous energy transformed into a need to match their heightened sense of excitement while
on the road, something that they seemed only able to do by speeding or driving recklessly. In
order to stimulate themselves, they tended to speed in urban areas and adopt other accidentprone
The other group that tended to drive fast included the enthusiastic drivers who found
driving was both challenge and pleasure, and were involved in the least number of accidents
among the four groups.
While the results aren't surprising, the study sheds light on why accidents occur. In
many cases, it seems, the drivers feel under-stimulated, and are easily distracted by anything
else but the road. Their mind wanders and they lose concentration. They are not responding in
the same way as enthusiastic drivers are, and that could be a problem for road safety.
16. According to the survey, about 33 percent of drivers think driving is monotonous.
A) True. B) False. C) No information in the text.
17. Enthusiastic drivers are willing to take more risks.
A) True. B) False. C) No information in the text.
18. Bored drivers tend to drive carefully.
A) True. B) False. C) No information in the text.
19. Reckless drivers are typically quite experienced.
A) True. B) False. C) No information in the text.
20. According to the survey, accidents occur when drivers feel stimulated.
A) True. B) False. C) No information in the text.
Directions: Read the text below. Then read the questions that follow it and choose the best
answer to each question correspondingly among A, B, C or D, marking your answers on your
answer sheet.
An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer – a building contractor
– of his plans to leave the house-building business to live a more leisurely life with his wife
and enjoy his big family. He would miss the paycheck each week, but he wanted to retire.
Though it was difficult, his family could make ends meet.
The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just
one more house as a personal favour. The carpenter said yes, but over time it was easy to see
that his heart was not in his work. He became very careless and used inferior materials. It was
an unfortunate way to end a dedicated career.
When the carpenter finished his work, his employer came to inspect the house. Then
he handed the front-door key to the carpenter and said, "This is your house... my gift to you."
The carpenter was shocked!
What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have
done it all so differently.
So it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often putting less than our best into
the building. Then, with a shock, we realize we have to live in the house we have built. If we
could do it over, we would do it much differently.
But, you cannot go back. You are the carpenter, and every day you hammer a nail,
place a wooden board, or erect a wall. Someone once said, "Life is a do-it-yourself project."
Your attitude, and the choices you make today, help build the "house" you will live in
21. The carpenter decided to retire because
A) he had saved enough to spend the rest of his life in leisure.
B) his employer had not paid him regularly.
C) his family was not large and didn’t need much.
D) he wanted to spend more time with his wife and children.
22. The contractor was sorry because the carpenter
A) was having some heart problems.
B) was his favourite worker.
C) had promised to build one more house.
D) had been a good and loyal worker.
23. At the end of his career the carpenter
A) still worked in his usual way.
B) began to try out new building materials.
C) changed his work-style.
D) wanted to show the best of his craftsmanship.
24. The carpenter was shocked because
A) he had unknowingly punished himself.
B) the contractor never inspected the building site.
C) his employer was disappointed with his work.
D) the present he got was too small.
25. According to the narrator, life is like a
A) nail knocked in the wall.
B) house we slowly build.
C) wall between birth and death.
D) board we fix in its place.
Directions: Read the text below. Then read the questions that follow it and choose the best
answer to each question correspondingly among A, B, C or D, marking your answers on your
answer sheet.
“I’ve been having an identity crisis for years. Terri knows. Terri can tell you. But let me say
this. If I could come back again in a different life, a different time and all, you know what? I’d
like to come back as a knight. You were pretty safe wearing all that armor. It was all right
being a knight until gunpowder and muskets and .22 pistols came along.”
“Herb would like to ride a white horse and carry a lance,” Terri said, and laughed.
“Carry a woman’s garter with you everywhere,” Laura said.
“Or just a woman,” I said.
“That’s right,” Herb said. “There you go. You know what’s what, don’t you, Nick?” he said.
“Also, you’d carry around their perfumed hankies with you wherever you rode. Did they have
perfumed hankies in those days? It doesn’t matter. Some little forget-me-not. A token, a
symbol, that’s what I’m trying to say. You needed some token to carry around with you in
those days. Anyway, whatever, it was better in those days being a knight than a peasant,”
Herb said.
“It’s always better,” Laura said.
“The peasants didn’t have it so good in those days,” Terri said.
“The peasants have never had it good,” Herb said. “But I guess even the knights were vessels
to someone. Isn’t that the way it worked in those days? But, then, everyone is always a vessel
to someone else. Isn’t that right? Terri? But what I liked about knights, besides their ladies,
was that they had that suit of armor, you know, and they couldn’t get hurt very easily. No cars
in those days, man. No drunk teen-agers to run over you.”
“Vassals,” I said. “They were called vassals, Doc, not vessels.”
“Vassals, vessels, ventricles, what’s the difference. Well, you knew what I meant anyway.”
“He’s just a humble doctor,” I said. “But sometimes knights suffocated in all that armor,
Herb. They’d even have heart attacks if it got too hot and they were too tired and worn out. I
read somewhere that they’d fall off their horses and not be able to get up because they were
too tired to stand with all that armor on them. They got trampled by their own horses
“That’s terrible,” Herb said. “That’s a terrible image, Nicky. I guess they’d just lie there then
and wait until someone, the enemy, came along and made a shish kebab out of them.”
“Some other vassal,” Terri said.
“That’s right, some other vassal,” Herb said. “There you have it. Some other vassal would
come along and kill his fellow-knight in the name of love. Or whatever it was they fought
over in those days. Same things we fight over these days, I guess,” Herb said.
26. Obviously Herb is
A) in the medical profession.
B) a man in financial crisis.
C) someone who has had a car accident.
D) None of the above.
27. The conversation suggests that
A) Nick is the narrator.
B) Terri wants to be a knight.
C) Laura thinks it is a good idea to carry a token.
D) Herb likes the guns of the knights.
28. Herb tends to romanticize the lives of knights mainly because
A) knights wore garters everywhere.
B) knights were safe in their armor.
C) knights were vassals.
D) the knight’s armor was bulletproof.
29. By saying “he is just a humble doctor” the narrator suggests that Herb is
A) not very well educated.
B) not knowledgeable of things outside his profession.
C) incompetent in his profession.
D) unpretentious in his desires.
30. The overall conclusion drawn by Herb is that
A) wounded knights waited to be given shish kebab.
B) peasants were better off than knights.
C) knights often died of heart attacks not in fights.
D) we share a lot with people of the past.
Section One: Cloze Test
Directions: Read the text and the sentences below and for each numbered gap choose the
letter (A, B, C or D) of the word or phrase that best suits the gap, marking your answers on
your answer sheet.
Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. They all claimed they were the
best, the most important, the most useful, man’s favorite.
GREEN said: “Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was (31)
_____ grass, trees, leaves – without me, all animals would die.”
BLUE interrupted: “Consider the sky and the sea. It is the water that is the (32) _____ of life
and, drawn up by the clouds, forms the deep sea.”
YELLOW chuckled: “You are all so serious. I bring laughter, joy, and warmth into the world.
The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Every time you look at a
sunflower, the (33) _____ world starts to smile.”
ORANGE started next to (34) _____ her trumpet: “I am the color of health and strength. I
may be scarce, but I am precious for I (35) _____ the needs of human life. Think of carrots,
pumpkins, oranges, and mangoes. I don’t (36) _____ all the time, but when I fill the sky at
sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you.”
RED could (37) _____ it no longer. He shouted out: “I am the ruler of all of you – I am blood
– life’s blood! I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am the color of passion and of love,
the red rose, and the poppy.”
PURPLE rose up to his full height. “I am the color of royalty and power. Kings, chiefs, and
bishops have always chosen me for I am the sign of authority and wisdom.”
Finally, INDIGO spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much (38)
_____: “I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me, but I represent thought and
reflection, twilight and deep water.”
And so the colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own (39) _____. Their
quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening
– thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to (40) _____ down relentlessly. The colors
crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort.
In the midst of the clamor, rain began to speak: “You foolish colors, fighting amongst
yourselves, each trying to (41) _____ the rest. Don’t you know that you were each made for a
special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me. From
now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a (42)
_____ that you can all live in peace. The RAINBOW symbolizes hope for tomorrow.”
31. A) chosen for B) elected as C) picked up D) sorted out
32. A) basement B) basics C) ground D) basis
33. A) total B) whole C) all D) overall
34. A) wind B) sound C) blow D) whistle
35. A) provide B) serve C) cater D) service
36. A) hang around B) hang on C) hang up D) hang in
37. A) hold B) keep C) stay D) stand
38. A) conclusion B) decision C) determination D) activity
39. A) highness B) superiority C) majesty D) majority
40. A) run B) go C) let D) pour
41. A) dominate B) empower C) win D) rule
42. A) souvenir B) remainder C) reminder D) memory
43. The amber color of traffic lights warns drivers _____ the possibility of pedestrians
A) off B) of C) to D) for
44. The colors of autumn, such as orange, brown, yellow and red are _____ with
Thanksgiving, while red and green are the colors of Christmas.
A) united B) combined C) associated D) joined
45. The new phrase for people or companies who find ways to _____ electricity, fuel, or
things that damage the environment is “going green.”
A) cut back on B) cut up C) cut in on D) cut in
Section Two: Sentence Completion
Directions: For each of the sentences below, choose the letter A, B, C or D of the word or
phrase that best completes its meaning, marking your answers on your answer sheet.
46. _____ only one text and three exercises for homework, we’ll be ready in no time.
A) There has B) There have C) There is D) There are
47. The money for the two expeditions _____ by former students of our school who wish
to remain anonymous.
A) was provided B) were provided C) have provided D) has provided
48. Can you imagine that? My girlfriend _____ for six hours non-stop at the disco last
A) danced B) was dancing C) has been dancing D) has danced
49. _____ the table while I decorate the dishes?
A) Will you lay B) Will you be laying C) Do you lay D) Are you laying
50. If the waiter _____ in such a hurry, he _____ give us more details about the menu.
A) hadn’t been … would B) isn’t … would
C) weren’t … would D) wasn’t … will
Section Three: Sentence Transformations
Directions: On your sheet for open-ended answers complete the second sentence so that it is
as close as possible in meaning to the first one.
51. I think that wolves will never dare to come near any of the villages.
I don’t think __________________________________________________ ______________.
52. I haven’t asked my parents for money since I got a job.
The last time ____________________________________ before ______________________.
53. The customer immediately regretted not taking the shop-assistant’s advice and
buying that cheap box of chocolates.
The customer wished __________________________________________________ _______.
54. It was so windy and cold that we couldn’t go sightseeing at all.
The weather was _____________________________ for us __________________________.
55. I am sure that it wasn’t a dog that attacked the sheep.
(Use a modal verb.)
It __________________________________________________ _______________________.
56. It has been reported that the political situation in the country is gradually getting
under control.
The political situation in the country _____________________________________________.
57. The witnesses are being interrogated at the moment.
The police __________________________________________________ ________________.
58. I know very little about gardening and so does my husband.
I don’t know _______________________________ and ___________________ my husband.
59. I don’t want to quarrel with my neighbours although I dislike them.
I’d rather _______________________________ in spite of ___________________________.
60. Despite the unfavourable economic circumstances, the company has made a great
profit this year.
Although __________________________________________________ _________________.
Directions: On your sheet for open-ended answers write a composition in standard English
of about 160-170 words on ONE of the following topics, marking the topic you have chosen
on the sheet:
1. Begin a diary-entry with: They got us! The two ticket inspectors closed up on our
cheerful group from both ends of the bus just as we were discussing the inconveniences of
public transport.
2. You are the parent of a teenager. Describe your son / daughter. How does he / she
look like? What are his / her interests and friends? What are your relations with him / her?
How do you imagine his / her future?
Mind that in case of plagiarism, identical texts or if your composition is under 80 words or
totally irrelevant to the chosen topic it will get 0 points.
19. 05. 2011 г.
Ползва се само от учителя-консултант при необходимост! Учителят-консултант
изчита на глас и инструкцията, и съответния текст, според указанията в
Directions: You will hear a radio programme about the Mystery of the Great Pyramids twice.
Before you listen to it, you have 1 minute to read the questions. While listening for the first time,
you can look at the questions and the suggested choices, but you are not allowed to take notes.
When you hear the whole text, you have 3 minutes to answer the questions on your answer sheet,
choosing among A, B or C. Then you will hear the text again and will have 1 minute to check
your answers.
The Mysteries of the Great Pyramids
There are dozens of mysteries that people cannot explain. Let’s take a look at one of those
– the Great Pyramids, an issue that has always provided food for thought.
The first pyramid to be built was the one called Step. It was probably the first large stone
object anyway. Egyptians used to steal stones from the Step Pyramid to make other buildings. So
currently, it is 198 feet tall. But it set the beginning of a whole string of strange pyramids.
The second in the line was the Bent Pyramid. The reason for its name was that halfway
through the construction process, the insides started to collapse so the angle dramatically
changed. It is about 330 feet tall. Obviously you can’t expect to get a perfect pyramid at the first
However, three “true” pyramids were built around 2467 B.C. at Giza. The first one was
471 feet tall. The second was very small compared to the other pyramids, only 215 feet. That’s
not even as tall as the Statue of Liberty!
Finally, the Great Pyramid was built. Originally 481 feet tall, it has worn away since.
Each of its bricks is half as tall as an adult. The Great Pyramid has three small “queens’
pyramids” surrounding it. Their arrangement may have been inspired by the stars.
Many people have theories about how the pyramids were built. One theory is that aliens
built them. Another is that god-like creatures taught people how to build the pyramids. To this
day, there has not been a real explanation about the pyramid construction.
Directions: You will hear a text about someone’s skill to forecast the weather twice. Before
you listen to it, you have 1 minute to read the questions. While listening for the first time, you can
look at the questions and the suggested choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you
hear the whole text, you have 3 minutes to answer the questions on your answer sheet, choosing
among A, B or C. Then you will hear the text again and will have 1 minute to check your
Two men were travelling in a very wild part of America. They saw no modern houses and no
traces of civilization for many days. What they saw were only a few huts made of wood or tents
where Indians lived. One day they met an old Indian who was a hunter. He was very clever and
knew everything about the forest and the animals living in it and many other things. He could
also speak English quite well. They had a good long talk with him and then prepared to go on the
road again.
"Can you tell us what the weather will be like during the next few days?" one of the two
travellers asked the Indian.
''Oh, yes," he answered. "Rain is coming, and wind. Then there will be snow for a day or two,
but then the sunshine will come again and the weather will be fine."
"These old Indians seem to know more about Nature than we do today with all that science,"
said the man to his friend. Then he turned to the old Indian again.
"Tell me," he asked, "how do you know all that?"
The Indian answered: "I heard it over the radio."
Directions: You will hear a text about a nun’s unusual hobby twice. Before you listen to it, you
have 2 minutes to read the questions. While listening for the first time, you can look at the
questions and the suggested choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear the
whole text, you have 4 minutes to answer the questions on your answer sheet, choosing among A,
B, C or D. Then you will hear the text again and will have 1 minute to check your answers.
For its millions of users all over the globe, Facebook is a fun and harmless way to make new
friends and catch up with old ones. However, for the 56-year-old Spanish nun Maria Jesus Galan,
her online activity on the social networking site ended up costing her job and her home.
Sister Maria was asked to leave the religious order where she had lived in seclusion for 35
years because she spent too much time on the website, it has been reported. True to her nickname
of 'Sister Internet', given to her by her fellow nuns, the nun herself first broke the news on her
Facebook page, where she wrote: “Following disagreements over my online activity, I have now
been officially asked to leave the convent.”
An online campaign attracting thousands of supporters is now under way, with fan pages
springing up, demanding that she be allowed to return back into the convent. Sister Maria had
almost 600 'friends' on Facebook at the time of her expulsion from the convent and listed her
hobbies as 'reading, music, art and making friends', according to The Telegraph.
The 14th century convent in Toledo, where Sister ‘Internet’ used to live, first got a computer
10 years ago to lessen the need for nuns to enter the outside world. Sister Maria, who entered the
order when she was 21 years old, told The Telegraph: “It enabled us do things such as banking
online and saved us having to make trips into the city.” Notably, she also began digitising the
convent's archives and made them accessible to the world – an activity for which she was praised
and given an award, and through which she gained hundreds of friends on Facebook.
Now living at her mother's house, Sister Maria wants to use her new-found freedom to see the
world. She posted on her Facebook page: “I would like to visit London and New York. Such
things were impossible to even dream about when I was at the convent.”
АНГЛИЙСКИ ЕЗИК – 19 май, 2011 г.
Ключ с верните отговори

Верен отговор Брой

Верен отговор
1. C 1 26. A 1
2. A 1 27. A 1
3. B 1 28. B 1
4. B 1 29. B 1
5. C 1 30. D 1
6. C 1 31. A 1
7. B 1 32. D 1
8. C 1 33. B 1
9. A 1 34. C 1
10. C 1 35. B 1
11. A 1 36. A 1
12. D 1 37. D 1
13. D 1 38. C 1
14. C 1 39. B 1
15. B 1 40. D 1
16. A 1 41. A 1
17. B 1 42. C 1
18. B 1 43. B 1
19. B 1 44. C 1
20. B 1 45. A 1
21. D 1 46. C 1
22. D 1 47. A 1
23. C 1 48. A 1
24. A 1 49. A 1
25. B 1 50. C 1
Възможни варианти:
Задачите от 51 до 60 включително се оценяват с 0 – 2 точки. Не се санкционират
правописни и пунктуационни грешки, които не водят до нарушаване на
51. I don’t think (that) wolves will ever dare (to) come near any of the villages.
52. The last time I asked my parents for money was before I got /(my)getting a job.
53. The customer wished (that) she / he had taken the shop-assistant’s advice and (that) (she /
he) hadn’t bought that cheap box of chocolates.
54. The weather was too windy and cold for us to go sightseeing. / The weather was very windy
and cold for us, so we didn’t go sightseeing.
55. It can’t / couldn’t have been a dog that attacked the sheep.
56. The political situation in the country has been reported to be gradually getting under
57. The police are interrogating the witnesses at the moment.
58. I don’t know much about gardening and neither does my husband.
59. I’d rather not quarrel with my neighbours in spite of (my)disliking / my dislike for / the fact
that I dislike them.
60. Although the economic circumstances have been / are unfavourable, the company has
made a great profit this year.

05-19-2011, 13:50
Аз без райтинга имам 55 точки и ако там имам25-30 ще съм за към 80,не съм мн доволна :-o

05-19-2011, 13:59
абе колко писахте на тоя последния въпрос.Тия 170 думи ги изкарах към една страница,а някой в мойта стая писаха по лист и нещо :-o

05-19-2011, 15:10
Аз се обърках-имам 2 грешки на теста и там няколко на трансформациите и това прави 60 точки без съчинение :grin:

05-19-2011, 15:12
http://www.minedu.government.bg/news-home/2009/11-05-19_dzi.html Ей ги отговорите на матурите.

05-19-2011, 15:58
откакто реших да е английски, знаех, че съм я взел.. и се оказа елементарна.. няма да е 6, ама.. пф, не ми е фактор, така че...

05-19-2011, 17:20
Много е хубава матурата, силните ми компоненти преобладават. Само да не направят другата година задължителна матура по профилиращия предмет (френски за мен), че тогава лошо ми се пише ... :D

А за задължителна матура математика да не говорим, обаче силно се съмнявам да ме хване ...

05-19-2011, 20:34
Здравейте! Надявам се да не се повтарям, нямам възможността да чета цялата тема. Имам един въпрос.. Дали много ще ме санкционират ако на последната част не съм писала по коя тема ще пиша :( :-o
Благодаря предварително за отговора! :)

05-20-2011, 06:42
Ей хора, 59то изречение не трябва ли да е така:

I'd rather not to quarrel with my neighbours in spite of ...[/b]

05-20-2011, 06:45
не, конструкцията е would rather + verb
а не would rather + to + verb

05-20-2011, 07:14
пфффф заради тъпото to отиват 2 точки...

05-20-2011, 10:25
2рата част от изречението ако ти е вярна може да ти дадат 1т. Нали трансформациите се оценяват с 0-2т. Спокойно, на 6 юни ще разберем, минало е вече =)

05-20-2011, 10:26
Здравейте! Много моля, ако някой знае как се толерира разменянето на местата на парафразите да отговори! Притеснявам се да не го приемат като знак и да анулират цялата работа. :( Размених местата на две парафрази и предполагам няма да получа точки за тях, но .... изцяло да ме резнат .... :( Успех на всички!

05-20-2011, 11:45
лелее преди малко си проверих отговорите .... :х:х:Х
срам ме хвана, май ще се ходи и септември на матура :smt095 имам 15 грешки на теста и като трнасформациите - имам около 3-4 верни и малко повече наполовина верни :smt095 :(
оффф ужас ужас :( :( :( :(

05-20-2011, 12:43
лелее преди малко си проверих отговорите .... :х:х:Х
срам ме хвана, май ще се ходи и септември на матура :smt095 имам 15 грешки на теста и като трнасформациите - имам около 3-4 верни и малко повече наполовина верни :smt095 :(
оффф ужас ужас :( :( :( :( файдъ си.